Understanding Gradle #10 – Dependency Version Conflicts

Understanding Gradle #10 – Dependency Version Conflicts

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@TomKoptel - 25.06.2022 18:16

Hi Jendri 👋 Very nice and thorough explanation of consistency issue between different class paths. I was thinking about introducing similar concept as shared applicationRuntimeClasspath on Android project. Though it is not clear for me i it can be achieved in the Android Gradle Plug-in world. Any advice on how to? Maybe link to gist or some sample project that tried to solve the problem in the past?

@caffeinejavacode1475 - 22.07.2022 13:31

What about
dependency tree conflict (Spring Boot Gradle)
if on the third level Gradle can't find dependecy

@gulhassan-gt6es - 13.04.2023 16:09

Hi, thanks for your efforts. I am learning a lot from your videos. I stumbled upon your channel in search of the solution for this error in my android project, "Problem: Inconsistencies in the existing project dependencies found. Version incompatibility between: - com.google.android.material:material:1.8.0@aar and: - androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.0@aar With the dependency: - androidx.annotation:*:1.1.0 versus: - androidx.annotation:*:2.0.0". I still can't solve it, would please help me solve this problem?

@AliaksandrSmirnou - 05.06.2023 22:05

thanks a lot for your videos!
can you suggest good book about gradle where I can read about all this features

@henninghoefer - 08.08.2023 19:54

Admittedly, I had to watch this a second time to understand how it works – every module depends on the application module, but only in the new applicationRuntimeClasspath configuration, right?

But that got me thinking – what happens, if a library is used in multiple apps? In that case, that library would depend on all apps it's used in (again, only in the special configuration), but couldn't that introduce conflicts again? Because the different apps again don't know about each other?

@ethanhunt937 - 05.02.2024 03:37

Such an underrated channel.. Amazing work..Subbed!
