Ovation ExoticWood Elite in Dark Burst Poplar Burl

Ovation ExoticWood Elite in Dark Burst Poplar Burl


4 года назад

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@JGthe6th - 28.04.2020 08:16

I love ovations. My dad has played one his whole life and I hope to get one soon. They are amazing instruments

@jamescannon1868 - 07.05.2020 12:07

I love 'em - bought one of the Celebrity Elites from you a few weeks ago and have been delighted with it. Acoustic sound far better than their reputation would suggest!

@robertmoore6263 - 03.06.2020 01:50

Nice to see you guys doing a video on an ovation guitar most videos are the usual all wood same old same old I have 2 ovation guitars and many other expensive guitars my favourite is is my shallow bowl plenty loud acoustically even when I'm giving guitar lessons and at jam sessions with friends so I think the are really good guitars I like the have a different sound even acoustically great guitar in a mix

@joebloggs4754 - 15.09.2020 00:49

i have the poplar burl also..i love it...plugged in its great..not so great unpluggred BUT its the most comfy" playing guitar i have EVERhad,,love it!

@omersaidozdem2554 - 27.02.2021 20:32

can somenone tell me the size of guitar.
i couldnt find anywhere

@josephmartinez2231 - 20.07.2022 06:37

Don't know much beyond that the burl looks amazing on that dark one

@huguesmoreau9088 - 02.02.2023 01:39

et le prix ???

@ICBBZZ - 06.10.2024 14:31

Ovations are great!! Don't understand haters - each to their own in my book.. And this is one of the most beautiful guitars I have ever seen. That exotic burl is amazing, and the perfect colour. Sounds great too..
