😂😂😂 let me box this dude in the next streamers boxing event for you plz
ОтветитьNot sure how anyone called Jeff can stand on point like this.
ОтветитьBUTT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭HURT
ОтветитьK need to take you his roll as leader back .. ramee the kid is talking way to much
ОтветитьP money song was so true ott the king of acting ooc
ОтветитьOTT with the holier than thou attitude, all dude does is talk about other people but nobody else can because they have more viewers. No logic at all. Ramee kept it all about in game shit at first and then he took it occ with the discord call cas he was clearly hate watching as well 😂
ОтветитьOtt the king of occ ramee let me smoke this old og
ОтветитьThe "fuckboy" line was funny
ОтветитьEverytime OTT starts a gang this shit happens why does he do this to himself his blood pressure gotta be so unhealthy at this point
Ответить🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿this should be... 🍿🍿🍿🍿enough for... 🍿🍿🍿🍿everyone in here... here's some more just in case 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
ОтветитьAh yes OTT playing victim pt 43 and Maximus is not that guy 🤣🤣
ОтветитьTop tier crashout lol. Ramee handled it perfectly aswell
Ответитьwell the smile on Ramee face say's it all, i feel for ott,,, has been bullied for to long, i have been seeing this shit for years.... sad to see, i thought it was over after they moved servers.... but noooo Ramee you're the problem
ОтветитьSomething Jeff (OTT) said along time ago to Leanbois after his misfits war it was something about him doing shit just to have more eyes on him meaning viewers
ОтветитьTwo hot heads going at each other. But most of CG are internet bullies which is true.
Ответитьtwo kids fightig for a cookie so dumb, both childish
ОтветитьHow is he still even in the server 😂 i hope hes not after this
Ответитьthis is just extra added proof that CG been livin rent free in this clowns cranium for months, RP makin someone crash out like that is craaaazy. Cant believe imma say it but Ramee played the adult role while OTT got bitched then proceeded to prove hes a bitch in this call.
ОтветитьBro hit Ramee with the "My name is Jeff"
ОтветитьCrazy how I've seen CG haters not care at what OTT did and just say that OTT was right about everything he said lmao
ОтветитьEvery time he blames Cg. When Ott needs to be blaming himself. The only way he can get views is by bullying others plain and simple. I feel sorry for his wife because i bet you a $1000 dollars he treats her bad. Look how he treats strangers not just in Rp but Ooc. He is the definition of going outside and touching grass. Dude its not that serious. Its a video game. 😮
Ответитьramee leaves call, well the truth hurs lil
ОтветитьW. Crashout 😭
Ответитьbro at this point wheter its game or real life issue, i've been seeing a lot of ott crashing out like this.. he needs help, man.. like really.. bcoz when there's a lot of people have problem with u sometimes u need to ask urself that maybe ur the problem, Jeff.
Ответитьholy fuck 😭 i used to like watching maximus (unfollowed now) but dude is unhinged and needs to seek help
ОтветитьOld Jeffrey, have a little break. Breathe in some air
ОтветитьOTT is still talking about ramee right now lol
ОтветитьCouldn't give an example
ОтветитьThe way ramee immediately goes who you talking to omg I love it
Ответитьwow actual crash out of the century over a rp situation thats not even deep LOL
ОтветитьI don’t understand why OTT is even allowed on these servers. Ever since ott started coming around he has been nothing but a problem. Didn’t he get banned like two or three months ago?
ОтветитьW OTT! always sticking up for himself. Cops, SSK vs CG AND THE SERVER lol
ОтветитьNah Ramee you got hoed bruh😂
Ответитьlmaoooooooo i loved how ramee handled that honestly
ОтветитьYa that dude needs to get out of the public space. Ramee handled that well
ОтветитьRamee could be wrong here .. not the biggest fan of OTT.. .. but ramee is definitely gas lighting him.. which is funny . But makes OTTs point valid. He’s being punished in real life on twitch . Ramees content is probably the best in the server . Mr ks content is kinda shit cause most interactions are power gaming and really isn’t fun to watch.. ramee . Keep the high road here regardless and I don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t be nominated for streamer of the year..
ОтветитьSo ramee called them arena warriors and ott called ramee an internet bully and yall still act like ramee was in the wrong 🤣🤣 I haven’t watched ramee’s content since they moved to prodigy but yall still gaslight ramee just because he’s in cg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьOTT needs to have a long vacation from RP lmao
ОтветитьNgl, a grown man lashing out over a video game, is pretty said if you ask me
ОтветитьNah I think Ramee in the wrong here...
Ответить"your fanbase talks shit and you dont give a fuck" This dude has lost the plot completely.
ОтветитьThis was hilarious!
ОтветитьWait no way I thought this was a joke Holly hell that's craaaaazy over a simple dumb comment is wild
ОтветитьThe sad part in all this, Ramee came in this call thinking it's just just going to be a sarcastic banter between each other. Plot twist 😲
ОтветитьRamee was ragebaiting, but my man just needed someone to breathe to crash out, but yeah, ramee was ragebaiting