MMO News 1/16 – DFO, Nvidia AI Boss, Aion Classic EU, WoW, FF11, ESO, Dragon Nest, and More

MMO News 1/16 – DFO, Nvidia AI Boss, Aion Classic EU, WoW, FF11, ESO, Dragon Nest, and More

Gaming Hardcore

55 лет назад

2,518 Просмотров

MMO News Jan 16 brings updates across multiple titles, including Dungeon Fighter Online’s Season 8 Act 8 update featuring the Female Fighter Renewal and a new Hard Mode raid. Aion Classic Europe revealed its 2025 roadmap with new events, a server merge, and Update 3.7 content. World of Warcraft sees the return of Plunderstorm with gameplay enhancements. The Elder Scrolls Online PTS introduces the Fallen Banners dungeon pack and quality-of-life changes. Dragon Nest adds the Beastia spin-off and new events, while Final Fantasy XI debuts a high-tier battlefield. Digimon Super Rumble announces an Unreal Engine 5 upgrade with new content. Other highlights include LaTale’s Stella Patch, UNDECEMBER’s Trials of Power season, new Closers content, Riders of Icarus server merge, and Mabinogi's Astrologer Part 2 update. Additionally, Blade & Soul NEO opens pre-registration, Diablo IV prepares for Season of Witchcraft, and Broken Ranks unveils the Hvar Wilderness update.

🕒 Timestamps:
0:00 - MMO News for jan 16
0:11 - dungeon fighter online
0:38 - aion classic eu
1:19 - world of warcraft
1:50 - eso
2:28 - dragon nest
3:24 - digimon super rumble
3:54 - taipei game show
4:25 - latale
5:02 - undecember
5:44 - closers
6:33 - riders of icarus
6:49 - nvidia ai boss mir5
7:11 - astral tale
7:24 - mabinogi
7:56 - blade and soul neo
8:20 - diablo 4
8:58 - broken ranks

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