Issue a 1099 now (affiliate link) - visit and use code GINNY15 for 15% off
The easiest and fasted was to issue, send, and efile a 1099NEC for non employee compensations for your independent contractors. If you paid an independent contractor or non employee $600 or more then you are required to send them this very important tax form. In this video I will discuss who needs to send a 1099NEC, which workers should receive a 1099NEC, when is the deadline for sending a 1099NEC, how to create a 1099NEC fast in just a few minutes, and how to bulk upload and issue form 1099NEC using excel.
0:00 Intro
0:36 Sponsored by Tax1099
1:23 Make sure they are a contractor not an employee
2:38 Issue this form before you pay a non employee
3:08 How much payment requires a 1099
3:50 Deadline for sending a 1099
4:09 Step by step tutorial to issue and file a 1099NEC
8:35 How to bulk file multiple 1099NEC with excel
Ginny Silver and Retrospect Images, LLC provides content to Youtube for entertainment purposes only. It is the responsibility of the viewer to verify all information as information may be inaccurate or outdated. Ginny Silver is not a CPA, attorney, insurance agent, lender, EDD or other government employee, or financial advisor and content in these videos shall not be construed as legal, financial, tax, government, or other advice. You are urged to contact a certified professional to help your individual needs.