🔥Presentation of the company supplier of pharmaceutical equipment
Our company is engaged in the supply of pharmaceutical equipment from China, Korea, India, Europe and other countries. We carry out works on search, selection, purchase, delivery, and customs clearance of equipment with delivery to any city in Russia. Large base of catalogs of various equipment, delivery from China (by air, sea, car, railway). Consultations on the technologies of pharmaceutical production. Tips for choosing. We select equipment and individual machines for the production of products on customer's samples. The whole range of additional services: - consumables, packaging, printing in China. We have a large database of information on manufacturers of pharmaceutical and veterinary products in Russia.
Big catalog of equipment
Tel +7-495-364-38-08 Roman Tsibulsky
Mobile + 7-985-364-38-08
ICQ 310134490
Skype RomanTsibulsky
[email protected]
Russia Moscow, working 24/7
#Dispenser #Liquid_dispenser #Dosing_of_Ointments #Tank_for_preparation #Vacuum_conveyor #Conveyor #The_conveyor_belt #Feeding_Bottles #Conveyor_powder #Screw_Conveyor #3D_Mixer #V-Shaped_Mixer #Magnetic_Stirrer #Fluid_mixer #Powder_mixer #Dry_powder_mixer #Pharmaceutical_mixer #Mixers #Pharma_Equipment #Pharmaceutical_Line #Pharmaceutical_Machine #Pharmaceutical_Machinery #Gelatin_Capsules #Capsules #Deblister_machine #Removal_Tablets #Extract_Tablets #Blister_Packaging