Motocross jump slow motion compilation Hujber Péter 2015 HD Börgöndi Repülőnap

Motocross jump slow motion compilation Hujber Péter 2015 HD Börgöndi Repülőnap

Dia Boloo

55 лет назад

404 Просмотров


Peter Hujber freestyle motocross rider from Hungary.

Hujber Péter bemutatója a 20. jubileumi Börgöndi Repülőnapon.


Freestyle Motocross (also called FMX) is a version on the sport of motocross in which bike riders try to impress judges with jumps and stunts.

the 2 important forms of freestyle activities are:

massive Air (also called first-rate Trick), in which each rider receives jumps — generally masking more than seventy five feet (22.8m) — from a dirt-included ramp. A panel of judges evaluates the fashion, trick issue, and originality and produces a rating on a 100-point scale. each rider's maximum single-leap score is in comparison; pinnacle score wins.
Freestyle Motocross, the older of the 2 disciplines. Riders perform routines, lasting among 90 seconds and 14 minutes, on a path along with a couple of jumps of various lengths and angles that usually occupy one to 2 acres (.4 to .eight hectares). Like large Air, a panel of judges assigns every contestant a score based on a 100-point scale, seeking out difficult tricks and versions over jumps.
exceptional Freestyle motocross activities consist of purple Bull X-combatants, night time of the JUMPs, the X-video games, Gravity games, large-X, Moto-X Freestyle national Championship, and Dew motion sports excursion. Freeriding is the authentic form of freestyle motocross which started inside the hills of southern California; because of expert racers along with Jeremy McGrath and Phil Lawrence "play riding" within the hills of reche canyon. It has no shape, and is traditionally carried out on public land. Riders for natural jumps and drop-offs to execute their hints on. some freeriders prefer to leap on sand dunes. in lots of methods, freeriding calls for more skill and intellectual potential. notable freeriding locations include Ocotillo Wells and Glamis Dunes in California, Beaumont, California, and Cainville, Utah.

Mi is az a freestyle motocross?

A látványos verseny legjava lényegében a levegőben történik: a riderek speciális, 60 lóerős versenymotorokkal futnak neki egy igen meredek ugratónak, melyről cirka 20 méter repülés után érkeznek meg egy 8-10 méter magas rámpára a túloldalon. A motorosok cirka két másodpercet töltenek el a levegőben, a feladat pedig ez alatt a rövid idő alatt minél több és komplikáltabb mutatvány beadása a bírák, és persze a közönség legnagyobb örömére!


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