What I *actually* do as a Data Scientist (salary, job, reality)

What I *actually* do as a Data Scientist (salary, job, reality)

Egor Howell

54 года назад

81,945 Просмотров

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In this video, I break down exactly what my role as a data scientist consist of. We discuss what is a data scientist, how they work, the structure of the job, salary and much more! Hopefully this video can serve as a reference to start your data scientist career path!

How I Became A Data Scientist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbeY0_y2C54
Why Is It SO HARD To Get A Data Science Job Right Now?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zjjEttiHMY&t=116s

🎵 Epidemic Sound - Where I get my music: https://share.epidemicsound.com/v015na
🗓️ Notion - How I manage all my stuff - https://affiliate.notion.so/egorhowell
👨‍💻 DataCamp - How I up skill in data science - https://datacamp.pxf.io/egorhowell
📸 Tools & Tech - How I film my videos - https://egorhowell.com/gear/

Blog -- https://medium.com/@egorhowell
Instagram -- https://www.instagram.com/egorhowell
LinkedIn -- https://www.linkedin.com/in/egorhowell
Website -- https://egorhowell.com

0:00 Intro
0:12 What is data science
1:21 What do I do
3:18 Structure of data science teams
4:29 Day in a life
5:47 Why I'm a data scientist
7:59 Should you be a data scientist

Hi, I'm Egor! I am a Data Scientist with a master's in Physics currently living in London. I share data science tutorials, advice and general tech topics!

This content is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Views and opinions are my own and do not represent or reflect the opinions of my current or past employer or any organisations I am associated with.

This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!


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