The Alien Head Predator, also known as the Serpent Hunter, was an Elite Yautja from the Elite Clan. He is the most successful Xenomorph hunter of all time. Very little is known about the Serpent Hunter, his mysterious past only exemplified by his tendency to never remove his mask around other Yautja, some speculate him to be over a thousand years old. What is known, however, is that his peers consider him to be the most successful Xenomorph hunter of all time, is a skilled tracker and master of weapons, and is in prime physical condition. To better hunt his prey, he has been known to mimic their movements.
You can find him in the AVP 2010 game where he was bowing to the Predator main character Dark at the end of the game. You can also play as said character in the AVP 2010 Multiplayer but it’s sadly dead and you can only get him via preorder. NECA even made their own figure of the character, but good luck finding him for he is a rare collectors item that cost a lot.
Now that we know who this Hunter is, let’s get to the gameplay so I hope you all enjoy!^^
0:00 - 2:48 Creation of Build
2:49 - 5:46 New Prey (1st Match)
5:57 - 12:59 Deadly Serpent Hunter (2nd Match)
13:00 - 16:27 Xenomorph Fury! (3rd Match)
#N7DeadpoolX #PlayStation_4 #Predator #Predator_Hunting_Grounds #AVP #Alien #Alien_Vs._Predator #Serpent #Serpent_Hunter #NECA #AVP3 #The_Nomad_Clan #predator_hunting_grounds #The_Nomad_ClanYT