This is an ongoing event, so information in the video is not complete. This video is not monetized.
For more updated news, use the hashtag #KristinePH Please help with the rescue and relief efforts if you can. Connect with organizers using the hashtag on Facebook.
Jane Tam on Facebook can connect you with any emergency services you need, provided they are still operational. She can also facilitate sending cellphone load to you. Here is the link to her profile -
To request from rescue from the Red Cross in the Naga City area - If you need help, don't hesitate to contact Jeeyan Arana or send me (Allyza May Tosoc) a private message. We'll do our best to help you. Thank you. Here's my number: 0946 819 1938.
• Name of residence:
• Contact number:
• Exact address:
• Nearest landmark:
• Number of individuals to be evacuated:
• Describe your situation and current status.