Wait, do i keep my family?
ОтветитьHey are the gold reset like I have 2.00000 are it reset?
ОтветитьDoes your family reset when prestiging?
ОтветитьIt is worth thanking permanent strength with temporary weakness than being forever MID
ОтветитьSo if i prestige will i go from lvl 100 to 0?
Ответитьwhat abt resonance on titan shiftinggg😭😭
ОтветитьDo you keep youre titan after Prestige?
Ответитьwhen i try and use the scroll it says i have no talents where do i get talents from
Ответитьdoes my odm gear reset?
Ответитьhow to get talentsl memories
ОтветитьWhat happens when you used serum and then you prestige, do you lose it?
Ответитьif i do prestige i lose my family?
ОтветитьI use prestige scroll but it say you have no talent what is that mean?
ОтветитьI need a hand it tells me I need a memory to do the prestige how do I get it?
Ответитьwill we keep our family after prestige
Ответитьi definetly regret not choosing luck cuz now im suffering to get the serum
Ответитьdo you keep titan shifting?
ОтветитьBro is so quiet
ОтветитьNah if I get family slot and odds I would do it
ОтветитьI might prestige after watching this
ОтветитьIt’s little luck tho… goes up literally .1% IN 3 prestigesssss???!!!
ОтветитьI think they have changed the reset perks level when prestiging because when I first prestige it doesn't reset the level of my perks
Ответитьi recommend you get serum before u prestige
Ответитьbtw u no longer lose the levels on ur perks when presitiging
Ответитьshould i try to get the serum before i prestige or can i do it without the serum
Ответитьdo i lose all of my skills that i have unlocked on my paths when i prestige or do i keep all my skills?
ОтветитьI know its a stupid question. Do you keep your family? I just got frits tonight and i hope im not dreaming
ОтветитьI wonder, if you prestige, do you lose your serum?
Ответитьwhen i prestiged i kept my levels, if i prestige again will they still be kept or will i lose them?
ОтветитьJust one question, if you have an attack titan and give it prestige, do you lose it?
Ответитьi presteging and i dont have a luck boost and my star
ОтветитьIf you become a shifter before prestige, and than prestige, do you keep your shifter ability?
Ответитьdo you keep your family? like i have yaegar and fritz would it reset my family?
Ответитьdo you keep your clan?
Ответитьi am max lvl but i can't prestige why is this?
Ответитьdo you use the scrolls as rolss or what?
Ответитьhow do you get horses??
ОтветитьIt says it give you 7,5% luck
But it gaved to me almost nothing
I already haved 1% and still 1 luck boost
If you have the titan do you lose it when you prestige
ОтветитьDo you keep your clan if you prestige?
ОтветитьWill you lose your bloodline just asking
Ответитьso do i farm alot of gold first before prestiging?
ОтветитьThey say that if u choose a certain skill tree route u will increase chances of getting a 4 star memory. Which side do I choose to increase the chance of getting flash step? Left middle or right?
Ответитьi recommend getting titan serum before prestige
ОтветитьDoes a luck potion also give higher chances for legendary families?
Ответитьwhere do you find the test servers?
Ответитьfuck this game i chose exp cuz i thouht itll help me get prestige faster but it was such a bad decision why cant i change it bruhhhhhhhhhhh
ОтветитьWhen you prestige you dont lose the level of your perks anymore, just found actually
Ответитьdo you keep shifter ability?
ОтветитьIt is