This Mod Makes You (Almost) Unstoppable In Project Zomboid!

This Mod Makes You (Almost) Unstoppable In Project Zomboid!

Chuck Miller Plays

2 года назад

739 Просмотров

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@Noughtical - 03.03.2023 21:01

Love this mod it’s amazing! I always find it really OP but such a stress relief after being bit or injured (Got one in my base just sat ready) Great vid and loved the comedy! :)

@DaveFrobisherIII - 03.03.2023 21:19

That's slightly OP 🤣🤣

@mevester - 04.03.2023 00:35

Over powered or not, that was awesome! I think I will look for that mod and have a little fun too.

@The_Empowered_Q - 05.02.2025 18:30

How to spawn that vehicle in debug? I can’t find the name
