ОтветитьBeautiful said thank you ❤
Ответитьjazakallah khairan
ОтветитьJazakaallah khair sheikh.
ОтветитьSubhanallah. Needed this jazakallah khair. What a good anology about the white thobe❤ ya Allah please forgive us. Remember my brothers and sisters the door if tawbah is,
ОтветитьI failed badly during Ramadan due to oppression and injustice I was suffering with
I now feel anxiety emptiness anger during my acts do worship
Please pray for me brother
I needed this video so much jazakhallahkhair
ОтветитьMa Sha Allah ✨
Ответитьبسم الله ,
السلام عليكم
brothers and sisters .May الله keep all of us on the straight path .Ameen .
May our love to الله keep keep us away form sin.
Mau الله give along and healthy life to our beloved Sheikh . Ameen
love you all .
Ответитьجزاکه الله ❤
Around 1.50 minutes in. looool. Allahumma Barik
ОтветитьSubhanallah. Jazakallahu khayr wa barakallahu feek.
ОтветитьI quit marijuana 6 month ago now again i trapped in this bad habbit brother and sister pray for me.
ОтветитьThis is a problem we all have sinning after Ramadan is over
ОтветитьJazakallah khair brother is very informative.
Ответитьاللهم اغفر وارحم
وأنت خير الراحمين
JazakAllahou Khayran Sheikh! We really need to know the strategies of shaitan so that he can not lead us astray. We need to learn the way he comes to us so that we don't fall into his trap. May Allah protect us from the devil!
ОтветитьNever give up on Allah's mercy and forgiveness!!! Stick to seeking repentance and reciting athkaar !!!
May Allah keep us firm upon the straight path
Masha'Allah, beautiful reminder ❤
Ответитьجزا كم الله خيرا كثيرا
ОтветитьYa الله please forgive us of our many sins, have mercy on our poor imperfect souls and save us from the whispers of shaytan and the evil whispers that lies within our own souls! 😢🙏🥺 اللهم امين
ОтветитьTheir is nothing more beloved to shaitaan than a depressed believer..
ОтветитьJazka Allahu Khayr Shyakh
ОтветитьSalallaahu ❤Calayhi wasalaam❤ salalaahu ❤❤Aleyhi ❤wasalaam❤ salalaahu❤ calayhi❤ ❤wasalaam ❤salalaahu❤ ❤❤Aleyhi ❤wasalaam ❤
ОтветитьMashaallah tabarakallah sheeikh
Ответитьبارك اللّٰه فيك يا اخي الكريم!
ОтветитьThank you abu bakr Zoud
ОтветитьI love you for the sake of Allah. Make Dua for me Sheikh 🙏
ОтветитьAllah hu akbar, jazakallah khairan
Ответитьاللهم اعنا على ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك وصل اللهم وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين