Sexchest but like I think Q just needs to have a bit more cast delay and it’s fine
Just good poke tool
Though good on them for nerfing W
We got mel changes before hextech chest
Ответитьjust remove W ...everything is ok
Ответитьher kit sucks
Ответитьold / new but it's the same description wtf is this shi
ОтветитьWhy Mel cant use W on others?? Its nonsense, she would use it on others. Bad design
Ответитьthey need to re-work her W so she only gets ivulnerability IF reflecting a skill
she casts it,it stays up for the base duration and,if a skill is reflected,she then procs her ivulnerability state for half of the reflection state time
this way it rewards more players for timing her W to reflect a skill while taking away her free buffed zhonyas state (buffed because she can still move and cast skills,no other ivulnerable state in the same does it the way she currently does)
I hate that riot creates kits that they cannot balance - like yuumi in the past or ksante. Its no fun at all. Either you play against it and it is annoying or you try to learn the champ only for it to get nerfed so hard that you cannot play it anymore...
Ответитьriot cares that ppl find overall weak champ anyoing to play against instatly nerfing her even more meanwhile they coulndt give less of an fk about millions complaing about free chests haahah
Ответитьwell of course the winrate is low when nobody gets to play her. After these nerfs if the ban rate is going to go down, the winrate will go up.
Ответитьseeing how people use the W to block nothing most of my games, the low wr is not the same as the champ not being op. Prob w change is gonna make her wr even lower and she gonna get buff and get permaban again.
ОтветитьHextech chest yet?
ОтветитьShe is quite weak late game ...
ОтветитьHextech chest
Ответитьshe is just crazy on ARAM
Ответитьnop still permaban
Ответитьtime for everybody to forget about this champ because shes so bad now
Ответитьlooking winrate on new champ when handless low elo players playing it
smartest yt creator
im still baning her idc
ОтветитьWhy is she blue now
Ответитьpack it up boys time to swap back to lux
Ответитьfck these new overkited champs, disgusting reflect
ОтветитьThe community will never learn to adapt. This is the same shit that happened with Yasuo.
Mel isn’t that bad
My boy the footage you showed is just different skins and before and after nexus update lol
ОтветитьHer execute mechanic is still present. Not to mention her kit design won't be any less annoying to play against. That reflect and/or execute gotta go, I'm of the opinion that both shouldn't exist on the same champion at the same time, especially considering she has a Karthus ult that can execute you even though it's gimmicky to use unless it's a teamfight. Will still be a perma ban.
Ответитьnerf her again
Ответить70% ban rate? Rookie numbers, hextech chests have 100% ban rate, thanks Rito.
ОтветитьMel's problems, evidently, arise from her core design, her W, which is inherently an extremely unfair core mechanic. No champion EVER should have a free 1 sec zhonyas on a four times shorter cooldown that reflects key skillshots back to the player who fired it.
Even Fiora's W can be quite a tool to take over the fights, and this is considering that you usually have to time it much more precisely, and aim it towards an enemy champion (while range being quite short) to maximize the efficiency (stun a key target).
Mel doesn't need any of that, her core mechanic doesn't involve any skill requirement to use efficiently, it's just a free get out of jail card that counters any sort of sudden engage on her (be it a oneshot combo or a bursty gank from, say, Nidalee), while not even locking her in place (like Fiora)
I, personally, would rather play against her as a medium skill ceiling artillery mage that has range imbalances (between her Q and E), with her W being something like a short cooldown movespeed and armorpen/passive_stack buff to incentivize smart spacing game with your enemy and allow you to hit your E consistently if you're able to space your opponent correctly. This would make her much more enjoyable to play as, and to play against. As of now, personally for me, she just seems to be a mistake of Riot's game design, and I think that we'll probably see some bigger kit reworks somewhere in future.
Miau 😼💅
ОтветитьI just want to play her I got her once In urf
ОтветитьMel can’t do much against enchanter. As a nami main, by the time my ult reflect back, majority of the enemy are already hit and I and the bounce if it even happens are easy to dodge
ОтветитьMel is like Ryze had a sister
ОтветитьHer winrate is bad because people are maximg W second instead of E
Ответитьnah, not playing her now. hate that good champs get nerfed because league players are bitches.
ОтветитьWhat was this ga y sound at the end ?
ОтветитьWtf is this cringe meow
ОтветитьChesttech hex
ОтветитьI'm gonna be completely honest, people are sleeping on support Mel. She's probably S+ tier with her current kit.
ОтветитьNerfing her because people like to exaggerate 💀
ОтветитьIt's not about her being op, it's because she is annoying to play against, just like Zed or Blitz, her performance may not be the best, but it still tilting to deal with her
ОтветитьDamage wasn’t the problem it’s only the W lol. They need to punish her if she misuses it.
Ответитьdesign failure, hextech chest
Ответитьcomo deixa o conjurar habilidades laranja?
ОтветитьI THINK that her winrate is just that bad cuz she gets banned in most games where she could thrive (which is a good thing) but idk if these nerfes are enouth
Ответитьrito releases a completely broken champ and then completely ruins her into redundancy.
ОтветитьThey've utterly gutted her :(
Ответитьanother gutted champ because people can't adapt simple really, they are still nerfing skarner also even though he has the lowest win rate Period in the jungle lol
ОтветитьOh neow! Is this too much of a nerf? 😺