The BEST VR Co-op Games 2025 by Genre

The BEST VR Co-op Games 2025 by Genre


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@mrshitty - 05.01.2025 01:04

Dude, path of the warrior is such a genius idea. If wish they had it on PSVR2. Looks like a less clunky drunken bar fight but with level progression and maybe a story and bosses? Maybe they can make a TMNT VR one day

@andreskinsella1317 - 05.01.2025 01:13

You need to pay a subscription in PSVR and Quest to play co-op, no?

@chrheca - 05.01.2025 01:13

Oh i was not aware underdogs was getting coop, very nice

@gswart44 - 05.01.2025 01:28

One Co-op game that doesn't seem to get mentioned very much is "Into Black"

@AKCobra1120 - 05.01.2025 01:39

Zero Caliber 2 is my current favorite co-op game.

@GAzcona - 05.01.2025 01:41

I want more of these kind of videos please!

@EwokFuica - 05.01.2025 01:59

Dungeon of Eternety has en update and you can play 4 player coop now.

@giancarlomartinez5630 - 05.01.2025 02:13

My beef with After the Fall is the turning. Smooth turning feels like it was programmed for a D-pad and still allocated to an analog stick anyway. There's no slow turning with a small nudge, it always the same speed no matter how little or how much you tilt the stick.

Edit: And Arizona Sunshine.

@boogiman007 - 05.01.2025 02:29

since you don't do flight sims much,
VTOL VR - steamvr

@SIVA6619 - 05.01.2025 03:29

Starship troopers is SO NICEE. And its a shame the servers cannot hold many people or games. Also It doesn't seem normal that from Canada I'm matched with Europe players (I cannot believe there is not enough people playing in north america comon).. it seems QoS issue..

@paranoidparanoid6090 - 05.01.2025 03:47

Guardians frontline is an active coop game, it still has players in it, just bought it didn't have the chance to try it, but there are even player built maps in this game. And the last update dropped in december so the developers are still supporting the game.

@guruntbangoo5686 - 05.01.2025 04:31

They just updated Dungeons of Eternity for 4 players

@monzagreatvr - 05.01.2025 05:22

Zero Caliber 2 campaign is so much fun in Coop. That should be in the list.

@stevebobowski3507 - 05.01.2025 05:55

DOE is now 4 player matteo

@MrLordbeavis - 05.01.2025 05:57

Dungeons of eternity is probably my favorite co-op game

@brianskitty3300 - 05.01.2025 05:59

You have an absolutely wonderful website but I have to unsubscribe because I’m on my third headset since December 3, 2024, and the Meta support team is absolutely awful. I will never have anything to do with gaming ever again but you do have a wonderful website and you’re allowed to help thank you and good luck to you in the future.

@Mrboz1212 - 05.01.2025 06:08

I wish this video came out during the winter sale good video though thanks

@ivan-j4l9x - 05.01.2025 07:04

The best co op vr experience I've had was returnal with uevr mod. This game is epic in vr and co op is the cherry on top.

@HanakoSeishin - 05.01.2025 07:40

Anything with local co-op, where two players play on the same PC, one in the headset and the other in front of the monitor? I know Containment Initiative (it's so-so) and Vetrigo (this one's really good even without co-op), but I wonder if there are other games with a similar option (Vertigo 2 already on my wishlist).

@gamers-generation - 05.01.2025 07:46

Thanks for another banger list Matteo!

@davidmorrissette5855 - 05.01.2025 08:24

DOE allows up to 4 players now

@jeanroger3506 - 05.01.2025 10:59

in the same genre as Phasmophobia, there is Forewarned, switching ghost hunting in houses to cursed spirits in egyptian tombs. I never played it in coop, but it's already cool and scary in solo

@alanharrington - 05.01.2025 11:11

Seriously, no Zero Calibre 1 & 2? That would have been the first on my list 😲

@angrybeaver6667 - 05.01.2025 15:24

Still waiting for coop for green hell on PC. Bought it 3 years ago and never got the coop update they promised.

@hebburncurly - 05.01.2025 16:01

If you've got kids I'd recommend Acron: Attack of the Squirrels, one player on VR, the rest on mobile phones and it's really fun

@bearofthewest389 - 05.01.2025 17:15

Bigshots really? Of all VR games you pick that one lol

@robzero1vr771 - 06.01.2025 04:23

Walk about and guardians frontline.

@Kymgs - 06.01.2025 05:41

Can pirated games work in multiplayer?

@almaximus03 - 06.01.2025 08:23


@SLAYINGVR - 06.01.2025 11:29

Have you tried payday pcvr coop i havent and im curious if its any good as well as have you tried " the new release of ready or not? Just curious is its worth the buy

@simonsuperm8ncroucher - 06.01.2025 13:10

Did you mention INTO BLACK ? Happy New Year

@soulreaper8883 - 06.01.2025 14:06

Yes, I read those xD

@razghoul - 06.01.2025 22:59

Love the vid Matteo311, Thanks... I heard Skydance's 'BEHEMOTH' was also multiplayer, but I haven't purchased it yet and I wasn't 100%... could you confirm or clarify...

@pauldrabik8942 - 07.01.2025 05:35

Puzzling Places is a good relaxing co-op ... especially to introduce vr to less experienced users

@slakjawnotsayin5451 - 07.01.2025 23:44

Oh WOW, Underdogs is getting Coop???
That's the only reason I didn't buy it, because it didn't have Coop.
So awesome!!! Can't wait!!!

@kjumelive8941 - 14.01.2025 00:08

any free ? free Co-op games

@mtbbaconbro5236 - 18.01.2025 02:36

Yall need to stop sleeping on battle talent. It just dropped its co op mode and ite fun asl. Battle talent is a great hack n slash dungeon crawler with combat that rivals and I say nowadays surpasses even blade and sorcery

@HomeOfAllThingsFacts - 20.01.2025 21:30

Great list. Glad you included After The Fall. It’s my favorite.

@emorcen - 20.01.2025 22:28

Why is Zero Caliber 2 not on this list? The campaign is amazing

@steelefamily9283 - 30.01.2025 03:01

Guardians Frontline probably takes the cake as it is basically Helldivers but with an RTS mechanic added to it. Fantastic fun with a ton of player made maps available.

@ggadams639 - 01.02.2025 22:26

the forest is dogshit

@TFx3090 - 01.02.2025 23:01

Try Exfilzone.
Easily the best vr/coop game so far.

@Farmchad - 04.02.2025 20:22

Arizona sunshine is a great experience with a friend and sadly after that your options are limited especially on psvr2

@chrisbam1836 - 06.02.2025 06:14

Just need everything to be co op at this point. Vr is super fun but it's just better with friends

@nazzarenob.1964 - 13.02.2025 15:17

Best coop ever AFTER THE FALL and PAVLOV

@cparoli1111 - 23.02.2025 17:06

Crossfire Sierra Squad in max difficulty is a blast in coop

@MeTaMaNvR - 09.03.2025 01:03

Ideally, you don’t want a head strap that relies on the strap clip—it’s prone to breaking! I’ve had it snap on both the Quest 2 and Quest 3. Poor design! Get a Bobo S3 Pro, and you won’t have to worry about it. Just thought I’d share my two cents!

@IrvBallonoff-g2x2z - 09.03.2025 04:42

Yes i read the small print
