Sigma BF Review: Beautiful Foolishness

Sigma BF Review: Beautiful Foolishness


55 лет назад

9,403 Просмотров

With USB-4 connectivity and blazing-fast speeds of over 3,000MB/s, the OWC Express 1M2 will help you finish your work faster, even on the go. Bus-powered and fully DIY compatible with M.2 drives or get them with OWC optimized M.2 storage pre-installed. Get yours today:


The Sigma BF announcement shocked all of us at PetaPixel by immediately becoming one of our most-viewed videos ever. Now we have a full review of the BF’s photo and video capabilities shot in a variety of stunning locations throughout Japan. BF stands for "Beautiful Foolishness" and we're left asking, does it live up to that name?

Read the full review:

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0:00 - Intro
1:01 - Design
1:46 - Bus jokes
3:12 - Aizu images
4:11 - Handling
7:13 - Tokyo images
7:52 - Display
10:35 - Controls
15:20 - Storage
17:09 - Image Quality
19:05 - Exposure
20:01 - Leica T?20:59 - Autofocus
23:34 - Video
27:03 - Should you buy it?

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