Sunday dinner with family. Thanks for the video.
ОтветитьI think I saw Nilaus use Shift to add 100 items at a time in the menus. That would probably make it easier to load carfo pods.
You could've probably made a dedicated belt for the regolith since it looks like the cargo dock does some sort of sorting automatically. Also, if you upgrade the belts on the delivery line you could fill orders twice as fast.
Thinking out loud, but instead of continually selling steel/bricks, can you not add another storage buffer underground while you ramp up assembler production?
Feels like you’re always better off refining them to assembled parts and selling or fulfilling better contracts. Especially since your research income is really low.
Also, maybe supplement your power problems with fuel reactor?
Please, connect Your assemblers on the surface with belts. it will speed up production and cut time on drone work.
And please upgrade the supply belt for expeditions and cargo launch pad.
People can produce science, if you have the proper workstation