Bruce Sanders Artist Studio Visit (2020) - David Klein Productions

Bruce Sanders Artist Studio Visit (2020) - David Klein Productions

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Dr. Bruce Sanders is a neo-expressionist/symbolist, and abstract painter from Malibu. After the death of his beloved wife, Sanders began to create at a feverish pace. The work became an expression of his emotions: sorrow, loss, and finally hope. Sanders’ work attempts to represent and memorialize the joys and challenges of his life.

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Film by David Klein Productions

Bruce Sanders is a Member Artist of TAG Gallery in Los Angeles. His paintings have been exhibited all over Southern California; and his work is collected nationally and internationally. Sanders has authored four catalogue art books. In his first book, INTROSPECTION, his paintings are recordings of humble attempts to “look inward.” The work is a vehicle for expressing feelings and emotions. After the death of his wife, Sanders’ thoughts and dreams took on a spiritual feeling. He recalled biblical stories that he had not thought about in years; and he felt the need to paint some of these visions and dreams. The second book, I BELIEVE IN ANGELS, has a collection of these spiritual paintings. The third book, THE HEART WANTS WHAT THE HEART WANTS, is a collection of work about the power of mutual attraction, passion, love, and relationships. The fourth book, IMAGINATION, has work that is the “stuff” of visions, dreams, and boundless imagination. The compositions are filled with symbolism, nostalgia, and fantasy.


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