Contoura laser surgery tailored for your vision | Dr. Rohit Shetty | #letmeexplain #contoura

Contoura laser surgery tailored for your vision | Dr. Rohit Shetty | #letmeexplain #contoura

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@marafee357 - 19.08.2023 13:42

Sir did prk 2months back my eyes still blur .1 month full view

@NasrinKhatun-z4z - 19.08.2023 18:30

Sir do you laser for remove conjunctival nevas

@NasrinKhatun-z4z - 19.08.2023 18:32

Sir plz say me, do you laser or surgery for remove conjunctival nevas/eye brown spots.plz tell me sir

@NaveedStockMarketInvestor - 03.11.2023 15:17

Sir, Can u tel me the cost of contura vision in ur hospital?

@SabBarbhuiya - 01.05.2024 23:17

Accupressure::    ....  It's From  Hawa 10nov1998;;; and her heart- 11april2004 ;;...  ""XX chromosomes""  ... As healer of both  human ;; maun is XX chromosomes...

....Myopia -- "Iris" regeneration even after myopia --7.50 diopia ;;  as it's really increasing atleast maximum -25,-14,, or minimum -1 diopia ;; as it's calculated -1 diopia;; bcz atleast;  in my view = atleast 2years it will take to heal ,, whole eyelids - and even Cornea"" which is always was fine" in every case in myopia --of everybody "" ..... As i believe by seeing my eyes"" ... 

((((Just writing with thumb with ring finger and little finger;; by calculating minutes = 10minutes with left hand + 11minutes with right hand... )))

dangerous disease-
(1) Eyes - myopia - hypermetropia" ,that the cause of parkison disease " Soon you will realise"" ....

(2) Pressure - low pressure - most hallucinating disease - bcz it's caused darkness "" and even your "Aura" is effected...and Waswas" you listen ...and in healthy body you yourself creates Waswas" by biroin stitching sticky rice -- through ""Ayna-mirrors "".....

(3) parkison+ anemia+ platelets lacks""
