Bee Balm - How to Grow Monarda for Pollinators (and no mildew!)

Bee Balm - How to Grow Monarda for Pollinators (and no mildew!)

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@teganmacleod278 - 12.06.2022 11:36


@darrinlindsey - 12.06.2022 15:37

Thank you for this. I meant to get some Bee Balm planted this Spring, but it didn't happen. I'll be ordering some for Fall planting, and hopefully get some enjoyment starting next Summer. I'm in Iowa.

@adamlovesgod1187 - 12.06.2022 16:27

Great informative video as always.Thank you. Take care and God Bless

@faithevrlasting - 13.06.2022 00:02

This is a no Brainer. Get seed. Plant. Water. Stand back. Most important is it can take m over the world. Keep it under control. End.

@lisaanglim9588 - 13.06.2022 06:13

I’ve planted bee balm before and loved it. This reminds me I need to get some and plant it.

@myragooden8667 - 13.06.2022 17:21

Thanks Devin, very informative.

@neilkale8568 - 13.06.2022 21:09

planted 4 of these this year and they got eaten by something unfortunately, put out beer traps i suspect earwigs or slugs

@floridaskyview9934 - 14.06.2022 01:50

Loving the Plant Vybz!

@pattibrotz3684 - 14.06.2022 14:47

Love my Bee Balm and didn’t know you could divide it. Thanks for this great info! Keep up the good video work, so informative🌱🪴💚

@lalathebenificent1335 - 15.06.2022 00:31

Great advice! I didn't know it needed water like you said! I'll be busy tonight

@mechele4848 - 20.06.2022 01:30

Is your T Shirt available? I want one😁

@jacandtea - 22.06.2022 14:33

Suggesting a correction in your language used. Bee balm already existed and was used extensively by the indigenous peoples. As such, it wasn’t “discovered” by N. Monardes. He merely introduced it to the European people.

@bellarosa009 - 28.07.2022 19:13

Can you move it in the fall?

@beckyandsebastian - 14.04.2023 05:51

Do you have any tips on how to stop bee balm from getting powdery mildew? Thanks

@Powerofpie100 - 17.05.2023 02:30

Do you know if I could divide my Bee Balms if they have flowers/buds already? I just planted one from the store the other day, but now I'm reading that they should be less clumped together and I'm so worried that they'll die on me 😭

@gagaliar - 03.06.2023 20:39

Far from perfect but I love your videos. I love when people make mistakes. It make you human. At your age you are so informant and I really love how you are so knowledgeable on so many plants. It is quite evident you do your research and explain so much that other people leave out. I truly think you would make a great horticulturist if you got a degree. Thank you very much. Stay Safe

@xxpowwowbluexx - 25.06.2023 03:49

“Bergamot” in tea ingredient lists is a different plant altogether.

@ayetam_aye - 29.06.2023 01:09

I looked in my back yard and these have popped up in my garden bed!

@williamtaylor2412 - 29.07.2023 17:06

love this and thank you

@nancydorn2524 - 25.09.2023 04:01

I don’t like your language or use of the word discovered! I don’t even like that you are calling monarda for that matter. This was an existing plant in North America. The US school system failed you here.

@Caffe4me - 15.10.2023 23:53

Thanks 😊 HOWEVER l find a lot of fungus tends to take over. Jacob Cline l love for the hummers but hard to find. Love your videos 😊

@judyrocha1590 - 17.10.2023 00:16

I really like Bee Balm. I use it as a Tea drink. It’s from the mint family . I use it for digestion and gas and intestinal pain. Thanks for ur info.😊

@josephtommasi3477 - 17.10.2023 16:44

Thank you Devin. Do you have any winter prep for monarda grown in zone 6 please? Or perhaps none is needed, either way a response would be appreciated. Thank you. Joe

@davidswift1644 - 22.04.2024 12:03

Thanks for that 🙂

@georgealderson4424 - 07.06.2024 13:22

It's so nice to see a young guy being so enthusiastic about nature, specifically pollinators in this case, and sharing his knowledge without being the least bit pompous! Thank you sir.
Blessings and peace from UK

@watzegjemedaarnouvan - 19.06.2024 21:11

Are youd evon larratt?. will it grow in a sunny well draining soil maybe not moist but i live in bergen and it bacicly just rains the whole summer bergen is know for beign rainy will it thrive there we can ofcourse have drought for a few weeks but we have mild and wet winters and mild a wet summers

@fousies - 26.06.2024 20:27

How invasive is it?

@abbracia - 08.07.2024 17:38

About 25 years ago I found wild monarda up in the Sheandoah mountains while visiting vineyards. It was rampant under trees and along the roadside at elevations above 6,000 feet. We dug up a teaspoon's worth while examining its squared stem, and discovered it was fragrant from end to end, including even that bit of root! I have adored this wild native ever since.

@meruliouslacrimens5154 - 29.07.2024 12:22

You are wrong, its not FOILAGE as you quoted, you should pronouce it correctly as FOH LEE AGE (FOLIAGE).

@jenhartman5712 - 07.11.2024 01:27

Good info, thank u 😊
