I would be making self defense videos if I were a failed officer as well not into doing security
ОтветитьWhat a shit video with really shit advice. If they have a knife, most used weapon where I live, then a baton is a great defense.
ОтветитьI agree tbh
ОтветитьThat dude was about to beat you up. You keep hurting him on purpose.
ОтветитьTechnically that baton is a defense your just pissed someone proofed you wrong
ОтветитьIncidences???? Not even a word dude
ОтветитьThe most hilarious part of this is that a police officer would get fired for using force.
ОтветитьYou don’t seem to know how to use the baton at all
ОтветитьI was an LE instructor for the Coast Guard for around nine years and a Boarding Officer for most of the years that proceeded to become an instructor. There's nothing wrong with the baton, it's all about knowing which strikes are less than lethal strikes and using them properly which takes practice and lots of it to develop the muscle memory to deploy a baton properly. The trick is finding someone who knows the proper technique to teach them to you.
ОтветитьI work security, they are more than useful. Shut up
ОтветитьSo a metal pole isn’t an effective weapon? I must be confused lol… because last time I checked a solid metal pole to the head, arm, hands, throat, body, groin or knees definitely fucking hurts… I bet the Thai and Indonesian stick fighting martial artists would have an argument with his take lol…
ОтветитьYou are entitled to your opinion. That's all it is.
ОтветитьNot a very smart video, man.
ОтветитьInteresting Venn diagram.
ОтветитьHere in CA the decision has been made for me as I cannot legally carry one as a civilian anyway :(
ОтветитьThis guy sounds vaccinated 😂
ОтветитьA baton makes perfect sense because it is non lethal. When a situation escalates to a point you need to reach for a weapon, you have something at hand that should be non lethal. You still need to know how to fight
ОтветитьSurely someone intent on assaulting you will want to injure you, there's certainly that strong risk. The police have to deal with risking encountering a knife or gun weilding attacker. I only understand the idea of "shouldn't be carrying a baton" in a country where it's illegal to carry lethal weapons. But why shouldn't the police have them, so long as they don't abuse them when they could of easily controlled the fight otherwise?
ОтветитьI'm gonna continue to carry one but sure I concur police don't need them
Ответить35 seconds was about all I could make it through this garbage video.
ОтветитьYour worried to much about legality, someone is trying to hurt you break what you can and stop the fucker,period. Legality is for police,breaking bones helps you not get hurt,and use it with bad intentions. I’ve seen street guys frighten the shit out of you martial arts types,as they say in the joint ,play for keeps!!! But you have to be fast on foot and on reaction time with power. Fellow throws a jab ,anticipate, time it ,and break his arm. Same goes for legs. But I must say collapsible batons are effective but there are better.
ОтветитьExactly why would a cane or a whip, or even a regular piece of 2x4 be different?
The concepts are the same: kepp the attacker at a distance, deter, hurt or disable them.
The only difference is the baton is concealable. Or too light.
The criticism is it can get taken away and used against you. True; so can anything else.
Truth is, ANY weapon is useless if you can't fight. By which I mean resist mentally + have some basic strength and minimal skill. Most people can't; most lack the mental strength. But even an old lady who screams at her attacker's face and swings a handbag has a chance. So be prepared, whatever your weapon.
I love how people confidently make videos not knowing what they are talking about. I'm raised with Military Martial Arts, Pekiti Tirsia and the baton is absolutely perfect for it amd every other martial arts or police and military use to fight and Randoms like myself can defend themselves. A baton is meant to hurt a lot and break bones.
ОтветитьThat's exactly how Jedi view the two sided saber staff in star wars. It's by nature a combat weapon while an ordinary lightsaber is used for pacification.
ОтветитьThis gives "pulls guard" energy
ОтветитьSorry man, you are way off. I'm in Thailand and my baton can chip concrete and having it has saved my life more than once. One time just showing I wasn't an easy target was enough. Another, I brought it down on a hand with a knife and that hand no longer worked. I bet it likely still doesn't work as well as it used to. I'm not saying this is the best weapon out there but I've never regretted having it, just regretted not having it.
ОтветитьI like how you jumped when he acted like he was going to hit you, but you did it to him the first 10 minutes which proved you’re a scittish individual.
Ответить90% of the commenters here didn't watch the video.
ОтветитьI bought a S and W Baton thinking it was on sale for 20. at register ended up being 40 ish. It was hanging on a rack with S and W Sale! 20$in large text , under that in small text (folding knife) meanwhile batons hanging on the hook. lol So anyway... I keep it in vehicle for self defense, and also when hiking/walking with dog, I think it would be effective in warding off unwanted dog attacking me or my dog, or an aggressor at a gas station etc... but definitely has its limitations. Id have to get out of vehicle to use efficiently, Aggressor could grab it and turn it on me, ( id like to think that wouldn't happen but IRL situations things don't always go as planned), and then I have to think about legal repercussions, (am i now going to be charged with assault with a weapon). Ill let you know if I ever have to use it and how it goes. I know a friend that while using his in a road rage incident smashed his own mirror off his brand new truck so there's that. lol At the end of the day. Its a tool and how you use it is what is going to make the difference, but more importantly being able to protect yourself without using a weapon is crucial, and cardio/stamina is very important. Thanks for opinions in this video, love your energy. New subscriber, I'm going to check out more of your content . Stay safe.
ОтветитьI was hit on my collar bone / shoulder in London with a police baton. They work all right.
ОтветитьBaton has an intimidation factor as its first use, then can strike joints and extremities as secondary for non-lethal defense or compliance without resorting to a firearm. It has it's place... however just like cops and firearms, lack of training or self control can result in the incorrect usage per scenario. And self defense is simple, live(1st), minimal serious/permanent injury(2nd), minimal legal issues (3rd), never trade off the 1st or 2nd for the 3rd.
ОтветитьMy baton has saved me from injury. It's never the weapon... it's the will.
Do better.
Your didn’t piss me off you made me laugh with a stupid statement like “this is not a self defense tool, it is a weapon designed to hurt people”….well not shit dumbass! What do you think a gun is, or a knife is, or anything else we carry to defend ourselves. 😂😂
ОтветитьBat, pipe, baton....essentially a hard stick. Has one of these in my use ever stopped me from being hit? Yes sir. In an instant
Pepper Spray/Mace a "non weapon system" for self-defense... Has one of these ever stopped an attacker when I used it? No, it did not. In fact, it completely failed to function.
Everybody knows better than I do about the stats and effectiveness of everything. Im fine with agreeing that they know better than me. But in the end, I trust my own experience over anyone. That includes current and former LE who are legally allowed to lie without consequence.
Anyone and everyone else can be correct and righteous. I will speak softly and...
Yeah right! 😂
ОтветитьIf you deploy it in legitimate self defense then it is legal, use it judiciously as far as lethal force goes
ОтветитьOk Sorry about this you're right in your video but you don't understand the history of the baton it replaced the black jack a favorite of cops and crooks alike .
ОтветитьMaybe the best Blunt weapon against a Knife attack
ОтветитьRespected your partner that's tolerating your little ginger ass. 😅
ОтветитьLmfao, shaddup you statist asshat.
ОтветитьYou cana say the same exact thing about any weapon including guns. Guns get taken from people and used against them and they also miss and shoot the wrong people or accidentally shoot themselves. By you explanation a gun is worse then this theres probably more mishaps with guns statistically then this baton that doesnt mean its not an effective weapon
ОтветитьI bet this is a Canadian video! This is a tool and it should always be available to Police and security this guy is a joke look how many views he got on this video. This device does work!
ОтветитьStupidest points this guy comes up with. “It’s not a self defense tool, it’s a weapon.”
Ответить8 years police officer 0.0
Ответить..I carry a hatchet
ОтветитьI carried an ASP baton as a firefighter for 20 years in my turnout gear pocket. Best window breaker ever for forcible entry or ventilation. Nice and compact and also made a ok door stop. Not great but better than nothing.
ОтветитьWhat a dumb video. Doesn't present his evidence, but demands it from the viewer. Sure doesn't sound like any cop I ever knew, either.
If you're a person that can't fight, or can't legally carry a gun, you need any advantage you can get. I don't care about the "legal circle" if some group of thugs wants to take my shit, or hurt me or my loved ones. One of the earliest skills you learn as a kid is how to swing a stick.
Also seems strangely eager to hit his partner during this entire video as well. Seems like an asshole. My guess is his advice is to not walk the street at night, don't go into troublesome neighborhoods, or just give them your shit and/or take your beating.
Question for Viewers: Does the baton ever work as intended?