Sapsan: Moscow-Saint Petersburg

Sapsan: Moscow-Saint Petersburg

Czech Transport Hub

7 лет назад

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- 28.11.2016 18:41

Zajímavé video :-) 100% like :)

@MONRFin - 12.12.2016 23:36

So much speaking. So annoying. Can't just seat and enjoy.

@ystrek - 09.06.2017 23:23

Public WiFi networks in Russia, such as this in Sapsan (or in metro, busses and the like) require authorization. Typically, you just have to open your browser where you will be immediately prompted to log in for free. Without having logged in, i.e if you just start an app that requires net access, it simply won't work, as it was in your case. No idea, why Sapsan crew doesn't explain this to the passengers.

@ystrek - 12.06.2017 04:56

Same thing in Moscow Metro, buses, trams, MCC etc. And this problem is constantly embarassing not only foreigners, but Russain citizen as well, those who came from other cities. They see the WiFi stickers everywhere, but they cannot connect and use the net (as they believe). A simple hint: "First login, then browse", might be very helpful for many. But there's nothing of that sort.

@МихаилБрод - 14.01.2018 00:49

victim of western propaganda, he scared)

- 11.02.2018 02:17

German train

@debby1242 - 12.02.2018 01:12

How long did the trip take?

@mihailraskin2912 - 25.02.2018 13:38

They do 250 km/h sometimes

@thatnorwegianguy1986 - 11.03.2018 16:27

Would love to see Russia but I am half-Hispanic and terrified of going there, have heard stories that if you dont look russian you may be assaulted.

@lenaaqq6855 - 19.03.2019 10:20

kakoj god??mogli bi i pokrasit, smotri kak paganie vse dlja turistov pokrasili, a ljudi v grjasi,,,

@lenaaqq6855 - 19.03.2019 10:26

liliputas cz survive on subsidies from EU (living on benefit)hahah!!!stupidity,,,,about Russin,,hahha

@mursamol1831 - 13.09.2019 18:42

ЭВС «Сапсан» (Velaro RUS) — высокоскоростные электропоезда из семейства электропоездов Velaro производства компании Siemens, приобретённые ОАО «РЖД» для эксплуатации на российских скоростных железных дорогах. Брендовое название получили в честь сокола-сапсана (Falco peregrinus). Электропоезда серии ЭВС1 — постоянного тока, ЭВС2 — двойного питания. Разработаны компанией Siemens специально для России.

По состоянию на 2015 год, «Российские железные дороги» приобрели шестнадцать десятивагонных поездов ЭВС в два этапа, включая четыре электропоезда ЭВС2 и 12 ЭВС1. Поезда ЭВС1 второго этапа эксплуатируются по системе многих единиц в виде четырёх двадцативагонных составов[1]. Кроме того, Siemens получила контракт на техобслуживание составов в течение тридцати лет стоимостью в 354 млн евро.

С момента своего запуска в декабре 2009 года поезд «Сапсан» превратился в медийного персонажа: у него появились собственный блог и аккаунт в Твиттере.

@mursamol1831 - 13.09.2019 18:42

Sapsan EMV (Velaro RUS) - high-speed electric trains from the family of Velaro electric trains manufactured by Siemens, acquired by Russian Railways for operation on Russian high-speed railways. The brand name was given in honor of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus). Electric trains of the ЭВС1 series - direct current, ЭВС2 - double power supply. Developed by Siemens specifically for Russia.

As of 2015, Russian Railways had acquired sixteen ten-car EMU trains in two stages, including four electric trains EMV2 and 12 EMV1. The EMU trains of the second stage are operated according to the system of many units in the form of four twenty-wagon trains [1]. In addition, Siemens received a contract for the maintenance of compositions for thirty years worth 354 million euros.

Since its launch in December 2009, the Sapsan train has turned into a media character: it has its own blog and Twitter account.
