Creating the Ultimate Seed Starting Soil Mix | Perfect for Native Plants & Vegetable Gardens

Creating the Ultimate Seed Starting Soil Mix | Perfect for Native Plants & Vegetable Gardens

Bright Lane Gardens

11 месяцев назад

2,843 Просмотров

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@eileenstarr6607 - 04.03.2024 13:20

Hi Anna! New subscriber, and I love your detailed explanations!! I am going to try making my own mix, but wondered how much of the worm castings you use. Am I correct in thinking that the 4 main ingredients would each be about 25%? And then the worm castings…more like a 5-10% addition to the mix? Thank you for your content! 😊

@MK-zi7ym - 06.03.2024 04:39

Thank you!

@williamwebster-bh9jn - 30.03.2024 18:22

What is your mixing ratio w/ coco,pete,playsand,garden soil 2 worm casting

@williamwebster-bh9jn - 30.03.2024 18:23

What is your mixing ratio w/ coco,pete,playsand,garden soil 2 worm casting ? thanks a million & happy gardening

@williamwebster-bh9jn - 30.03.2024 18:23

What is your mixing ratio w/ coco,pete,playsand,garden soil 2 worm casting ? thanks a million & happy gardening

@Leonidimus59 - 09.05.2024 17:32

Why don't you use perlite or vermiculite for the seed mix?

@tory464 - 20.05.2024 02:16


@halukvurgec9250 - 02.06.2024 13:52

Hello from Istanbul.I just came across your channel and I subscribed.Thank you for your informative videos.We request Turkish subtitles for your videos.I recommend your channel to my amateur gardening friends.Good lock.

@lexieintheskywithdiamonds - 19.12.2024 00:46

just curious and I know your mixtures are precise, but I’m wondering, did you just empty all of the bags into the bin? did that just happen to be perfect ?? i would imagine tryouts def didn’t use whole bag garden soil ..seems to most

@frankwoodworth99 - 26.12.2024 07:23

From what I read , there is 70 % more peat moss grown in Canada than is harvested every year.
