Duomo di Milano - Milan Cathedral - Bucket List Travel Ideas

Duomo di Milano - Milan Cathedral - Bucket List Travel Ideas

Ultimate Bucket List

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@leoncinoargentino7101 - 05.10.2021 10:28

E veramente scandoloso, dove pagare
nella casa di Dio, non credo che a Dio
faccia piacere

@andrenewcomb3708 - 08.10.2021 21:32

It costs to go to church? I love the exterior . . . even church is ascending.

@praba991ify - 01.11.2021 11:53

U should have a million subs for your amazing content .

@bobbywright7527 - 11.12.2021 15:57

Like it!!!

@Sippy309 - 04.01.2022 04:43

Change the music in the background. Outdated! Not only that, its freaking Milan, not Naples!

@hasheemmancity4498 - 01.05.2022 00:18

Hey Ninh, can you pls make a video about Rome

@jasonrossrealty - 05.05.2022 20:30

Visiting the Duomo in Milan is one of the most spectacular sites I have seen on this planet!! Take the lift (elevator) to the top! And take it ALL IN!!!

@magentapurple8823 - 11.05.2022 18:01

Notice all of the triangular shapes? 3 corners, 3 points of light. Physics says we begin as triangular shapes/images with points of light at each corner. The physicist Kenneth Ford wrote in his book The Quantum World this: "constantly and magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons".
The physicist Barbara Brennan wrote in her book Hands of Light that we are eternal holograms and eternal electrical energy fields because the atoms those quarks are creating spin as electrical energy fields. Atoms consist of positive protons and negative electrons. It is because of these that everything exists as images of light.
God's creation constantly creates those quarks which we are full of as in "The Kingdom of God is within you". God is the intelligence we breathe and eat and think and feel. God is every part of us and everything else.

@Chris-kz7us - 21.06.2022 14:12

Can I get in with shorts on?

@jrlovesu02 - 10.07.2022 03:16

Beautiful architecture however, I cannot wrap my mind around building a church to worship God/Jesus yet its decorated with statues honoring everyone (even Napoleon)...doesn't the 1st two commandments say God is a jealous God & do not make unto thee any graven images? 🤔

@POLOAZTECA - 25.07.2022 11:10

Did they use scaffolds to build that?

@khairulnizamml7047 - 18.10.2022 02:54

Everything is perfect and the building is very nice to get shot but Beware if you go the small shop infront of galleria vittorio emanuele.if you use card to purchased please beware.they will charge you twice. for the first he will act like your card reject and then tap for 2nd time.

@frederickaugustusdouglass9713 - 24.10.2022 05:29

There was a time when humans were giants. History has been hidden from us.

@mariaeus3694 - 08.12.2022 20:05

Splendido video.
Peccato per la musica di sottofondo che non accompagna e svilisce la potenza dell'architettura e delle guglie del Duomo (musica da sagra campagnola).
Comunque, grazie.

Da una milanese.

@dadson8524 - 07.01.2023 05:39

Hi guys it’s beautiful but just wonder bien and why in hell we haven’t build anything like this anymore the history don’t make sense, what a beautiful place

@theadmiral4157 - 16.01.2023 18:08

This is where ezio died. Amazing place

@liudmylazubkova8839 - 04.02.2023 01:33

Hello. Can anyone please advise if it would be better (faster?) to go to the rooftop at first, and then to go to look the cathedral. As far as I understood, when you descend from the rooftop, you will appear in the cathedral again. And if you enter the cathedral at first, then you will have to exit and to stand in the queue for the rooftop as the entrances are separate. So, going to the rooftop first will allow you to avoid one odd queue.

@RightNowMan - 12.02.2023 22:13


@harinderid - 19.02.2023 21:26

I love your commentary. Love from Delhi, India

@mickyvalenz9959 - 16.05.2023 02:38

Lol when you said largest church in Italy I was about to say something about St Peter’s but then realized the Vatican is not italy 😂

@joederocco9321 - 01.06.2023 05:33

just another reason why italy is the best country in the world

@waynepret142 - 27.06.2023 03:43

Those damned pigeons and photographers. Omg

@waynepret142 - 27.06.2023 03:45

There is so much to see. You can spend hours in it

@talkj2125 - 24.07.2023 08:29

Dear <Ultimate Bucket List>, I am writing to inquire about your permission to use your video clip. This is <Talkpawon 25hrs>, the Korean TV show which is broadcasted on JTBC (Korean TV channel). With your permission, I'd like to use your video to introduce the Milan Cathedral. It will be broadcasted at 9PM on 31 July 2023. Thank you for your kind attention and look forward to hearing from you.

@MrMohaakon - 24.07.2023 18:45

Anor londo

@AlexDutchman94 - 07.10.2023 12:02

This is the place where I can fight Ornstein and Smough?

@Mike-gv7yy - 07.10.2023 21:19

ayo how did u defeat ornstein and smough?

@BhaalSakh - 10.10.2023 06:37

I tried getting there but someone shot an arrow the size of a missile right at me.

@thefrankmiller5030 - 25.10.2023 00:07

That zoom in you did at a certain girl's behind while saying you'll get "very nice views" was utterly tacky, while also completely inappropriate and unnecessary.

@illmerica322 - 25.01.2024 23:33

Its meant for worship not tourism i understand the beauty can leave you in aw but taking pictures and going there just to sight see is not honorable at keast go to pray

@maxsavage3998 - 02.03.2024 09:25

This building blows any building out of the water at its intricacy including the jumble of concrete of sfamilia in barcelona not in the same class

@aikexpert - 23.03.2024 17:17

Great And Beautiful Church Would Love To Visit 💙

@alkaarya9108 - 23.04.2024 13:58

Visit, Jaipur India 🇮🇳

@nicklam66 - 27.04.2024 21:40

shes kinda cute to stalk tho

@deekruger9930 - 11.05.2024 15:54


@southernfriedhackers - 14.05.2024 02:37

Pricing online is like $50usd for all in one compared to your $13 usd about four years ago. Inflation is wild

@nassieranderson1440 - 20.05.2024 18:22


@bungaumihai3589 - 26.05.2024 18:26

the old guys dance sold me

@Christz2109 - 23.06.2024 08:39

I was there yesterday it was so cool
But the speakers were too loud

@idk-zk7om - 23.07.2024 19:23

can i enter with my knee level short

@DaddysWhoopingBelt - 01.08.2024 21:37

Typhical women you're at that incredible place, and one thinks it about her ''getting stalked'' lol

@zahidriaz8362 - 04.08.2024 00:50


@naked_history - 22.08.2024 09:27

Hi, I work for South Korean broadcast company tvN. we would like to use your video on our history show. Could you please let me know if we could use an excerpt from it giving the credit to your channel? Thanks :)

@TheStateoflove - 02.09.2024 06:14

im unsure, should i climb to the roof?

@AchesonSimona-u8k - 08.09.2024 09:48

Streich Skyway

@HowardBastille-i3f - 09.09.2024 21:57

Romaine Fort

@timrose5783 - 01.10.2024 17:16

And people with horse and buggy, hammers, and chisel supposedly built this thing.

@memorie411 - 25.01.2025 01:04

however I want to visit this place anyday ❤
