x10 GOD TIER NUKERS INCOMING! | Raid: Shadow Legends

x10 GOD TIER NUKERS INCOMING! | Raid: Shadow Legends

Hell Hades

2 года назад

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@Thomas-ut5bd - 25.09.2022 22:06

Pulled LEO!

@lovegodfirst654 - 25.09.2022 07:51

Warlord was my first Lego. Got him pretty early. Used him since the start. He has protected my champs since the beginning, still strongest heal and shields.

@lovegodfirst654 - 25.09.2022 07:49

Why do I get these notifications 2 days late? You are my number 1 support, btw! You have helped me understand this game over the last years. Would have quit without the help. You keep it interesting, thx@

@leonardblanton5401 - 25.09.2022 00:02

I got my first legendary from a single pull ancient shard.
Got Hakkorhn Smashlord.

@UMCmetal - 23.09.2022 14:32

should I try my luck as a F2P player? I desperately need a good DD besides my starter champion. Only have 4 void shards and 21 ancient shards ...
or wait for the next fusion?
Missed the last fusion due to low economy of shards.

@tohth2011 - 23.09.2022 13:18

can skip all, save for guarantee event must more better

@Lumbiejack - 23.09.2022 13:12

Unless you already have 95% of the champs in the game, at least, AND spend a lot of money, 10x is the dumbest thing you can participate in

@Lumbiejack - 23.09.2022 13:01

10x are beyond useless, waste of F**** time. Too many champs to pull from

@SevereBeazt - 23.09.2022 03:37

websites awesome m8 :)

@djcrcjvrrjvvfj4105 - 23.09.2022 03:00

What levels give you the Rings

@brittwages8975 - 23.09.2022 02:53

thanks for updating your site

@ericlautenschlager6714 - 22.09.2022 23:06

What was that CB team you had running?

@smokeythebeast8288 - 22.09.2022 22:48

Currently in Arena I run arbiter around 350 speed with the aura blessing mixed with trunda, hephraak and either mythrala or duchess or rotos basically whatever matches best against the opposing team and I have just been cruising through Arena. I normally bounce in and out of platinum throughout the week basically just trying to farm up gold to finish my Great Hall. So basically I'm definitely going to pull for another hephy or leo

@jonmetrick7998 - 22.09.2022 22:35

when you refer to a champion a good provoker, how do you get around when it fails to provoke? for example, husk is 20%

@markchaney4469 - 22.09.2022 22:25

Acc husk is we’re it’s at for hydra

@alwaysdisputin9930 - 22.09.2022 22:12

@Hell Hades - TY for updating website but why does Gnarlhorn have masteries boosting C RATE & C DMG when he can't land any critical hits?

@-deadendking-1330 - 22.09.2022 22:01

10X nukers without Genbo 😒

@georgemiu2174 - 22.09.2022 21:55

Ffff Plarium! I am close to 20 sacreds opened without a lego. I opened 3 this event hoping for a double lego and I got shit.

@daviddrotos561 - 22.09.2022 21:46

So voids and sacred? Or this pulling on ancients as well? Events are cool and all but can you tell us what shards it is on as well

@felixalaimo - 22.09.2022 21:33

Great champs! I aint pulling anyways, don't fall in those "10x" baits any more. I just let the slot machine do its thing while pulling for a fusion.

@ModernMyths - 22.09.2022 21:26

As far past the void mercy that I am. I'm going to wait for the next weekend. for 2 reasons. 1. It's going to be a 2x Void Summon. And I need all the help I can get with Voids (SERIOUSLY!) and 2. Usually the next Fragment/fusion even should start usually. So I'm going to start saving for it

@thelitch6784 - 22.09.2022 21:22

I hate that I can't pull shards for husk or Magnar but after missing out on ukko I have to save ALL shards for next good fusion

@KeithDCanada - 22.09.2022 21:16

Cupidus/Venus..... so what you're saying is that Love really does conquer all?

@zvwake - 22.09.2022 20:59

Wait so you can go past round 50 on the CB?

@zeejameson503 - 22.09.2022 20:43

Thanks for the update. This is what keeps us all coming to you. Appreciate ur hard work!!!

@thefirstKenpachi - 22.09.2022 20:03

I'm terribly in need of geomancer, come on

@driftercloud3381 - 22.09.2022 19:45

Does this mean Staltus might not be the sacred guaranteed?

@GSRGaming115 - 22.09.2022 19:42

raids greed is showing

@oleggontar2942 - 22.09.2022 19:38

Nari the lucky wit decrease acc and resistence, how could be 3* in iron twins? We are talking about to assembling a team what can take huge hits, whilst 2-3 of the debuffers have over 700 acc with high speed.

@uknohuu - 22.09.2022 19:32

how are you at turn 70 in clanboss i thought its only 50?

@michaelragnarsson3476 - 22.09.2022 19:29

I pulled a Hephraak LAST 10x and he was huge for my arena attack!

@krsun5052 - 22.09.2022 19:28

I love how you 180 "your" opinion about the baron buff from CONTROVERSIAL CHAMPION BUFFS to "might" be better than Leorius, nice work !

@desmondaffoh9654 - 22.09.2022 19:26

I got septimus from an ancient and I have a seer but I just started so I don't have the gear to use them. Help

@samnokes5344 - 22.09.2022 19:23

Brogni better be a 5😂

@mimistak - 22.09.2022 19:21

No guarantee so skip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Zheph - 22.09.2022 19:09

Wow, must be a pretty good guaranteed sacred leggo coming next CvC! Can't wait to not pull this event and pull on Tuesday instead!

@TheDuffdawg99 - 22.09.2022 19:03

My accounts allergic to leggo nukers and I got the epics, so I'll skip it.

@BoshinTV - 22.09.2022 18:58

I’ve wanted Leo since I saw him, I’m going to pull what I have for him

@haPPycuDDlez13 - 22.09.2022 18:48

wayt to flex your cb fight at the start. :D

@TrackMediaOnly - 22.09.2022 18:36

It feels like they are milking for something big again. They did it before Ragash/Nekmo Thaar and they've done it before and during our current Ukko. Though most likely a really good guaranteed for shards or something along those lines given we are in the middle of a fragment event.

@frankindabank - 22.09.2022 18:28

Nah I have Baron in my vault, where is the point in going for somebody else now? I will just wait and see, what numbers Baron will dish out after the changes...

@Larfindion04 - 22.09.2022 18:25

Would be nice to get Thylessia bacuse I have a 5-Star soul for her

@leroybanging2687 - 22.09.2022 18:19

We need a extra legendary on voids.

@lacoste441 - 22.09.2022 18:02

Baron becoming the best nuker ??? What did i miss lol

@liamskelly7825 - 22.09.2022 17:50

You down rated brass clad just after I pulled 140 shards to get him 🤣🤣🤣

@artserode6431 - 22.09.2022 17:49

Got to compliment you and the team on the website.. I used to gear out my +1 BEK to solo IG and D 25.. 3-4 min run - 100% win rate..

@BANExLORD - 22.09.2022 17:48

Pulled Ursuga a few hours ago!! Almost 4 years in and I FINALLY pulled a void lego! I still want to cry hahaha

@TheQwagmyer - 22.09.2022 17:45

Sorry only crack shards on 2x. 10x is a scam.

@Fledermausmann - 22.09.2022 17:45

This is so tempting but as a pretty much f2p player, I don't know if I'd be able to pull for this and have enough for the next fusion. Esp since I had to skip this one because I burned myself out with norgoyo
