The WORST Scooby-Doo Trilogy | ToonGrin Compilations

The WORST Scooby-Doo Trilogy | ToonGrin Compilations


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@thefantasticretroreviewer3941 - 09.10.2021 19:01


@Starwarsdude8221991 - 09.10.2021 19:31

Bad deal

@SillinessIsCartoons - 09.10.2021 19:31

Well, at least these Scooby Doo movies are a lot better looking than the “Scooby-Doo Movies” from the 70’s

@daniel.d.roberts6850 - 09.10.2021 19:35

These are indeed the worst Scooby Doo films I have ever had the misfortune to see, personally, I blame Billy And Mandy for those ugly proadies and for disgracing SD and stealing his catchphrases for a fugly proady, that show was the cause of all this nonsense.

I really hope Warner Brothers part their ways with Billy And Mandy one way or another, cause B&M doesn't deserve the positive reception it has gotten whatsoever.

@karljulien4954 - 09.10.2021 19:45

If you watch these movies out of order, you’d be lost. If you do watch them in order, you’d still be lost. The continuity in this "trilogy" can really throw people off, along with most of the retconning.

@tavvyprods1275 - 09.10.2021 20:24

Those three films and Kate Micucci as the new voice of Velma are Warner Bros Animation’s biggest mistakes.

@sadlobster1 - 09.10.2021 20:30

I really hated this version of Scooby-Doo's mythos and what they did with Velma. She went from this lovable, bookish nerd and became this bitterly cynical know-it-all who is bent on disproving all supernatural occurrences.

Sure, they've done all that before in the old continuity...but there HAVE been times where Mystery Inc. DID meet real monsters and supernatural beings. Now, they're retconning some of the best Scooby stories out there from Zombie Island to The 13 Ghosts.

If they choose to bring back Ghoul School and try to do this kind of thing THERE, I'm REALLY going to be cheesed off

@WhiteRaven696 - 09.10.2021 21:12

Velma is the main reason this trilogy absolutely SUCKS. Happy Halloween actually works if you take out Velma's delusion. Return To Zombie Island is absolutely irredeemable. But Curse? Curse could've worked, even with Velma, if they had removed the whole "the ghost was fake" reveal.

@animationstation1005 - 10.10.2021 01:07

Happy Halloween Scooby Doo is not that bad. It's harmless fun and the creator of Billy and Mandy did the best he could with what he was given to work with.

It's not amazing, but it's far better than bottom barrel 🗑️ like Return To Zombie Island and Monster Of Mexico

@animationstation1005 - 10.10.2021 01:24

Return To Zombie Island is not just the worst Scooby Doo movie...


@WhiteRaven696 - 10.10.2021 01:26

I think they handled the entire Gang a bit better in the Courage crossover. Even if at the very end, Fred, Velma and Daphne refuse to believe that Katz and Le Quack are real talking animals... Despite Scooby and Courage being right there.

@Mymy_64 - 10.10.2021 04:45

Return to Zombie island is definitely the worst offender out of the trilogy as not only does it retcon the original, but the fact there was literally no mystery at all until the END half of the movie was baffling. Curse of the 13th ghost and Happy Halloween in the very least had mysteries that were okay at best(Although Happy Halloween took almost exclusively in a car chase).

@johnnyd3158 - 10.10.2021 04:49

To quote Mystery Science Theater 3000 in regards to Warner Bros current treatment of the Scooby Doo franchise:

“They Just Didn't Care.”

@moxxiedemongamer3019 - 10.10.2021 09:43

as much as I grew up Loving Scooby-Doo I'd find all three movies of Curse of the 13th Ghost being a boring insult to a Scooby-Doo series that I HATE (Besides Scrappy-Doo because he's Annoying as Shit) to Scooby-Doo Return to Zombie Island is just a Boring re-hash of a Sequel that didn't need to happen and you should just re-watch the original Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island witch is better instead of this Crappy Sequel and with Happy Halloween Scooby-Doo was Okay just not that Great plus they should have done a crossover with Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy with Scooby-Doo And have the creator Maxwell Atoms involved just like what they did with Straight Outta Nowhere Scooby-Doo Meets Courage the Cowardly Dog despite the creator not being involved and have it seems fitting to the series that could have be Awesome ether way all three Scooby-Doo movies Completely SUCK and 2020 SCOOB was better then all three Scooby-Doo movies

@InspectorScooby - 10.10.2021 11:29

Couldn't have said it better myself. And believe me, I pointed out it several times.

@domo5314 - 11.10.2021 02:55

The sword and the Scoob sucked too, I still can't forget the scene where daphnie starts dancing with no music. I have not watched the Courage crossover but the latest "film" that was pretty good was Scoobynatural and should of been longer. Scoobynatural was such a refreshing idea and I wish we got more stuff like that

@deandrewalker6824 - 12.10.2021 19:05

The Ghost Ship Captain is indeed one of the 13 ghosts as confirmed by the writer of the movie and the episode description on various streaming sites(also the Scooby-Doo character reference guide book from the HB studio) and while he may seem weaker than the other demons,it is quite possible he was responsible for luring people aboard and sinking his ship and killing the passengers on the ship 50 years ago and making him his minions because he secretly was a ghost pretending to be human

@firecrakerj3312 - 17.10.2021 02:37

The first one was okay, I could let it pass. The second one, while it shows that Warner Brothers does acknowledge Zombie Island as a good film, this seems to have miss the mark. As for the third one, they definitely tried to fix everything and it managed to somehow work and not work at the same time.

@MooseFire7 - 02.11.2021 04:31

Why not call it a story arc?

I still think there should be another Zombie Island movie; One where Velma understands that the Supernatural is real (FOR ONCE IN HER ILLUSIONAL LIFE)

@mikechicago6200 - 22.12.2021 10:00

I was afraid of the first two but I actually like the third one though I was kind of sad that it was basically the third and final part of a trilogy and I wish that use more with Elvira and the director Maxwell Adams I wish you could put his dark comedy magic like he did with Billy and Mandy but put it for Scooby-Doo it was a bit of a missed opportunity and the fact that they put a DC character in this kind of make no sense

@mikechicago6200 - 22.12.2021 10:02

Since they rudely retconned and ruined what made Zombie Island a great film I worried that maybe they'll do the same thing to the ghoul school considering it's rising popularity do I wonder how that would work in the modern era

@nathanblevins158 - 13.03.2022 22:05

Wow. They ruin Velma so much in this movie.

@pepthebabslasonge2551 - 18.05.2022 22:51

I personally loved scooby doo and the 13 ghosts, I spent a lot of effort trying to find it and I loved them. Guess my opinion isn't popular ):

@sophialoren7470 - 20.07.2022 15:58

OMG agree! These later movies are kinda boring... mainly for Velma Dinkley, even her beign my absolutely favorite character on the gang in ages.

@sustelsuk - 18.08.2022 22:01

I think if they changed the sheriff character make him hate that mystery inc solving mysteries and capturing creatures better than the police force, making him jealous and them gone forever ( I just a better motive than the movies)

@biancagrottolo - 23.10.2022 08:31

As a kid, when I was watching the scooby-doo series, Velma. was not that annoying. But then when they did the return, the zombie Island, 13 ghosts and. The sword and the Scoob and the courage crossed over scooby-doo movie. She just removed all the fun out of these movies. She made them so boring the way she ruined everything. She was too. She got the skull and I'm a paranormal researcher. She sucks. I hate them, and the way she is, she ruined it all. For the movies in the past, she was fine and good, but these? Oh God, she sucks badly. Honestly, Thelma is now someone I hate. I'd rather watch a movie or cartoon with Daphne, Scooby, Shaggy and Fred, but not Velma. Velma stinks are nice. If You agree with me then? thumbs up.

@biancagrottolo - 23.10.2022 09:44

You mean all this time these three were a trilogy, but the only thing that connect them was the dumb sheriff. That's why this was called a trilogy. The only good film in these three is the Halloween one because it has a villain from Batman and it has alfalfa and Bill, Guy the science guy. But really, this movie? The Series was no wait. The trilogy was suck. Happy Halloween. I'll give you that chance to watch. But I watched those two and they sucked. So yeah, I think the Halloween ones gonna be a lot better than these two if anyone agrees with what I'm saying. Thumbs down and a bid F.

@derekfung6190 - 12.11.2022 00:19

Well, this video is making me hate Velma a lot

@ZWtcp - 13.11.2022 17:19

velma just outright shouldn't be taken seriously here, feels like she was used as a semi-obnoxious meme

@nathanforester5993 - 19.11.2022 11:32

The Courage crossover definitely was a much needed improvement and yes it was silly that they didn't know Courage's main antagonists Le Quack and Katz weren't actual people in animal costumes, but yeah you can't just make us attempt to forget that supernatural beings don't exist in your universe like that, Velma...that's just beyond stupid.

@kyleellis1825 - 25.11.2022 20:26

I loved return to Zombie Island for one simple reason... It showed that the gang actually cared about Scooby and shaggy. They tried so hard to ignore the mystery for the simple reason of friendship.

And they finally acknowledged they use the pair as bait too much.

@arielruh7773 - 15.02.2023 03:06

I loved zombie island and the original Velma and now WB are ruining both of them

@Goldy-Bear88 - 21.02.2023 07:25

Nothing is a bad as the second zombie island

@WxIxLxLxIxAxMxS - 18.03.2023 23:51

Y'all spent alot of time criticizing Velma in these movies, and rightfully so, but only a brief mention of Fred's character assassination in Curse of the 13th Ghost?

Seriously! They shat all over Fred to prop up Daphne in that movie! What they did to Fred was worse than Velma's annoying a$s in that one.

@snipersharkx4886 - 08.04.2023 18:24

It's the 13 Goust's of Scooby Doo


@latviandragon2718 - 11.04.2023 19:48

didnt the lochness monster movie ended with scooby seeing the real monster

@1fishmob - 22.04.2023 16:50

I really liked the idea of the supernatural existing in the Scooby-Doo universe as it helped send home its message; the scariest monsters are never the ones with teeth, claws or from space, but the ones that wear the face of men. These just sound like awful, b@stardizations.

@flubber1557 - 22.05.2023 15:58

"Yeah dont go teen titans go ing scooby doo!".... Velma 2023 rears its head.

@1fishmob - 06.08.2023 06:36

Hi, I am back! I just wanted to say how sad it its that on the "Best of 10-Film" dvd for Scooby-Doo movies, this ENTIRE TRILOGY was able to get onto it, but not Zombie Island 1... That's just depressing.

@paulgroeger33 - 11.08.2023 21:09

Swamp gas explains these movies

@jacobbrown9894 - 13.05.2024 14:48

As soon as you establish the supernatural as real and just natural, the ‘smart logic minded character’ rejecting them and refusing to integrate it into their thought processes is literally the opposite of logic minded. How does literally every author/scriptwriter screw this up. Have any actually written the logical character as logical in-universe and not just “what if we put our snarkiest irl critic in.”

@xXLunatikxXlul - 02.07.2024 23:54

I hated this trilogy 😓

@timothygodwin7575 - 26.09.2024 02:35

I LOVED the original 13 ghosts series. Idk why everyone hates it so much. I do however dislike the curse of the 13th ghost movie.
