OneNote Copy text from picture - 2 reasons to use this awesome feature

OneNote Copy text from picture - 2 reasons to use this awesome feature

Chris Menard

4 года назад

41,693 Просмотров

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@MedoHamdani - 19.05.2024 02:04

Is it possible to use the technique on PDF Scanned Images?

@pietr-ym7qx - 25.04.2023 10:40

With numbers it doesn't work? I tried it with Text which worked, then i tried with a list of numbers which didn't work. Did anyone manage to extract numbers/figures?

@mosheargaman9249 - 11.11.2022 14:02

This works only for english.
When I have text in a different language, it is not recognized by Onenote for windows 10 could based OCR.

Is there any way to fix this? @chris

@cminoiu - 30.10.2022 05:30

I don't have the "copy text from image" functionality...

@271830066 - 28.10.2022 18:56

Thanks, For some reason I can not search for words inside of a picture?

@Harsha.Chauhan - 24.07.2022 18:30

thank you for helping but the text is completely different after pasting please help me

@kenp133 - 26.06.2022 01:13

Thanks, it does usually take a few minutes for the copy text option to appear.

@iaingorman2410 - 19.03.2022 21:13

I received a pdf of my bank statements for the year. Each page is separate image. Is there away to covert all images to text instead of one by one? The option to convert to text disappears after a Cntl A.

@manikantajupudi4129 - 25.02.2022 19:31

Thanks, Chris.

@edtv2365 - 03.02.2022 03:27

lies. all lies.

@tutsecret499 - 14.01.2022 22:30

What if i have this handwritings in pdf format. I receive via email questionnaires form by people and I have to retype 100 information such as name, birth, addresses, etc.

@Wolfizle - 07.01.2022 15:29

Thank you for the short and informative video, I saw that a lot of comments were mentioning they're struggling to find the "copy text from picture" and so was I. The fix I found which I hope hope it's helpful to others is that in settings>options you have to turn on "class notebook tools" in order for the option to appear.

@Buzzbonce - 20.10.2021 14:36

The copy text from image most often fails to appear, which is frustrating, especially when it has worked before. It is too unreliable, better off using an offline app.

@MarkAndrewsOCFOA - 12.10.2021 01:01

Great Video, I had the problem with "Copy Text from Picture" not showing up as I'm running the cloud version of Office 365. I waited overnight and it still wasn't there. I had to download Office and install it in order for the Copy Text from Picture feature to appear.

@jenimerlin1907 - 15.09.2021 20:32

Can i compare these two "copied to text" image in onenote ...any vba...

Actually my concern is ..
I have two image which has text in it.. i need to compare those text whether matching perfectlu or not

@Blackfeet - 21.07.2021 21:52

i have hundreds of photos in my onenote and not one time has this option ever showed up. i believe that this is an experimental feature that only a select number of microsoft account users get.

@lourveybourdan3912 - 09.06.2021 03:23

My one note does NOT offer this feature??

@KeyTFF - 08.06.2021 19:31

I don't even see that option

@ludde2408 - 24.04.2021 16:19

Tysm, great, short and informal video, really appriciat it!

@yannikblier8478 - 20.04.2021 22:56

This option does not always appear for me. I am trying to find a common thread between images where I do have the option and images where I do not and can't seem to find the common link. Furthermore, when I select an image I don't have a "Picture" tab appear. This is no matter what image I choose.

@allasmr7 - 19.04.2021 14:36

I'm unable to find copy text from picture feature pls do help whats might be the issue

@clarissaarevalo883 - 05.03.2021 00:55

So I've been using onenote on my desktop and I like the picture to text feature, recently I've been using an iPad and I've noticed that text to feature doesnt show up
Do you know if theres a way I can make it work?

@dontown1531 - 16.01.2021 00:23

Awesome video. Can it also pull text from a PDF? I remember using an OCR scanning machine at the NCR data centre here in Vancouver 1972. I had to scan cash register rolls from 2 Dept store chains. The NCR 510 main-frame only had 4K memory.! Computers have come a long way in 50+ yrs

@gregorytaylor2749 - 15.01.2021 18:45

Thanks for this fantastic tip!

@Graphicious - 15.01.2021 17:49

Thanks for the video. Just out of curiosity, does Microsoft automatically OCR all images you add to your notebooks or just the ones you request by accessing the "Copy Text from Picture"?
