Which Roommate Are You? (Animation)

Which Roommate Are You? (Animation)


4 года назад

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@exotice1410 - 11.12.2022 05:35

accidentally clicked on this and i will watch it lol

@justarandomguyplayingrando4792 - 13.12.2022 05:26

i qualify for both

@Jess-lc7ci - 17.12.2022 20:35

I was the hermit and the stranger just because I got uncomfortable with people who I didn't know anything about them.
Now I'm just the hermit because I rent with classmates friends and they are basically the same. We're hermits.

@theuser810 - 28.12.2022 20:48

Why am I watching this when I live at home :P

@matthew_90 - 29.12.2022 00:08

14 hours of sleep that's average my friend sleeps 16 flipping hours

@Ocaoria - 09.01.2023 17:12

I'm a big hermit lol

@CHAEMMWW111 - 20.01.2023 00:00

Maid in training*
that remind me of Someone...
Oh wait thats me ✌️

@maggots.in.ur.eyez420 - 23.02.2023 19:05

I’m The seaweed head

@corvixie - 23.02.2023 22:50

I’m the hermit because I don’t like people

@Late_night_cook - 02.04.2023 22:48

I’m a ultra hermit

@Hi-its_Me - 03.04.2023 01:07

I am the “you will not go out and spend money… I will cook you dinner”. I was the mother, the maid, the friend that will pay for your rent, the person who was the everything not really now that I thought about it.

@SleepyPenda - 05.04.2023 01:38

Why do I feel like he is most of these? 😂

@unknown-xs5by - 05.04.2023 16:44

i am the maid sadly

@sweetcorm - 21.04.2023 00:02

I cannot understand why someone would have the audacity to wear shoes indoors… so disgusting

@shawty0612 - 29.04.2023 16:21

I'm the hermit and the maid in training lol

@mr.lockwood1424 - 16.05.2023 19:49

I now have the best roommate in my life. He never misses rent pay, keeps his half of the apartment clean and is very quiet. We talks like once in a couple days and it’s great. And he is my coworker, lol.

@theScarletSprig - 07.06.2023 20:43

You know
I was at the grocery store the other day, buying chocolate
And this guy's there
And I start to move into the aisle, and he backs away, step-for-step

As if there's a six-foot pole between us

It's instructive, as if automatic
I don't think people ever stopped social distancing, not this guy anyway
And it's like, honestly kinda stressful? I just stopped entering the aisle, and I waited patiently for him to leave it naturally, which took like 3-5 minutes

@johnrainsman6650 - 15.06.2023 19:43

I left my roommate because I saw her true colors when our coworker expressed emotional pain. She was SO insensitive. My coworker (let's call him Paul) is on the spectrum and doesn't really have a great filter. He's said some ✌"inappropriate"✌ things, but never intentionally. He's actually a really conscientious guy. He just makes mistakes in social situations, that's all. I think most of the crew have been a bit unfair to him. Even exclusive. They're college students and they have fun with each other, but they don't really include him in. They have shown some signs of annoyance or "dislike" (I say loosely) toward him. And then one day, I overheard the chef speaking firmly with Paul, not knowing I was nearby. She told Paul--who was always outgoing and tactile at work--that he shouldn't touch coworkers anymore and that he can only talk about work or school. Paul never meant to discomfort anyone. He expressed his pain to me and my ex-roommate; said he hated discomforting and/or hurting people, and perhaps even himself at this point. He even cried a bit. Now, I had lost my voice, so I couldn't say anything to make him feel better; the best I could do was pat his shoulder. I noticed my ex-roommate staring emotionlessly at him...as if she didn't care. I gestured toward him when he wasn't looking, and mouthed "say something," and she mouthed, "Like what?"

When Paul left, I confronted my roommate (who happened to be able to read lips) for not trying to make a hurting Paul feel better. She said, "Well, what was I supposed to tell him? That it isn't true? That he isn't a problem in social situations? That he hasn't said stupid things to make a bad impression on people? On my first day at his job, he actually talked about a man's right to hit women for self-defense. That is an inappropriate and disturbing thing to say, especially at work. Crying or not, I'm not gonna lie to make him feel better. Everything he said was actually right. The truth is the truth. That's all he was crying over. I can't ease his pain from that. He has no excuse for his inappropriate behavior and filter issues. He needs to work on it. So by all means, tell me what I was supposed to say to him, because the hard truth was all there was." And that is why I moved out of the apartment, temporarily moved back in with my parents, and got a new place to myself. The truth is not always worth it, and neither is being right.

@mikiim5739 - 23.06.2023 13:28

I used to sleep a lot too 😂

@kawaiiunicorn9211 - 01.07.2023 19:57

im not a roomat but i wod be a thermistat worer

@Manic964 - 05.08.2023 23:23

As a person who gets 27 mins of sleep I see this as an absolute win

@acanimatics906 - 13.08.2023 19:33

The stranger + hermit + kitchen banger is a common combo.... It's me, I'm guilty.

@tonynasaofficial - 28.08.2023 06:50

Im low key the foodie when not being the ghost most of time! But you get first hand experience with roommates the moment your born if you have siblings trust me

@shalucard107 - 29.11.2023 06:11

Yo we're not gay, we're homiesexual

@nicolekim4625 - 16.12.2023 15:55

Watching this again after 3 years and staying in a dorm for a year, I can see myself as the maid in training + nagger. And the last one is the most annoying one. I can't stand people wearing shoes in the house, like what's the urgency to keep it on even in their own rooms? And their excuse is that they didn't even step on a poop so it's ok to them🥲

@urmomurdad-c1v - 01.01.2024 22:42

i sleep 16 hours a day

@ScaredShreckless - 22.01.2024 05:01

Why did I really think u were hinting at something else when u said the “master debaters”, if u know u know and I swear to god those guys are truly the worst roomies 😅😅😅

@Multifandom04 - 22.01.2024 09:01

I live at a university dorm with mine. Both of us r good roommates thankfully.

@akianimations3975 - 16.02.2024 22:44

I am 3 of these catagories:
1. The Hermit.
2. The Kitchen Bangers.
3. The Flexable Foodie Freind.

@UrmomUrmom-mt3ee - 27.04.2024 05:03

Im all of the above

@cameronfowler7361 - 19.05.2024 03:12

I thought the “master debaters” segment was going to be seedier

@theemo1078 - 25.05.2024 05:10

oh no whats going on... whats happening to me.. Turns into a hermit

@doggoo69 - 26.05.2024 19:54

I think if I were a roomate i would be "The Stranger" or the "Hermit Crab" cuz i get too shy around ppl

@Toyacy933 - 28.05.2024 18:17

im a hermit i aint showing this to them but i know what everyone is

@ChrisAbdilla - 28.05.2024 21:44


@ChrisAbdilla - 28.05.2024 21:47

WHATS YOUR OLD ART APP 🎨 🖍🖌🖊🖋✏🗒📝📋✂️📐📏🖇📎📍🧻

@NOconnection404 - 16.07.2024 23:40

Ya I’ll gay made me laugh so hard

@waleedalarmanazi159 - 19.07.2024 19:34

I currently live with 5 other roommates and many of these stereotypes exist lmao, im the maid in training and SOMETIMES the food stealer scumbag

@nurzahidahrashidi - 27.11.2024 07:42

i finally started living in a rented apartment wit a buch of people and can proudly say, im a hermit. Just chill in my room unless i haveta go to class, eat or toilet breaks. XD

@qwert10k - 19.12.2024 23:14

Thanks for putting the ad at the end instead of in the middle of the vid

@DjMax.x - 27.12.2024 07:13

Ay um I'm a maid in Training so yeah I like all the rooms nice in clean, also im not one of those naggers, but im just a Quiet kid. 😅😂

@Moon_Peony - 27.12.2024 22:57

I don't have roommates, I never had, but I'm pretty sure I am the sleepaholic, the kitchen banger (but I try to be quiet) and the hermit. 🤷‍♀

(and the bathroom hogger..... heh)

@maizura8139 - 09.01.2025 19:56

You forgot one more..

@anabellesalazar6682 - 31.01.2025 06:28

Man I wasn’t included… I’m the bear bro I’m going into HIBERNATION IM BINGING😂😂😂

@Daidus - 27.03.2020 22:15

even tho we barnacle scum, we still wash our hands 💧👏
