How to capture video from Insta360 X2 in OBS

How to capture video from Insta360 X2 in OBS

Cosmo Streamer

1 год назад

10,103 Просмотров

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@cosmostreamer4773 - 20.01.2023 19:51

Stitching into equirectangular works too, just enable this option in settings. But my laptop is too slow for real-time stitching and video re-encoding.

@throwaway9129 - 21.01.2023 04:55

amazing! one day ill be able to afford a cosmostreamer for myself :D

@LocalMaple - 28.04.2023 03:40

Follow-up question:
Can OBS extract a square frame of the 360 video? Say for example you’re doing a Q&A across from another person; can you make a square focus on yourself, and another on your companion?

@MuhammadAdil-gs4tu - 30.06.2023 08:40

That was great. I was able to capture insta 360x2 in obs-web rtc , used it to stream realtime 360 video over internet with latency <1s. Is it possible that you add a web rtc encoder option in cosmostreamer for streaming in future?

@sejuroplays4957 - 05.07.2023 03:28

You think this will work on X3?

@srigans - 19.10.2023 08:51

Hi, I was trying this. I have 29.1.3 (latest) of OBSViewer, followed all your instructions, but the Gstream plugin doesn't show up, no errors. Any help? Thanks!

@ScottVeirsinVA - 01.02.2024 02:23

GREAT USE if your Russian.

@Leqtor_fun - 25.02.2024 16:01

I was able to connect the camera, install the driver, but when I try in CosmoViewerNG to see the image, there is no image, just white noise. The debugger shows that the camera is connected and there are no errors, but the image just doesn't appear, any guesses as to why this might be?

@pawegruca5841 - 10.04.2024 23:54

Hello, can i make that with Insta 360 One X?
