Narcissism | What You MUST Know

Narcissism | What You MUST Know


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@manriqul - 11.08.2024 23:24

Ramadi ❤Wow that was deep 😢I needed to hear this. The need to instill empathy in your kids, made an on purpose effort. I will raise two decent human beings myself 🥰🥰🥰the world is cruel and our kids are always watching us. Be mindful, aware, focused in the job the Lord has entrusted us with.

@crissyk6907 - 12.08.2024 05:56

What if they do everything to help themselves, but its for looks, but continues secretly

@rynaecurry5237 - 13.08.2024 07:19

1) My father had gf's from the night i was born (probably longer) until the night he died at 42 while he was introducing his mistress to my mom bc he was going to marry her. 2) My mother told me once that she "was put on this world to have everyone kiss her feet." She also tore up my 13 yo suicide note and threw it in my face and told me not to ever tell her something like that again. Told me i was fat throughout my life... even when i wasn't. 3) my older brother raping me for 5 years when i was 6 up. Telling me not to tell or my dad would kill him, go to prison and my mom would hate me and send me away. 4) My ex... the lies over nothing, going against my rules about my kids and keeping my son up until 3-4am on school nights. Letting him talk to his online gf's. Hurting my daughter. Cheating on me constantly. Talked down about me to his Co- workers. Projection, gas- lighting. And more.

@ismailozerozgul508 - 20.08.2024 13:23

Don't pay attention to a narcissist and have a lack of interest, which is the core of the negative narcissistic supply source. You should know that this source should be avoided. Be careful not to romanticize a narcissist. Remorse and good behavior are always associated with the fear of losing these resources. Narcissists have no enemies; they only have sources of supply. Even an enemy can be a source of supply. An enemy means attention; attention means a source of supply. So even an enemy can be a source of supply.

@MoahGentle - 22.08.2024 20:41

This is a great video.
Please don’t use the text chime to get people to subscribe. It’s very annoying for us who listen to the video. Thanks

@MoahGentle - 22.08.2024 21:32

The video cuts off in the end.

@dottedrhino - 22.08.2024 22:32

Does everyone carry some symptoms or am I the only one?🤔

@dottedrhino - 22.08.2024 22:51

Wow! You guys are soooooo empathic!

@dottedrhino - 23.08.2024 19:57


@renedionlarsen9927 - 25.08.2024 12:13

Doktor Francis

@ParodiasodeMelo - 26.08.2024 01:19

I was trying to watch the video but I keep going back to Kyle saying "I was right" on a loop. I'm obsessed it's hilarious

@johncalabrese4449 - 27.08.2024 12:20

I’d love to know about narcissism in psychiatrists.

@francescaderimini4422 - 27.08.2024 17:13

Back in the 1950’s before a Company would hire someone the executives would have to work with they would take the person out to lunch and tell the waitress to mess the order up. The way the person treated the waitress told the executives whether they wanted to hire the person or not!

@Mike-p9l6n - 28.08.2024 03:28

Sharon Kusiak Baltimore MD has been stalking me for over 10 years now and I can not get her to stop. The police won't do anything and I'm just getting back on my feet because of a relapse that occurred in my life. I am a member of NA and AA and had 12 years once and then got clean again and obtained 8 years and this is where Sharon and I met almost 10 years ago and has (she) has been a complete nightmare in my life ever since. The thing I don't understand is why do so many people help her? While in Baltimore I started to be ganged stalked by her and her friends. I mean, what does she say to them about me? For example, I went to rehab to get clean again and while in rehab (Guadenzia, Crownsville MD) counselors and patients were abusing me because of her and in my opinion violating HIPPA laws. The same thing occurred at Elevate, Glen Burnie, MD where counselors and patients were out right abusing me and again violating HIPPA laws. I thought moving to Frederick MD would help where I was attending Orenda for therapy and guess what--the same.

I get out of rehab and move into two sober living houses, the first one called Solid Ground, Frederick, MD and the other one that I moved into because of the constant abuse was called UP and OUT in Thurmont, MD, which I thought maybe it would be different, but no! Again both sober living houses violating HIPPA laws.

Sharon started this behavior when I walked away from her and the first thing she did was to move next door to me, she was breaking into my house while I was at work, using a stolen key to my front door that she had taken from me. I lost two jobs because of her and eventually started using again because (and maybe this is an excuse, but my family started to help her). I had, had enough because in my mind I couldn't go to meeting because she was there or people were there just to get or hear information from me and to make sure I wasn't dating anyone else. Basically, to spread rumors about me etc.

So now I'm half way across the country now and she is here and I am being ganged stalked by her and (her friends) the people out here who have decided to help her. I don't feel safe and I fear for my life dealing with this. After 10 years if she hasn't stop now, what is she willing to do?

I don't know what else to do?? Do you have any advice?

@stephanielittledog7050 - 30.08.2024 12:34

So I don’t care about him getting his due, BUT YOU ARE RIGHT THAT I CANT GO 1 day, I have actually prayed constantly that He would know Jesus, I prayed he would have a normal happy life with a sweet girl, and He does, except low and behold he got in touch 6 months ago, I have not seen him in the flesh, I will not hurt myself or another person. This has been happening since 2016. With some big gaps , tell me how to move ON! I have prayed and prayed To My Father to break the soul tie and to let me let go. It was not even a committed thing! I just was always there to “ take one for the team” his Team! I am not even on the team! I Want My life to be Team Stephanie! I went no contact. But I go back and forth on that one. HELP!

@rosenganga8248 - 01.09.2024 14:08

I like that he asked the right questions which led to a comprehensive explanations.

@candice9396 - 01.09.2024 21:33

I was under the impression that a "covert" narcissist was the kind that are harder to detect.. is that accurate?

@cfnaround1585 - 02.09.2024 17:47

I had narcissistic tendencies til I was about 28. It took 8 years to get thing better and I’m still learning

@cfnaround1585 - 02.09.2024 17:54

I had narcissistic tendencies til I was about 28. It took 8 years to get thing better and I’m still learning

@cfnaround1585 - 02.09.2024 17:54

Increasingly convinced more women have narcissism than men these days

@cultureal9544 - 03.09.2024 22:43

Was given free lemonade at a kids and mom stand ... the mother was teaching them the value of doing things just because ... and not for Monetary purposes! THAT will stay with me.

@shetikawatkins5614 - 06.09.2024 08:19


@sallygalfriday - 06.09.2024 20:57

i hate them . there are two in my family. one is a bully. the other is "vulnerable
' they have destroyed the family.

@jaggersalapayne9353 - 07.09.2024 07:24

My partner chose to stop working because she believed she is entitled to concentrate taking care of the kids until they are in college...I have to take care of all financial obligations including their socialization and social engagement I have to fund them myself to the point of getting into bad debt to satisfy her demands...I finally figure out that it is part of the manipulation and control.. perhaps a vulnerable type of narc uses these tactics....What do u think Dr. Ramani?

@Ana-n8y1c - 08.09.2024 01:07

Think of a narcissist as a 2nd grader. But one who had time to hone their id seeking desires. They don't believe in God. They love the dark side, although they know to say otherwise. They are petty, jealous, moody, but hide behind a smile.

@Ana-n8y1c - 08.09.2024 01:23

My ex was covert, withholding, silence tx, cheater, but was also poor me. Women would fall for it. He liked to play the guitar to get women. He bragged, talk during the entire phone call. Rude when ill. Just an all around jerk

@Ana-n8y1c - 08.09.2024 02:11

I worked with one. We were both at one of the offices at the same time. She took all the chocolate that the manager had put there for a treat. I think he thought I did it because she was there more than me. But they frame you. They turn people against you. The boss always tolerates them because they either don't see it or they are afraid of them .

@tastysidewalk4676 - 13.09.2024 19:24

Take heart

@tastysidewalk4676 - 13.09.2024 19:40

my brother is a covert narcissist

@stanfluellen2689 - 14.09.2024 00:36

Interesting set. The couches that ate Chicago.

@stanfluellen2689 - 14.09.2024 00:44

"We're saying treat people badly, and we'll reward you?" Can you give us an example of that?

@LeeDingmann-t2w - 18.09.2024 07:21

I am a narcissists and i need help to save my marriage

@nataliesaxon3175 - 19.09.2024 12:37

I chose the (hypothetical) cabin 4 years ago 😂😅 I'm staying there

@TheaClyatt-o1c - 20.09.2024 08:00

Kilback Islands

@christopherpalmer989 - 21.09.2024 04:58

Can you teach someone to be a narcissist ? The military does it everyday !

@rayvatutamote7567 - 21.09.2024 12:26

Thank you for helping me understand the behavior of many people I met in my life. Before I used to tell them that I did not like the way they devalue or manipulate me and hoped they would understand. Sadly they gaslighted and told me not to think that way or I was just too sensitive. They said they would not do those behaviors again just to do the same things again over and over. I now realize that telling them the truth and hoped they would understand is the mistake.

@CatTrashRacing - 25.09.2024 08:12

Strong men are NOT being taught to not have empathy.

@margaretcordova3268 - 26.09.2024 06:41

Man this lady talks way too fast and does not have a filter! She has good information but holy cow she just talks and talks and talks. Her adrenals must be on fire! She needs Dr. Bergs Adrenal Formula to calm her down!

@senakavithanage5236 - 03.10.2024 16:38

I found my self malicious narcissist after watching this😢 I thought I was a sociopath before 😅

@True99Yank - 03.10.2024 19:16

Dealing with this to a T right now for the last 5-6 years fighting trying to get through ive written those novels/books explaining it all out many many times thinking exactly what she said. "their gunna understand if they read my message out without interrupting" and sometimes ive written it spent my night on it just to delete it right after knowing damn well she wont even bother reading it and or she will pick a couple things to deflect to and go off on her own thoughts and issues completely irrelevant to anything i said and or totally disregarding what i said.. its rough because i have NOWHERE AND NOBODY to get any help out of this abuse we live in a hotel room with her adult child that works but wont do anything around the room wont clean, wont bathe, wont wash her own dishez no she lesves them until their rotting cover it with a shirt and wait for mommy to need the dishes she has and then hand then over forcing her to wash them and she IS OK WITH IT!! kid sits here up all night long gaming screaming on the mic and nonstop clicking of her mouse smashing her mouse down NONSTOP literally have watched her do this since ive met her she legit goes a day and half before going to sleep sometimes literally ill wakeup cor work at 230 am leave 330 shes up gaming lights on and even talking oit loud WE AEE SHARING A ROOM mind you our beds are side by side talk about total selfishness then i go to work full shift to come home at like 1-2 pm and she is STILL up gaming hasnt slept has not washed a single dish, wont sweep the floor literally NOTHING she works throws money at her mom smd her mom acts like her personL. maid while she sits there and STRICTLY Sits on her ass doing nothing until her next work shift come home and stay up all night again.. its insane and i literally would have to walk out with what i can carry and go real homeless on the street just to break out of this hell... And i have a job i would also end up losing ibe been at two years because swansea is unbelievable for rent and never have Anything cheap available within walking distance 😢 idk man im losing hope i cznt be homeless again ill relapse so fast im still dealing eith the loss of my mother in 2020 and my little brother in 2022 i am so lost to how to even get away and all she does is belittle and demasculinize me infront her brat daughter her lazy son ran off to cali came home aftsr she dumped him because hes lazy doeznt showerr. Either and does nothing but games lets everythjng else go only pitting effort in gaming. He czme back for less than a week and went to get pampered bh grandma he wouldnt even speak to when he was in cali and uses to make buy him clothes food and shit knowing she damn well shouldn't be spending do much money on him and he works you think he has EVER offered to buy her something?! NOPE their all three narcissist and back eachother up all their shortcomings they defend eachother and its like a 3v1 or 2v1 regardless they gang up on me and this is all because she didnt qctually parent them growing up and they became know it alls that think their shit dont stink and "they know" everything you ever say to them.. its a deadend and she has promised throughout to make changes she hss promised to "have my back" before shes a mom because if she doesnt the entire blended group falls apart she never held her side of shit and then she goes out acting like the worlds best gf and mother putz her act on for the public but literally watched her kidd from 14 and 18 grow I to be 20 and 25 and they havnt learned or chznged even slightly or even but a LICK of effort in its sad they feel so ENTITLED to whatever and however they want shit its sick because now im their excuse for all their fuckups im their reasoning to do nothing, im the problem not the three people a ting like their better than and have nothing to change immediately no no they expect to have YEARS to change even a SLIGHT way which then lasts a DAY IF THAT andright back to the same shit. I HAVE TO GET OUT

@Sirie7206 - 05.10.2024 00:31

I wonder if there are narcissistic therapists 🤔

@carmenvoinescu8085 - 06.10.2024 19:43

Would it be of any help for a narcissist to realize any of his poisoning acts?

@ginalaplante - 09.10.2024 02:00

you cannot cut between the categories w a knife like that, they are all interchangeable, when there is power they become bully, when there is less power they become victims, if they can do something like take care of the wales to get known, here we go, they will run for it, but dont take the floor to them, cause you goanna have the thunder, the storms going after you, on an on, in everyway is possible to think of, and it will never end

@jessicamilestone4026 - 09.10.2024 15:02

What about when the narcissist is having a devastating effect on someone else's life? 😢

@JCJMC21 - 09.10.2024 17:52

Why is it that the people who say “I’m in a relationship with a narcissist”, usually come off as very narcissistic? My friend is married to a woman who is constantly telling this guy how much he needs to change and how much more he needs to do. It’s been like this for years, 10 maybe. Over the last 2-3 he’s been defending himself after just taking nonstop criticism for years. Now she calls him defensive. She calls him a narcissist because he won’t do as she wants any longer. 5 years ago, the guy tried to do everything she wanted and she just shit on him every time.

I’m seeing this pattern unfold under the guise of this weird new toxic feminism going around. They are trying to absolve women of any accountability in relationships.
