Ways to Standardize Motion Clips for Easier Blending & Alignment | Mocap Animation Course | iClone 8

Ways to Standardize Motion Clips for Easier Blending & Alignment | Mocap Animation Course | iClone 8


1 год назад

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@duddleypembere7079 - 06.04.2023 14:29

will this work for unreal . like for example Plask mocap dose not have a root motion option in unreal will, this solve my problem if i follow this methods

@AlexKongMX - 06.04.2023 23:20

I've watched this a couple of times, but I'm having a hard time understanding when and how I'd need this and how to correctly apply it, feels like I am missing an example of when things are wrong and not only how to fix the issue.

@plainpixels - 11.04.2023 11:08

Would be great to get a more technical explanation of what those sample commands actually do and are meant for. The kind of thing you’d expect in the manual - but of course the manual doesn’t seem to mention them at all.

@argus-ek5xn - 11.04.2023 22:23

I’m having a hard time understanding this and I’ve watched it four times already. Please a little more explaining…

@lordmo3416 - 11.04.2023 23:08

Please someone should make a workflow tutorial on how to apply motion to specific body. Like walk motion for just legs and gestures for torso

@daniellawton4336 - 20.04.2023 18:50

Assets may be only a reference, but if you have them for sale you ought to mention it by name. Some might buy them. The run and switch directions comes from the "Run For Your Life" pack. Nice to have around, if you're tried mocap and seen how much work it takes to clean up that many motions. Seems to have 84 of them! Probably including the stairs one.

@jbiziou - 19.06.2023 04:13

On my character, after I drag the Mocap on the character, The root Orient is in the middle of the body not on the ground. so when I sample the root to hips, it does not snap to the ground. I feel like Im missing a setting? Im following exactly but its not working.

@abrahamrkj - 19.06.2023 09:52

How to convert UE4 Animation into Motion in iClone?

@AVISIONMUSICTV - 25.06.2023 02:53

My guy!

@user-orccajy - 06.07.2023 06:21

this English accent is so typical hahaha there's really no 't' in the words

@RkRaoM - 20.07.2023 21:42

When I apply mocap animation to a character, foot come up from some area, above to ground...
What's the solution pls...?

@7_of_1 - 27.07.2023 11:48

Don’t get me wrong, this series is good but I feel I’ve dropped halfway through it and missed key aspects of it. Same for the others in the series.
If there was a purchasable course on this with Al the new ic8 animation features in depth at a reasonable price I would buy it

@ukmonk - 14.11.2023 15:54

Great video thank you!!

@nu-beings - 06.10.2024 18:20

Truly the best iClone instructor on the internet!
