Hawking is more like the P. Diddy of science
Ответить13 years later. Still remember Hawkins lines
Ответить"I'm a supercomputer, you're like a Ti-82" goes impeccably hard
ОтветитьThe facial expression on "Your momma took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd" is just. Perfection
ОтветитьHawking owned Einstein. But I hated the autotune 😅
ОтветитьLaurence is Destorm from vine.
ОтветитьLove this shit 💩
ОтветитьLol curiously Einstein voice is very similar to Dr. Fluke Hawking (MDK)
Ответитьway too close to call.
ОтветитьThat last ryme...zickkk.... bobba ✋️
ОтветитьStill one of the best erb ever. Always come back to this one
ОтветитьThey start with petty jokes about each other's appearance. But when Einstein goes so far as to question the integrity of Hawking's scientific work, that is when the anger comes out and gloves come off.
ОтветитьAfter 13 years later .... wake up from sleep this morning and this song kept playing on my head ..... minds playing trick on me -_-
ОтветитьTry 1.75x you wint regret it
Ответитьwhat is blessing my ears rn
ОтветитьHawking was better hawking had more rhymes
ОтветитьHawking cooked
ОтветитьStill #1
ОтветитьCome on Stephen Hawking, stand up for yourself.
ОтветитьMake another with issac Newton i watched a podcast with neildeGrasse Tyson and he was flexing for Newton about how he made Calculus in his twnetys
ОтветитьEuler would beat both of them.
ОтветитьPeople can’t handle these now
ОтветитьSmartest man in the world and you misspelled his words
P-brane come on
this is definitely the best ERB. and ive gotta say, there is no winner. yes realistically einstein came before hawking but in the context of this video, they are both equally good.
ОтветитьI think stephen won!! !
ОтветитьI don't want to spilt atoms here, but this banger is still atomic in 2025.
ОтветитьAlbert walked away with that will. 😊
ОтветитьEinstein: “You can’t stand”
Hawking: i sleep
Einstein: “Your black hole theory is nonsense”
RIP Stephen Hawking!
ОтветитьEinstein looks as mad as Hitler
ОтветитьNo other ERB has EVER come close to this masterpiece, and they only release bangers!
ОтветитьAlbert won
ОтветитьTo even suggest these two would have beef is beyond insane. Hell, let's have them in a room together and see what the two of them talk about. They were both really easy to get along with people, and just imagine what they could do by bouncing ideas off of each other :3
ОтветитьStephen hawking
ОтветитьWho’s here in 2025 damn I feel old
ОтветитьThe Hawk won that one
ОтветитьSTeve cooked him 🤣🤣
ОтветитьYour'e like a TI-82
Fucking hell
The TI-82 part was my fav line
Ответить13 years later and i just noticed stephen hawking is playing angry birds lol
ОтветитьEinstein won, first verse straight fire
ОтветитьCongrats lads!
ОтветитьThis is still the best ERB.