Ousting Alliance Outrunners From The Barrens

Ousting Alliance Outrunners From The Barrens


55 лет назад

547 Просмотров

While battling the quilboar menace in the Southern Barrens, we’re shocked to come across an elite task force of Alliance operatives patrolling Horde territory. Dispatching the foes and investigating their correspondence leads us to Stonetalon Peak where we must face Rynthariel, the Keymaster of the Talon Den.

00:00 Alliance Outrunners
01:59 Runed Scroll
04:00 Cenarius' Legacy
04:54 Horde Presence
05:51 Talon Den
06:51 Rynthariel the Keymaster
07:58 Cenarius' Followers
08:37 Return to Sun Rock Retreat
09:25 Return to Kadrak

Hannah Bladeleaf, Thora Feathermoon, Aean Swiftriver, and Marcus Bel are a group of four Alliance outrunners that patrol the Southern Barrens. Given their elite status, they are known to gank early Horde players akin to the Fel Reaver in Hellfire Peninsula. Aean Swiftriver drops a Runed Scroll which reveals the outrunners’ connection to Rynthariel the Keymaster in the Talon Den. If you complete the first two quests in the chain for the Blood Elf in Sun Rock Retreat, she will also send you to the Talon Den. It’s always satisfying to take revenge on the Outrunners for all the Horde they’ve slain!

Appreciate ya watchin’! If you enjoyed, please consider subscribing =)


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