Druski & Jaguar Wright Named In Seriously Disturbing Lawsuit

Druski & Jaguar Wright Named In Seriously Disturbing Lawsuit

The Truth IS

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@robertreed7788 - 14.03.2025 22:54


@sandrastokes9847 - 15.03.2025 00:16

Ok and? Seriously ppl need to wake up. These ppl is or were apart of the industry. They are not heros or truth seekers when they expose others. How do they know that unless they were there or taking part of it? They took the same oath as the rest do and do the same despicable crap. Controlled opposition sellout puppets.

@S.T.A.R.Player - 15.03.2025 01:45

She said she was a sex worker at one point so maybe that’s when she was helping. However, I know that she’s “exposing” the “truth”, but when you expose the truth you have to know that some of your dirt is going to come back and bite you too. If you brought women in and terrible things happened to those people then you are a part of the problem…even if you “changed”.

@theway3822 - 15.03.2025 05:08

Who is this helena women...its like they scrubbed any trace of her off the internet

@kayodeoladele5288 - 15.03.2025 05:10

This dude be talking like A.i

@ariirenee116 - 15.03.2025 06:31

Loved. Can you make a video on the emerging singer Doechii?

@renegadetherapper - 15.03.2025 07:54

I mean, respect to Jag for blowing the whistle on this but if she was doing all this with them and luring other women into this then she’s just as bad, right? I’m struggling to see any moral gray area though unless she was forced to lure other women against her will in some type of way?

@SAVAGEKEYCONSULTING - 15.03.2025 09:02

"You Can Only Work For The Truth, Not Against It."

~Jesus Christ

@LouisNicholls-w8h - 15.03.2025 10:30

I never believed Jaguar Wright in the 1st place shes a satanist including druski

@kiawatson2102 - 15.03.2025 10:39

Why are they calling him dim diddy and not his real name. These papers can’t be real lol

@luckydube5538 - 15.03.2025 11:55

God the mother?who the hell is that?

@UBNSWOOP - 15.03.2025 13:28

Sounds like nonsense unless she has evidence to support it ... This country is so crap that this lady gets two law firms in two different states to represent her this ain't the first time I seen this happen without zero evidence meanwhile if you're homeless or if you're having a civil issue you will get no help especially if you're a man

@UBNSWOOP - 15.03.2025 13:30

It's crazy that people like her Sue instead of go to the police I don't even think they should allow lawsuits for sexual assault unless there is a police investigation with concrete evidence ! It seems like all you need to do is be a woman and you'll get to manipulate anyone into doing anything

@Salimah45 - 15.03.2025 13:46

This is a wild story! Sounds like the script to a movie. These celebrities are something else and Hollyweird is truly demonic! Wow 😮

@MarieinFlorence - 15.03.2025 14:54

The day Jaguar uttered that she was a witch, i stepped right off that bus. I haven't listened to a word out of he mouth since.

@Amandareid-gr7 - 15.03.2025 16:22

I’ve come back to watch this for a second time to wrap my head around it all better. For a few years now I’ve been a Jaguar supporter was full in supporting her when she was getting allsorts of horrible things said about her and I got bad comments said to me because they were saying Jaguar wasn’t all that and now Iam with them all 💯 the words devils in sheep’s clothing is real they are all in our faces in plain sight 😢 it’s disgusting they all are how can they let this happen all because of money and power every last one of the diddlers friends had there hands in it diddy couldn’t have done all this bye himself bodyguards the lot are all involved in some way shape or form

@faithsamraingray5428 - 15.03.2025 16:25


@Eternal-echelon - 15.03.2025 17:01

Honestly this Diddy story is further pushing me away from all Celebes idc rather they had a part or not they are all guilty and sick. It’s been spoken about for decades that these celebrities all are in a cult and practice demonic rituals. I’ve already heard a lot of conspiracy theories about celebrities and these elites and I 100% believe those theories are real. You can’t convince me otherwise.These ppl are sick and demonic. You don’t get up unless you give something up.

@Savagekingzay - 15.03.2025 18:58

So that video morbid melon just dropped was in reference of this freakoff 😮 wow! Can't believe druski fell for the diddler's tricks and did this to that woman. I'm disappointed that these celebs let Diddy stronghold them and blackmail them for his own pleasure! SICK 🤢

@nbagoats4819 - 15.03.2025 19:00

what is "r-wording plantiff" mean?

@Bliky_fn - 15.03.2025 20:13

After Diddy left Keefe d without the blackmail materials he needed to get out of the charges he brought on himself Keefe went to the feds. Keefe was locked up September 2023 Diddy September 2024. One year, Keefe filled the voids the feds needed to convince the grand jury.

@enoch927able - 15.03.2025 20:56

People when Jag first came out she did admit to being apart of that world but jag was also raped and was treated the reason was her music career to which she didn’t for. Second Think about what diddy attempted to Jag when she exposed diddy and Jay Z . MURDER . This means Jag had deep info that could have destroyed the Music Industry for good and bring fourth the Agenda. Jag is as much responsible for what is taking place yet Jay never denied that life

@NewCreationInChrist896 - 15.03.2025 22:14

There are many double agents out there wolves, not even in sheep's clothing.

@Ginoo99-j7g - 15.03.2025 23:33


@cambaker3194 - 16.03.2025 01:18

Idk this sounds fake and druski wasn’t famous in 2018

@2ndhope519 - 16.03.2025 02:24

Shocked and saddened by Jaguar admitting her true religious beliefs... I really bought that she was a Christian

@RealityOfItIs - 16.03.2025 06:15

Defendent "Diddy"?! Not Combs?! This latest "lawsuit" is about as authentic as a the music industry, 😂!

@RealityOfItIs - 16.03.2025 06:29

Sounds like a horrific script...cuz it is!

@LanaTheGemini - 16.03.2025 06:46

Supposedly druski wasnt even "famous" in 2018 or at all known.. but who knows, maybe that was one of his initiation tests to be granted entry and success within the industry

@SrtSlider376 - 16.03.2025 09:27

Ngl this does sound kinda far fetched due to the horrendous nature of the details, but if all is true, this is a real life horror movie

@arturw5556 - 16.03.2025 20:42

She is right, there is no religion its just GOD, but she can still be evil

@kellyrmcmahon7893 - 17.03.2025 12:13

Diabolical evil behaviour

@B.Moore-Ready - 17.03.2025 18:01


@TiffBrax - 17.03.2025 23:42

I mean jaquar did tell this remote story

@jenNFire73 - 17.03.2025 23:54

Who the hell does Jag think she is? The only one she should be terrified about is JESUS! Is it just me or does she sound like Ursula the sea witch? 😳

@martinpotter7334 - 18.03.2025 00:17

Of course she’s going to deny Jesus. Dam she slick and had people fooled.

@Chi__22 - 18.03.2025 09:36

Evil world.

@lindareyes2904 - 18.03.2025 17:03

I don’t understand them not using their government names. If it’s a legal document, I don’t know about this whole thing

@3l.a.777 - 19.03.2025 06:27


@ddspates1 - 19.03.2025 11:08

I’ve followed you from the very beginning but you’re reading legal paperwork that has these people’s stage names 😂 My Aunt is a federal attorney & said they wouldn’t use stage names but government names! If I was a billionaire that was guilty, I might drop 100 million to someone to make all this up about Jaguar to shut her up! God doesn’t like gossip if it’s not TRUTH!! When this goes nowhere, we’ll see if you do the Godly thing and say you made a mistake!

@lilahoward7555 - 19.03.2025 13:11

I didn’t want to believe this but why did he lie about not having any industry connections in 2018? He was in Tee grizleys where I’m from video.

@starsoftheworld5150 - 20.03.2025 03:25

I think Jaguar Wright is a double agent playing both sides like katt williams she is definitely part of the club

@HaYWaRDMaNe - 20.03.2025 07:13

Dang! This hits close to home... Im from the Bay Area, California. I stay in Hayward about 40 min away from where that assult happened in Orinda. It feels weird hearing the cities that you travel everyday being named in celebrity court documents. Who would have thought!?

@awokemindmusicincstudiolabs731 - 20.03.2025 09:21

Controlled OPP

@YardeeYate - 21.03.2025 01:31

I found Shane's address online. I live and grew up about 7 min from this house in Orinda on loma vista drive here in the Bay area. Orinda is a very small town with million dollar plus homes, one safeway grocery store, a couple gas stations, Starbucks, and a few upscale restaurants and the hotel that Shane works at. The dam runs right thru it into the town of El Sobrante. This town has nothing interesting in it other than the fact it's got these upscale homes and hills with trees. There would be no reason a tourist would visit Orinda. There would be no reason someone that just wanted to make up this story would come up with the town Orinda. It's such a tiny dot of a town in comparison to the surrounding cities that have more to do and see. To know about Orinda you would have to know someone over here or live in a town next to it. In fact most people in the bay don't even know where this town is nor have they visited here. It's would be a reach for thus plaintiff to come from Vegas and just pull the town of Orinda out of the air to make up a story.

@YardeeYate - 21.03.2025 02:30

Big homie CC arguing with Diddy was a fake argument that was set up by Diddy because he thinks he is so smart. Just like the neighbor coming to the fence to complain of the noise was all set up by Diddy. The rumors been out since the 90s about puff being part of the 2pac removal. If Big Homie CC was that compassionate over the possibility of puff removing 2Pac (passion so deep he would pull a bangbang on puff) he would have never took the job of body guarding puff to begin with. They put the clearance books outside on the sidewalk at Barnes and Noble because they know nobody will steal them. Because if you are the book reading type... you generally aren't the stealing type. If you are the pax defending type...you generally aren't the "I'm down with watching puff assault a girl" type. If you are such a stand up guy that you turn on your employer and have to pull a bangbang on him at the mere thought of the possibility he had something to do with Pacs removal....that takes alot of compassion. The compassion would also count if it came to someone assaulting a woman in your presence. You mean to tell me Big Homie CC is that degree of compassionate for a non living rapper he never met yet has zero compassion for the plaintiff being assaulted in front of him. Makes no sense. The plaintiff isn't going to call the cops if she thinks the do gooder Ned Flanders neighbor already called them to be on the way, and is on her side. This is how puff was able to set it up time to make a clean break from the house and plaintiff. The fake cop comes and acts like he is the cop responding to the neighbors call that the neighbor never really made. Fake cop takes the report. Does pretty much nothing. During all this time Puff and his crew are long gone. They had to set it up like this because they couldn't Un alive her. There would have been cell phone records of her and Shane. There would have been footage on neighborhood cameras of her car in the area. Shane would have been blamed if this plaintiff disappeared. So they come up with the plan to have Big Homie CC and Diddy have a fake argument that causes the so called "tough guy" neighbor to come up to Shanes fence to confront a group of athletic big black dudes to tell them all to shut up. instead of just calling the cops initially like any other person would do...he decides to confront them first. (Orinda is less than 1 percent black as far as racial population, therefore I'm pretty sure this fake neighbor telling them to shut up was white). So we got this white dude approaching this group telling them to shut up or he is gonna call the cops and then Big Homie CC decides to point the bang bang at the neighbor. If that neighbor wasn't in on this and it was for real a neighbor about to call cops... Big homie CC would know better than to be pointing that bangbang at the neighbor especially when he has Puff in there with all his friends who just assaulted the plaintiff...in addition to all the paraphernalia in there. Big Homie CC was supposedly willing to risk it all by pointing the bangbang at the neighbor chancing that neighbor calling cops on him and having that entire house busted in? It would have taken 2 min for the cops to get there too because its that kind of town. No... it didn't go down like that. The diversion was made for puff and big homie CC to argue. They set the neighbor up to come over to confront them and say he is calling cops. This would then make the plaintiff take her only chance to run out of there. Of course
.. into the hands of the neighbor. Once the neighbor who was in on this SCHEME had the plaintiff away from Shane's house... he had her thinking the cops were on the way to help her. When the fake cop came and brushed her off she probably figured Diddy and them were long gone. Being from Vegas, and the cops not helping her, she had to get herself out of there. Orinda, like I said, is alot of hill's and trees. Not a place to walk. it's not an urban city where she could find help from some random person walking by. She needed her car to safely come down off that hill on loma vista drive. Her car was her only safe haven out of there, because in her mind, the cops weren't helping. We all know what Diddy is. But what bothers me the most, is the fact Big Homie CC has the nerve to be on Shaun Antwoods channel as a regular guest trying to convince us he has morals and he is soooo gangster, preaching about spiritual topics like he is woke. when he is really a fake azz sellout if this story is true and they prove it Big Homie has some explaining to do.

@KC-xf9wc - 21.03.2025 02:47

Why is Jaguar always angry ? She was part of the world... I dont trust anyone in Hollywood and music industry... u sign up and u know what it means. dont believe anyone who says : i was naive ... BS

@eugenedantzler4485 - 21.03.2025 11:18

That lawsuit was INTENSE.. i had to go grab me a drink

@TheTruthIS - 12.03.2025 21:11

ATTENTION! I see some of you are having timeliness issues. This lawsuit takes place in two different dates. The first half when the victim is set up by Shane happened in 2018. The second part when the victim was kidnapped and taken to Diddy happened in 2024. For those saying Jaguar couldn't have done it because she was arrested in 2018. What Jaguar allegedly did took place in 2024. Jaguar was not in prison in 2024. She was doing interview after interview.
