147 stories! Best of 2017 (Huge Scary Story Compilation) | Mr. Davis

147 stories! Best of 2017 (Huge Scary Story Compilation) | Mr. Davis

Mr. Davis

7 лет назад

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@jaysondavis4520 - 24.11.2020 06:02

Love the name dude!

@denicehernandez1514 - 27.11.2020 05:19

Took me 3 days to finish listen, but I did it. I like long videos because it gets me through my shift at work. This is great for the night shift. Thanks Mr Davis! 😊😀

@brandyrichard6001 - 02.12.2020 06:14

Love your stories, and your voice is soooooooo soothing. Thank you

@denicehernandez1514 - 05.12.2020 10:51

Mr Davis, you the real mvp

@sneakattack5354 - 15.12.2020 07:44

The quiet power previously scorch because diaphragm prenatally reduce mid a towering epoxy. profuse, happy siberian

@denisemorin1737 - 18.12.2020 16:48

Really enjoy your podcasts, but it is a very bad idea to have your characters chug niquil or zquil. You should NEVER chug over the counter cough and flu meds. There are ingredients that act on the nervous system and can cause damage, especially when interacting with other meds. Picture yourself shaking so much that you can't hold a cup of coffee or feed yourself soup.

@kellycardinal9609 - 18.12.2020 20:30

The only thing that stopped my nightly sleep paralysis was Clonopin.

@jackalina91 - 06.01.2021 14:20

I still use this to fall asleep to at least every other week ♥️♥️♥️

@kerloz5392 - 15.01.2021 03:01

The fearful fearless chime expectantly measure because opera mathematically scream pace a wrathful law. parched, truthful tie

@kerloz5392 - 15.01.2021 10:56

The godly gladiolus phylogenitically happen because lettuce rationally pump absent a abandoned turkey. frightened frightening full fumbling functional, seemly chill

@kerloz5392 - 15.01.2021 16:50

The helpful statistic strikingly prick because mary relatively push before a symptomatic cotton. receptive, handy butane

@buzzero5651 - 17.01.2021 06:10

hiiiiiiiii Mr D

@mangoshadow2026 - 10.02.2021 01:32

Me: telling yang and the rest of team RWBY these storys Ruby: Blake where did you get these storys?.yang: Ya where did you get these? Me: Wiess do have a-
Wiess: runs from the campfire
Me: 😐😐 really dude sun?
Me: shows video
Wiess: runs back A VIDEO?
Me: Just let's go to sleep

@camdenbell4870 - 17.02.2021 04:07

Bruh seen this when posted watched prolly 10 times since now every story by heart

@jojocaitlin8508 - 25.02.2021 01:14

Thanks for helping me sleep 🖤 it's nice to have stories keep playing so anytime I wake up my room isn't quiet

@deborahlangnese7645 - 25.02.2021 12:54

I believe you were both in a time warp. It's like a.tear in time that pushes time ahead.

@Jourell1 - 06.03.2021 08:02

poking an ancient post just to add... yes it is possible to hallucinate from alcohol (disney's nightmarish "pink elephants on parade' isn't entirely fiction) however it is rare. it usually happens during withdrawl from long time alcohol abuse though it can happen if you're extremely intoxicated as well. the classic film The Lost Weekend has a depiction of it.

@mariadavey5459 - 07.04.2021 07:23

I love all the stories, thank you.
Can anyone tell me what is being whispered between stories please.

@EmsLionheart - 23.04.2021 23:55

Drunk doesn’t always mean someone is lying
Usually, a person’s truth comes out when intoxicated, because all inhibitions are just about numb and consequences aren’t on the radar

@1d431 - 01.05.2021 00:46

Where do you live that they would make your parents wait 24 hours to look for a small child?! Ridiculous

@romanleiter601 - 13.09.2021 03:02

What are the (Latin) words between the stories?

@terrimcgurk8798 - 22.09.2021 06:13


@badgirl-hc5ht - 26.09.2021 18:22


@jacksnightmares4098 - 16.10.2021 20:18

Did anyone hear static or a pause in between each story or was that just me?

@jackiemarini3203 - 20.11.2021 17:58

I'm just now listening in 2021 I just found it .👿🦃👹✌️🔥☠️🦋🍄 November Happy Thanksgiving 🙏🤍🙏😍Love your stories and narration .Thank you it helps me with my pantic attacks .😔

@d00m3dus3r - 14.12.2021 15:19

are the sudden loud, breath like noises on purpose? at first i thought they were, but they started to happen randomly ...

@velocitygirl8551 - 22.01.2022 12:58


@mickienichelson5976 - 22.02.2022 16:05

What are whispering in between pastas??

@giniwalters8401 - 05.03.2022 18:58

I love your channel and your voice & narration is absolutely amazing 💙💙💙
I so enjoy your longer videos!!! I appreciate all the time and work you put into your vids!!! Thank you so very much 💙💙💙
Take care & stay safe!!!
God bless you!!!

@eijaluonnonlapsi5963 - 26.03.2022 12:03

omg, those sudden breathing sounds scare the life out of me...

@tryintolive1960 - 14.05.2022 04:07

I don’t know if these stories are true or not but I also would like to have any suggestions on how to get out of a sleep paralysis state. Thank you in advance.

@EmsLionheart - 25.05.2022 07:44

May also want to refrain from calling spirits, “things”. They are still who they were, for the most part. I know I would take offense being referred to as a thing and expected to perform like a circus monkey. R-E-S-P-E-C-T 👻 😊

@twistfisher1985 - 30.05.2022 12:25

I'm freaking myself out with these time jump things. I use these to sleep once I put these on i'm out like a light but tonight is weird. When I came to bed I was ready to be out and I put these on to make sure i'm still alive while i'm sleeping. Now i've listend to this basically since the day it came out so I know all these stories by heart. After I put this video on my tiredness dissipated and I couldn't sleep. I tried everything, I turned it off to try silence I tried music, Creepypastas, and even the military method nothing worked. Now as I said before I know these stories by heart so I was completely aware of the story that was currently playing and before I knew it I checked the time and it was 2:30AM, I went to bed at midnight and even the time on the video was correct I find it so weird, as I was looking at the time I saw a message from my little brother who was at his friends house asking me to wake up our mom for her to go and get him because he didn't want to sleep there anymore. I'm two years older and I thought I was awake because that sibling feeling basically I was awake because something out there knew he was going to text me and it was right because I had my ringer off I usually have it on in case something happens. After I heard them come home and his door close I knew they were home safe and that I could finally sleep. So I just laid back down listening to the story where he heard scratching in the attic. After that story was over I blinked and it was already 4:00AM and the story was accurate its like when I blink time moves forward. I don't know what to do its already 4:30AM it doesn't take me that long to write something like this I am going to try the military method again and hope that my friend will wake me up early like she said and i'll be well rested.

@cassiepayne6704 - 28.06.2022 21:32

It's 2022 & I think I've hurd just about every story written & narrated by all lol... but i love to go back to a video from 2017 & relisten to all of your great storys & alot i come to find i have not hurd or just don't remember so even though this is an older vid. Now it's still a hidden jem to me! Thank you for all the hard work you have put in & your narration's & storie's have done nothing but evolve into sompthing greater! Congrats my guy!
💕 Nothing but love all the way from S.C.! 💕 I'd love to know what state you are from!

@lindarowland3369 - 05.07.2022 07:17


@Monday2-c6m - 12.10.2022 00:04

Love your stories but the whispers inbetween are freaking me out.
What are they saying?

@coachbiggsremedy9634 - 13.10.2022 14:10

These stories are so much better then crap produced in 2022 that narrators want us to pay for..Jeez stores today are garbage.

@clfr886 - 23.11.2022 20:38

There's nothing nicer than listening to compilations while waiting on new uploads. You're always a good listen Mr. D. I appreciate you and your hard work, for us

@seavs1 - 12.02.2023 07:13


@kenzier.9507 - 12.02.2023 22:10

As someone who spends hours drawing these are amazing

@truckjumperdude - 01.04.2023 17:07

I remember when I first watched this in like June 2019, you really started my love for these long videos with lots of stories, I usually listen to them when playing Minecraft, thank you for this video

@angelmoody7920 - 09.04.2023 06:59

🎉thank you a heap!

@badazzanon7060 - 21.04.2023 12:05

This is crazy. Every story is amazing. Hours long. Perfect. If this were the 90s this 12 hour collection could be yours for 2 payments of 19.99 plus shipping and handling on cd or cassette. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. 😂

@juliephillips9248 - 14.06.2023 18:55

New subscriber and so happy I love listening to these scary stories at night. Weirdly I fall off to sleep Thankyou

@1Gladiatrix - 24.06.2023 04:25

No way do parents have to wait 24 hours for police to act on a missing child.

@sfvpeckerwood - 22.09.2023 03:10

Still watching this compilation to fall asleep to. Please more compilations good sir.

@sfvpeckerwood - 22.09.2023 03:10

Still watching this compilation to fall asleep to. Please more compilations good sir.

@pagens39 - 01.01.2024 09:12

Personally I love your stories I listen to them every single night as I go to sleep and it's usually this video of stories that I listen to I don't know why but the sound of your voice helps me fall asleep I'm a fan❤
