Legacy Project: SaIGu LA Riots - Richard Choi

Legacy Project: SaIGu LA Riots - Richard Choi


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@Icrshou - 08.06.2020 06:43

One thing that kind of pisses me off is his “it’s not good to live in America” comment. This country accepted you, let you own a business, and prosper. If you don’t enjoy it here and refuse to assimilate, then why even stay and complain.

@cocomaan - 21.06.2020 15:10

Fascinating interview!

@MiguelArcangel12 - 01.02.2022 08:48

Thank you, Mr. Choi. You are a hero. I hope Korean-Americans all over the country and in future generations remember your contribution.

@randymarsh3582 - 07.08.2022 17:23

A movie needs to be made of the Korean experience during the riot
