DON'T DO THIS MISTAKE! New Region Auction House | My Thoughts

DON'T DO THIS MISTAKE! New Region Auction House | My Thoughts

Studen Albatroz

2 года назад

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@deesul4134 - 17.08.2022 20:53

The new AH favors the people with lots of wealth. For the average guy or player who wants to do a little farming i think will hurt. I am preparing to stop farming all materials and only focus on tmog now. Why sell mats when they will probably sell a lot slower with a lot more competition. Why compete when you can just go to another market that uses those mats like tmog

@r_rod4891 - 17.08.2022 20:54

Thank you for sharing this information

@Mullet_Man93 - 17.08.2022 21:05

I'm enjoying the change. I'm selling all the mats I was struggling to. It may be a bit low but I'm still making gold. It's giving the people who buy lots of transmog a chance to sell all their random junk too, to make more money to buy transmog. I had a jump in transmog sales a few hours after it went live again.

@Traskurs - 17.08.2022 21:07

Thanks dear Albatroz, at least someone its giving us some light in this Darkness. Keep it up bois things will go back to normal i hope.

@EternalAngel333 - 17.08.2022 21:09

Tbh this AH change feels pretty good AH is more alive and feel more auctions actually selling due to somethings used to be overpriced will take abit more time for the prices to settle down

@atoering - 17.08.2022 21:12

I think it'll be fun as things settle out esp. as some of the auctions are moving so fast. And for those that had a "niche" because that particular realm was slow, etc. you're probably losing nice profits but I've found that you can make some up in volume. I am having a real tough time actually buying low-priced mats because by the time I click, someone else has snagged them. Maybe Blizz needs to think about some type of allocation for purchases that are clicked at essentially the same time, or give an option say to "buy up to 400 xyz at price zzG" and maybe you get 100 of the 400 you were looking for.

@ricksonalb - 17.08.2022 21:19

great video man!! when you think about making a new update available on your TSM profile?!

@alexbymeskiy918 - 17.08.2022 21:43

for me as an old world crafter this change is awesome, easy millions of profits

@dobramuzka4099 - 17.08.2022 21:56

I have made over 50k in first 2 hours on fliping materials (for me 50k is a lot cuz i had little over 150k before).

@Dagonavleski - 17.08.2022 21:57

TSM broken, that farm that I managed to pull of to make 2 million gold is now flatted to 0 Scammers everywhere buggy ah too as a gold farmer I'm thinking to take a break for the game to be honest.

@victorianelson8282 - 17.08.2022 22:00

I'm not so worried about the mats, but I am worried about the other things that stack that have been lumped in with the mats (like glyphs, repair bots, spell threads, belt buckles, etc.) I feel like because I can only play in the evening there is no way I can compete. I would love to hear your opinion on the other stacking items that don't sell as quickly, but will now be lumped in with those that do.

@arthasalexander1133 - 17.08.2022 22:07

very bad for farmer ,shadowland is dead , bilizard have plan diablo such pay to win

@NoTruth_42069xdgodxqtjaja - 17.08.2022 22:08

a. there will never be higher demand than supply because resources just drop from thin air.
b. there will always be people who just want to see the world burn and massively undercut.
c. this is terrible for new gold makers as the right way to get the feel of the economy always was go farm some materials and sell them. Now you get 3 undercuts per minute with chances of selling your things diminishing faster than boomers hairline.

I memed around US auction house and dropped 20 markets to 10g from ~300g within an hr without any hope of recover as there were thousands of items listed in between.
The fact that i managed to make 10k out of it is null as this is retarded change that severly undermines value of player investment. This should never made it live.

Spare me all the "economy" and "capitalism" bullshit. The end goal of any capitalism is to remove any sort of competitors and create monopoly. The proper way to fix the dead server issue is to allow cross server mailing and let people grow markets within server mailing gold&items. Multi cell brain lizzard strikes again.

@psykotedy4590 - 17.08.2022 22:14

I am definitely going to need to put in some work on pigment and uncut gem values for old world materials now to get TSM to understand that I am able to profit from glyph and cut gems/jewelry, but overall I don't think that's a bad thing. I've just been lazy about it, so I'm going to need to work for my gold a little bit more (just like with crafted transmog, though, the time cost will be heavily front loaded). Good times! lol

@Ambro1988 - 17.08.2022 22:33

RIP Glyphs market, its was good times

@mostafareckless1674 - 17.08.2022 23:08

You are one the most logical gold makers that always have something to say that help me up ❤❤❤👌👌👌

@SquishyEggo - 17.08.2022 23:11

I think the biggest thing is for everyone to be patient and see how the markets balance out. I think everyone's panicking and needs to relax for at least a week.

@J3tix91 - 17.08.2022 23:29

more sales even if they are cheaper is more fun than no sales and also if casuals can sell more that's a win for the game :)

@FantFrei - 17.08.2022 23:43

i think this will greatly increase transmog prices. cant wait for that :))))

@kingsludg - 18.08.2022 00:09

tried to run a post scan and my entire pc just froze up and crashed... they need to do some serious code correction

@Arthera0 - 18.08.2022 00:35

literally the whole glyph market is dead right now. i am staying the hell away from that for a while. this is rough but cant wait for it to stabilize

@Golamor - 18.08.2022 00:41

oh man thanks for this video! I was logging in today and was wondering why the heck are so huuuge loads of materials for a fcking low price in the auction house. But that explains it. So thanks again!

@dropsey3007 - 18.08.2022 01:17

last week no body would buy my shit, this week everything is selling so im happy . lol

@Calvaas - 18.08.2022 01:53

nice mount studen

@KevinBieg - 18.08.2022 01:58

Can you make a video on what would be good to farm with the new changes. My server was a really low pop one so I'm sure servers like mine mite have better things to farm than others

@DemonofChaos264 - 18.08.2022 03:16

I used the new auction house to dump all my WOTLK-WOD mats I had in 2 guildbanks and across a dozen characters so I could get gold for tokens and play WOTLK classic. Honestly made well over half a million just selling old materials so far so no complaints from me.

@Ciscokehd - 18.08.2022 03:21

It makes sense that all prices crashed with the influx of available sellers but it’s very likely that supply will not be able to keep up with demand. We’re at the end of an expansion where people have buckets of mats laying around. The market with correct itself in due time. Probably as people are hitting max level in DF like Studen said.

@ThePurpleRants - 18.08.2022 05:46

I haven't made 1 silver. Tsm is down and I'm not posting till it's fixed

@garysimmons6364 - 18.08.2022 05:58

another awesome video, great insight

@Nathreim1 - 18.08.2022 08:08

The new average even after a year will remain significantly lower specially for old mats. This isn't a normal economy we cant use real world economics because the only investment for mats is time. No expense or overhead exists that forces people to sell for a profit so no floor exists other than the vendor price. This will drive the cost of crafted items into the dirt as farmers flee to crafting to try and survive. The scary thing is blizz is already discussing merging the rest of the AH which will be disaster for pet, mount, and mog sellers.

Blizz should have only merged select low-medium population servers where problems existed to give a price decrease so both farmers and buyers could live with it. This needed to be done with a surgeons precision not swinging a sledge hammer.

@SteelPhoenix78 - 18.08.2022 08:24

I was looking at trying to make some gold farming Felcloth to turn into Mooncloth prior to the change...Of course, the price of Mooncloth has dropped by at least 2/3rds, if not by 75%. That said, the price of Felcloth has dropped, as well, so I wonder if it might be somewhat feasible to, until the prices stabilize, buy Felcloth bit by bit & convert it to Mooncloth, since I'd still be turning a profit by doing that...Thoughts?

@gotznocents4120 - 18.08.2022 13:49

Things are selling for 1/4 of what they were, I got hit hard trying to flip right before the patch

@Kilorelv - 18.08.2022 17:05

I ended up posting primal fire on 3 toons normal price so when I swapped to 4th I didn't even check price posted 15 of em at 15g each noticed as it posted and immediately clicked auctions... it was too late, they all were sold.

@jessicacarpenter871 - 18.08.2022 17:38

Over🎁 💋👌

@shaunmackie2272 - 18.08.2022 20:14

Im just hoping that AH add-ons get updated to ware items that are region wide. Theres a setting on these to sell at 0% undercut as default settings. So that each item keeps at its set price.

@lexdemonica - 19.08.2022 01:23

With the price crash now is the time to max out alts on all professions and specialisations. Once the market settles you will have items that become profitable again already in your back pocket. Stockpile raw mats on a bank alt. Farm raw gold. Relax. Once things settle the big boys in the ah market will pressure prices upwards again.

@kman1116 - 19.08.2022 04:59

The pricing bug will likely get fixed, but you'll still have 1000s of shitbags still trying to take advantage of blind/quick posters, like usual.

@seancool - 19.08.2022 10:18

Patch 9.2.7 is love and the most disruptive long term incentive of printing millions of Gold that will have a sieve/filter effect and will both shut down and enable different market segments. It's a win imho.

@Diluusions - 19.08.2022 15:19

Hello Studen since this patch came my TSM scan is not working properly is it happening to everyone or its just me

@aroarlan1970 - 19.08.2022 17:03

are mounts region wide?

@derongalston6051 - 19.08.2022 21:51

As a player on a low pop server who has had Khorium, Cobra Scales, Warbear Leather, and all other exotic materials they haven't been able to sell, this has helped me actually sell stuff, but the prices are shizzz, ehhh I'm neutral.

@litebkt - 20.08.2022 09:44

I think that prices will level out and be more stable.

@TheWindcrow - 21.09.2022 13:23

Sadly it's still this way. Supply and demand. It's not going to come back.

@jasonmajere2165 - 26.09.2022 07:34

Why? There is always someone that will do it for cheaper. Even the 3 realm horde and ally I was on changed things drastically, some of not for the better. Where before you could make money on knowing the market that someone else didn't know well. Now there is 1000s that know. Buyers market I guess. The start will be crazy for sure, but once it's stabilizes, seems like farming is going to be the only real path again. Basically any little exploit you find is useless.

@donovan1345 - 13.10.2022 01:13

Wonder if he still thinks this, because the mat's overall price has gone down and stayed down, but its a two sided coin, as the mats do sell, and they sell well. An example would be, the Volatile air used to sell for 54~ gold a piece and now it stays at around 15-17 gold a piece. Now while that price drop is rough, the 54 gold didn't sell all the time, maybe took a few days. The 15 gold one sells every day. I haven't had to repost a lot of mat auctions since the merger. It just sucks that the prices dropped and I'm sure they won't recover.

@Tom-do9ub - 13.07.2023 23:27

Wow needs to cap prices and control this stuiped prices

@Tom-do9ub - 13.07.2023 23:31

What makes you people think that 3,555,365 is a good price for gear . . It's Abouslty stuiped

@Tom-do9ub - 13.07.2023 23:34

I am glad wow getting a handle on Bots over price crap

@grenvallion - 18.08.2024 11:34

It's 2024 now and I'm still selling mushan ribs for 1g 50s each. I haven't played for 8 years now. I've got lots of really old stuff. In the past. I'd have to vendor this stuff but with the professions being expansion side. Everything is worth something now it seems. Even if it's low amounts per unit. People want all the achievements.
