The World Intellectual Property Organization.|Detailed Explanations|

The World Intellectual Property Organization.|Detailed Explanations|


55 лет назад

332 Просмотров

The World Intellectual Property Organization is one of the 15 specialized agencies of UN.
Pursuant to the 1967 Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization,
WIPO was created to promote and protect intellectual property (also called IP) across the world by cooperating with countries as well as international organizations.
Key role of the World Intellectual Property Organization includes:
1. Promotion of innovation and creativity by providing a platform for the protection and management of IP rights
2. Development of international IP laws and standards including the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the Madrid System for the international registration of trademarks, and the Hague System for the international registration of industrial designs.
These legal frameworks help to harmonize and streamline IP protection across borders, which facilitates global trade and collaboration.
3. Capacity building and technical assistance to member states and other stakeholders to help them develop and implement effective IP policies and strategies.

4. Dispute resolution and enforcement including arbitration and mediation, to resolve disputes quickly and cost-effectively.
Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WIPO has "external offices" around the world.
Unlike most UN organizations, WIPO does not rely heavily on assessed or voluntary contributions from member states; 95 percent of its budget comes from fees related to its global services.
WIPO currently has 193 member states, including 190 UN member states and the Cook Islands, Holy See and Niue.

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