ahh so one of the updates adjusted the scouts auto science
everything you currently have bins for can go on one belt and like your refineries can then be spit off by the belt to be made into better things ... the excess then goes to surface storage with the better stuff as well that way it is one belt to feed all your manufacturing ... less spaghetti less cost and saving on resource use ... yes it seems counter intuitive BUT you then only need the one processing belt line to feed all your needs and you dont have to preplan what goes where beyond where you need to make stuff ... you just add what you need in the next row to yank from the column of the feed belt
from there you send it all to basic underground building storages and then up to the surface ... equally leaving you building mats and cargo mats for the moon and market
DEVS ... how about an upgrade for the storages ... so from a 3x3 basic to a 6x3 large you can just blueprint the large over the small and get the small resources reused in the upgrade pus what is missing to make it bigger