If I Were Looking For A Tech Job In 2024 I'd Do This

If I Were Looking For A Tech Job In 2024 I'd Do This

A Life Engineered

1 год назад

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@TylerGutierrez_776 - 29.01.2025 03:22

Thanks for sharing those book recommendations. I’ve been meaning to read Deep Work.

@WayneBrooks_872 - 29.01.2025 03:11

The interview tips are super helpful. I always get nervous, but I feel more prepared now.

@edwardmyeSrs - 29.01.2025 02:52

I’ve heard about AI tools like ResuBot that can help with resume formatting. Might check it out for my job search.

@JoeClark_338 - 29.01.2025 02:41

I really like the idea of leveraging personal projects in interviews. It makes you stand out more.

@DavidTorres-l8DavidTorres - 29.01.2025 02:26

This video has some great insights on job hunting. I wish I had this advice when I was starting out.

@prongpraison8463 - 13.01.2025 11:10

Thinking about changing my career and now I’m feeling depressed lol seems like every field is hard

@priyankapandya7868 - 04.01.2025 01:52

Really helpful, thank you!

@RydenLovesJuiceWrld - 30.12.2024 03:33

Not there quite on run time but it seem like a catch 22 on runtime

@RydenLovesJuiceWrld - 30.12.2024 03:31

The pizza master in computer program sure could use some of that knowledge we could talk about so work iam some what knowledge able too help one another out that would be nice

@ayoubennaoui6107 - 26.12.2024 02:15

Networking is the hardest task,especially after being crushed by hob hunting and interviews and all other things,I feel like a job at software is only a dream now.I have a masters degree in computer science and cant even get a response from companies.

@Dan-codes - 13.12.2024 01:57

I got all of my jobs through hard work and crushing interviews prior to tech. Literally a 1:1 application to job ratio(for harder jobs). In tech, I only get interviews through knowing people.

@SpeakingTruth24 - 10.12.2024 08:22

A college degree should weigh enough to land a job opportunity. If it's not, then I don't see why we spent so much time and money behind education?

@X9flourishing - 07.12.2024 12:48

Chuckee cheese: crowd gasps🤵‍♂️🤵🏽‍♂️👩🏼‍🎓👱🏿‍♀️

@X9flourishing - 07.12.2024 12:43

I wrote a novel go look for it

@thatoneguywithtwothumbs - 03.12.2024 22:37

alice probably also has a bit more experience considering she has so many specific resumes not that that would help at all 🙄🙄

@intzeproduction99 - 20.11.2024 02:25

Building your network is definitely the most effective way to build wealth - your net worth is your network.

@GuitarsAndSynths - 09.11.2024 23:26

Economy is in the toilet right now.. I used to get weekly LinkedIn mails from corporate tech recruiters but has been DEAD the past 2 years. Fortunately, I am employed but would hate to look for a job next year.

@lucas-bw6zu - 29.10.2024 08:41

Just became the ceo of google after this video thanks

@muazhossain861 - 23.10.2024 20:43

do you think a tech degree matters? i have a econ degree and im interested in tech roles but im not sure what to aim for other than data science

@blackguytraveller7797 - 21.10.2024 07:20

Your use of "they" instead of "he" is driving me crazy. Every 10 seconds, I'm putting it back wondering who you're talking about 😅

@hyp-ext - 16.10.2024 08:56

Ugh, and here we go again bashing programmers for playing video games. The most passionate, knowledgeable developers I know LOVE video games; they're what sparked their love for programming in the first place. Pretentious tech bros who network for a living and kill everything in their life they love for the sake of "productivity" ruin this field for people who are genuinely passionate about programming.

@hisnameisbass6405 - 15.10.2024 11:39

couple things. first, even as a comp sci major im not even trying to land software development positions since im not really interested in that. im literally trying to land entry level IT and cybersecurity positions and have had zero luck. second, the example you used with alice to me is a bit unrealistic and doesn’t seem worth the effort. you said she is doing all these things to help her land a job but what is she doing to support herself right now out of college? why would i put so much time into creating spreadsheets of the 2-300+ jobs im applying to just to not get anything. my point being its not going to change the outcome. again, im not looking for coding related positions just simple entry level IT position that shouldn’t require any certifications or more than a year of experience

@soultravel8742 - 20.09.2024 22:29

Don’t apply for a job in Amazon worst company to work for. They layoff people left and right with PIP. Their interview structure is crazy too. Waste of time!!

@TatianaHalka - 16.09.2024 20:39

The reality is, I have applied Alice's strategy on Bob's volume. Looking for a job from 10am to 10pm most days since March 2024 with 8 total years of web development experience, 5 of which are MERN stack. Not delivering pizza's yet but I am already on income assistance.

@dhruvghayal - 14.09.2024 23:22

obviously, he had to show guy a looser

@calvin_713 - 13.09.2024 23:21

1. Increase your chance of getting hired by staying organized & disciplined
2. The strength in the connections you have in your network can increase the chance of getting a job
3. Get ur interview skills ready even though you’re not interviewing

@brianc5617 - 01.09.2024 00:14

The "TLDW:" is just lie. Rather than use 2 or 3 resumé that accurately highlight your skills and experience, every resumé should be written to make you sound like you are the perfect ideal candidate for the job you are applying to.

@3x4l70 - 25.08.2024 21:11

May god help me

@melheno - 25.08.2024 20:19

So you achieved your dream job by luck because your friend helped you. It shows how recruiting in big tech companies has failed. Recruiting in big tech companies should provide the platform so that talent is given chance not "I know somebody lets give him a chance" or "here is somebody good for diversity".

@melheno - 25.08.2024 20:19

So you achieved your dream job by luck because your friend helped you. It shows how recruiting in big tech companies has failed. Recruiting in big tech companies should provide the platform so that talent is given chance not "I know somebody lets give him a chance" or "here is somebody good for diversity".

@fernandoi8958 - 23.08.2024 21:13

Alice can do all that by lunch time? no fucking way hahaha

@IsaacSomuah - 07.08.2024 12:42

First time seeing your channel, and I must say "I like your style"

@taylorjones1686 - 04.08.2024 01:21

Hi Steve! 😊Are you still receiving referral requests? I'd love to send you a link to a position that a recruiter reached out to me about, and thinks that I may be a great fit! I've already applied and will be following up Monday morning.

@art_forever_32 - 03.08.2024 11:27

Hi, I would like to know what are your thoughts for someone looking to change career now in 2024 in his 30's from architecture design to the IT Software world. I have struggled a lot with architecture and for the past 10 years I haven't been able to move up the ladder from a draftsman position. There's many reasons for this starting from the actual downside of the hourly salary being from 5 - 10$, toxic offices and management, overworking hours, no benefits overall, which is insane here in the Balkans. I have tried from 2018 using my free time to learn programming python, Django, JS, Node.js and I actually completed some of the full-stack dev bootcamp and online courses. I really loved the entire journey, I even completed a beginners intro to cyber security from INE. Even with that drive and some projects completed I just wasn't lucky enough to land a apprenticeship role, so I had to set it aside because I needed a job and ended up again back to drafting. I am in a crossroads now, I just got a offer for a BIM draftsman role for MEP stuff which I will have to give my final answer in the following week. To be honest I don't see myself in MEP or a junior role in this field anymore, this doesn't mean that I will turn it down, it's just that even if I take the role I just wouldn't be physically or mentally able to dedicate my free time to programming. The other thing is I have some good saving behind and I am thinking of doing a state exam this September to become a licensed architect but like I said it isn't worth it at all here in the Balkans. Then on the other hand I just bought a monthly online course subscription from the ZTM academy to start again, start fresh and this time dedicated fully until I land a apprenticeship/internship/junior role at a tech company. Can you in some way help me?

@702Chap - 01.08.2024 01:58

Alice and Bob then spoke to each other via messages encoded with public and private keys.

@Bettylulseged - 24.07.2024 22:36

I was laid off in 2023 by Microsoft. Finding a new job was rough. I recently posted a new video on things that have worked for me and things that have not worked for me

@CharlotteVazquez-l1m - 18.07.2024 06:00

Computer Science or Computer Information Systems, I don’t know which to choose. I need opinions please

@sasori400 - 26.06.2024 21:28

Alice is more likely to get the job because she is a female POC and companies are offered money to meet diversity quotas

@Steve-jo2xo - 19.06.2024 23:58

thank you

@rc5016 - 16.06.2024 06:03

Capitalism has achieved its goal: making a lot of people become developers to drive down wages.

@sultanmalik1800 - 06.06.2024 20:47

This is the best advice and one can give you in this job market

@nutech1810 - 04.06.2024 06:23

How does anyone have time to nurture everyone?

I also don't know anyone that can help. Ive asked. 😂

@_.Leo_. - 01.06.2024 20:58

Bro got a job because he grew up with an insider making videos about getting a job. Lmaooooo

@hirendesai7689 - 31.05.2024 23:02

"schedule a mock interview with friend who is also unemployed... "

@tercial - 29.05.2024 16:58

Networking pretty much but i feel fake doing this

@PasserbyP - 29.05.2024 06:01

He literally used nepotism to get into Amazon in 2006, end of review

@kumareshans5608 - 27.05.2024 13:28

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