How NFTs Affect People's Lives

How NFTs Affect People's Lives

The NFT Whistle

55 лет назад

20 Просмотров

The community widely discusses the effect of NFTs on people's lives. So here's our take on how NFTs could potentially affect people's lives. To learn more, watch the full video! Is this technology good for us, or would this only be a FAD?

00:05 How are businesses incorporating NFTs into their operations?
01:20 Using NFTs for the greater good

NFT Culture Live: Meta Monday is a weekly NFT show supported by Symphony Squirrels NFT and hosted every monday in multiple streaming platform. Join the Live in our facebook group (link down below).

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DISCLAIMER: The information contained on Meta Monday Show is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speakers, hosts, and guests who are not licensed financial advisors or registered investment advisors. Trading in, and investing in NFTs, Upland, cryptocurrencies, and the metaverse poses the risk of loss. The speakers, hosts, and guests do not guarantee any particular outcome


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