Introducing X Games Street Style Pro at Copper Mountain

Introducing X Games Street Style Pro at Copper Mountain

X Games

5 дней назад

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@Userr33e21 - 02.11.2024 02:29

This is sick. But real ski coming would be even better

@akuma-tactics1 - 02.11.2024 02:36

Support new skate parks in towns that don’t have one TX

@akazinomomenti - 02.11.2024 05:58

I think we all wanted to see ski comp with style 🫣

@AndreJHoward - 03.11.2024 18:27

I'll be more excited when every Xgames event isn't spin to win. Knuckle huck, street, etc used to be awesome and now it's just 1260 minimum, style doesn't matter, bio everything.
