The Third Option | Miles McPherson

The Third Option | Miles McPherson

Christ Fellowship Church

4 года назад

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@angelaenoslive3526 - 23.05.2020 15:06

Great teaching. A must watch! Thank you Miles for your practical and life-changing teaching.

@janetdaniel1335 - 23.05.2020 22:07

Liked the message!

@christinacaruth4894 - 30.05.2020 13:04

This time this book is desperately needed. Unfortunately George Floyd was kill this week. This gives fuel to this divide nation. Miles hit it on the for. Having common cause will United the States.

@littletrainer475 - 15.06.2020 13:51

Just came back to Lord, got massage by Lord. Praise God

@Deba7777 - 19.06.2020 08:14

Incredible message, makes so, so much sense! Thank you, I'll take the 3rd option!

@Lampropeltis - 09.07.2020 02:11

Totally awesome! 🙂❤️

@RR-nl2ep - 09.08.2020 20:30

LOVE this guy! He puts humor and truth into his messages.

@sozo5 - 29.03.2021 04:10

Jungle fever? So much race talk... I dislike preachers that require confirmation or repeating words. Teach the word please and not try be something for everyone and such a comedian. The applause is your reward..The word is to be taught and not used to support some narrative per se. There isn’t a third option. There is one way, there is no compromises. Because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Rev 3. Quite a bit of CRT talk being squeezed in, No amen for me...

@HisRoyalHighnessKingOfIsrael - 23.06.2023 02:08

😅 i always say Don't even think about a 3rd option cause you better get it done on the 1st or 2nd option. Cause ill 3rd option you.

@HisRoyalHighnessKingOfIsrael - 23.06.2023 02:12

Abram is Hebrew for big daddy.
