Crazy thing is i did a handful of Gimmighoul raids & then going back in my boxes scrolling through i noticed one was shiny 😭 i was like wait what?! It’s literally the most unnoticeable shiny
ОтветитьOr use the bot trade method
Catch a pokemon name it after the one you want Use the trade code and if you trade with bot you get any shiny you want that's in the game
This is my first ever comment
ОтветитьThe shiny gimmighoul is really pale, like an off white. The shiny Gholdengo is a lighter shade & the cup or whatever on the belt is a lighter shade, closer to yellow
ОтветитьThey really should've made the shiny white gold
ОтветитьI’ve got one, worst shiny ever.
ОтветитьI have owned one in first gholendango since first year shiny event.
Ответитьinstead of the shiny, i already missed it, i guess will try my luck with the gimmighoul
ОтветитьI finally got 1 after about 4 days of online 5 star gimmighoul raid battle I was shouting out when I caught n check it in the box
I send the photo to my friend immediately he was shock too
I caught 4, including 1 in a beast ball. What’s impossible is to re-collect 999 coins.
ОтветитьI got a shiny jumbo mark.
ОтветитьAnd I have 2
ОтветитьI was lucky enough to find one myself back when the first one dropped. To this day my most prized shiny hunt and never leaves my team
ОтветитьI have two shiny gholdengo it my favourite Pokemon 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
ОтветитьI had mines in the first event we had for ghimigol didn’t even know I had it shiny until I checked in the box 🤷🏾♂️
ОтветитьIs there a chance for a shiny roaming or no?
ОтветитьGood morning I have 8 yes I said I have 8 of them which are GIMMIGHOUL YAY!!!!
ОтветитьOfc you add a gambit voice clip 😅😊😂 great movie
ОтветитьMan this event is live ? I need hop on I been on legends
Arc lol
I got it yesterday and accidentally deleted it and didn’t save before so lost the shiny plus the items I earned but played for a long time today and got it
ОтветитьI have one
ОтветитьMy freind has one
ОтветитьIt took me 187 hours but I have 3 shiny gimmighoul’s 2 for my living dex and one for me. Also 2 of these where caught on the first event
ОтветитьI got mine Philly 😊
Ответитьi already have one
ОтветитьMine is a shiny water tera type
ОтветитьI own two shinies and I evolved one so I've had these for a very long while now
ОтветитьIn my opinion, shiny Goldhengo should have been silver since it could reference silver dollars.
ОтветитьI got one
ОтветитьI just did one of the shiny created tera raids people make to get mine
ОтветитьBro how did you crack the algorithm like that? I remember you when the games first came out didn’t even have a hundred thousand
ОтветитьIt’s just not worth it to hunt. I just got my shiny Applin today which was definitely worth it.
ОтветитьI managed to get 3, it's awesome.
ОтветитьWhy does my gimmighoul show the shiny in the summary but not when I send it out
ОтветитьI have 1
ОтветитьThe shiny Pokémon:ballllllllllllS!
ОтветитьDoes sparkling sandwiches help with shiny Tera raids?
ОтветитьI missed the first event because I was too busy playing Tears Of The Kingdom because it had just come out at the time. So I'm glad I get another chance!
ОтветитьI have one
ОтветитьWdym impossible until now. They did the event back in june 2023 and i wasnt even hunting for a shiny i was just doing the raids but i ended up catching a shiny on my 3rd attempt and i didn't know for a while because of the DANG CHEST COLOR. But yeah ive had a shiny ghimmegoul since 2023 i just haven't gotten around to evolving it.
Ответитьnu uh i got this like last year i think
ОтветитьAre we going to get the Indigo Disk version of "How to Get Every Shiny _ Type"? The Paldea and Teal Mask ones helped me massively in hunting. I can't thank you enough for the content you provide for us.
ОтветитьCan these have perfect iv? Or 5 iv? Or no perfect iv?
ОтветитьI was lucky enough to FINALLY get one yesterday.
Only thing that annoyed me is I didn't catch it with a special ball, just the luxury one
ОтветитьWould’ve been funny if it’s shiny was completely silver
I follow a host that has seeds for zero attack zero speed or tiny and jumbo
Last year I obtained a zero attack
and just recently jumbo
What I’m about to ask has nothing to do with the video but can someone help me finish up some group bbqs please 😔🙏🏽