Cover your head and chest, the veil is not necessary. Covering from head to toe is at the request of a man controlling women and it's a sign of male oppression towards women.
ОтветитьSalam Aleykum. When I watch the video i appreciate the vibe and the intention. But there is something strange too.
Men and women?
where is the reference for that statement? is it written in the Coran or is it just a personal opinion on what Islam demands or not?
And if it is a demand from Islam how can the lady speaking accept to wear such a hijab while it s not known on the entire surface of the planet a man wearing such a hijab?
How can we make sense , how does she make sense of that?
:( go sister.
ОтветитьSister. Those hijabis that are on big platforms then removing. Please, common sense says they are on payroll to help assimilate Muslims to western culture. They probably aren't Muslims to begin with, just actors.
ОтветитьI'm thankful for the all the women who burned their Hijabs and showed many Muslim women that they have a choice ! Whether to wear it or not! More power to those ladies ❤️
ОтветитьI’ve seen women wear them when it’s 90 degrees and I wonder how do they deal with that, it seem unhealthy when the temperature high, passing out on the streets.
ОтветитьJazzak allahu khayran please keep our sisters and brothers in your duaa
ОтветитьMy dear sister you make my heart full.. May Allah swt make you amongst His loved ones 💚
Ответитьstraight to the point. There's no allah even if he was there he's dead no point in wearing the hijab
world's moving ahead everyone else should too
The One who rotates huge stars very easily which weigh billions of tons, Allah Says : "Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise." Qur'an : chapter 4 verse 56.
"Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But upon many the punishment has been justified. And he whom Allah humiliates - for him there is no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does what He wills."
"These are two opposing groups that disagree about their Lord: as for the disbelievers, garments of Fire will be cut out for them and boiling water will be poured over their heads,"
"melting whatever is in their bellies, along with their skin."
"And for [striking] them are maces of iron."
"Every time they want to get out of Hellfire from anguish, they will be returned to it, and [it will be said], "Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire!""
"Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearl, and their garments therein will be silk."
Al Qur'an chapter 22 verse-18-23
Allah says: "On the Day their faces are ˹constantly˺ flipped in the Fire, they will cry, “Oh! If only we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!”
Surah Ahzab
Than go to Afghanistan live life their.because taliban killings women who Didn't want to wear hijab and burqa.Afghanistan will be best place for YOU to’s good that i Didn't born as wo**n
ОтветитьEvil likes cover!
ОтветитьTimes are changing move forward I’m atheist and I love ❤️ it
ОтветитьWhy is this an issue? It is a women's choice whether to wear a hijab or not? Why are you making a big deal out of it?
ОтветитьI wonder though...does the Hijab really liberate the ego?
ОтветитьIf you like it,then fine have it.but don’t get on people’s nerve when they decide to remove it.what’s the point of hiding the natural hair god created for you anyway
Ответитьjazakallah khair for this great video!
ОтветитьMan thanks God religion is dying
ОтветитьI wore my Hijab after I read the Quran and understood it. I wrote it to please Allah and that is all that I needed. I pray that Allah Subhanatala makes it easy for all my hijabi sisters.
Ответитьwhy are you almost begging them not to take it off lol it would be better if everyone minded their ow business
ОтветитьTo the all Muslim women out there who are struggling with their hijab journey remember it's so important to be beautiful in the eyes of Allah than to be beautiful in the eyes of this photoshopped society l know when you see a non hijabi girl around you or in online with shiny hair blowing in wind and she have this amazing necklaces and earrings ornamented and then u get sad and question yourself why u just can't dress like her why u can't feel beautiful like her but trust me sisters being ornamented with Iman ,haya and modesty is more beautiful than anything in this world we are so precious like pearls that Allah wants to be secured and covered and when you are doing struggle for Allah your rewards will be huge ,this world is just so temporary and it's fashion it's perspective and everything just keeps getting changed with trends so why loose our permanent life (akhiraah) for this temporary world . Before quitting just remember why u started,u started this hijab journey not for this judgy world but for Allah just and just for Allah if Allah is happy with us than what more do we need .one day you will see how this sacrifices shines in your grave . May Allah Grant all of us hidayaat. O Allah forgive us all and guide us to the right path💖 ameen
Ответитьالله يبارك فيك يا اختي الفاضلة اللهم اجعله في ميزان حسناتك يا اختي ربنا يحفظك ويثبتك وبارك فيك وفي عاءلتك اتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح والسعادة اللهم اجعلها من أهل الجنة
ОтветитьMashaallah sister
Ответить1) Most scholars say "no compulsion" because according to Surat Al-Tawbah 29 you have three choices "pay jizya, convert, or d!e" and yeah... don't fall for Muslim apologist lies, not a single book says that verse is about not forcing religion, even scholars say what I said, and all scholarly tefsirs say so too.
2) Quran 33:59 justifies abuse against women if they don't wear a garment + Tefsirs + Hadiths say the point of garment/hijab is to distinguish free women from slaves and whores!
I'm an Ex-Muslim from Bahrain, and as democratic my country is, it's still Islamic and I had to flee for my safety. This chick and her white husband living in the west don't know Islam better than any Ex-Muslim from the middle east (who still fear their families or government chasing them to kill them she to Islamic hadiths and verses such as death for apostates (Quran 9:5 + 3017) ..... So... Where is the freedom!?
I can't understand why modern society wouldn't let Muslims just be Muslims, none of y'all deserve to be judged or treated this way for practicing such as harmless belief.
ОтветитьI hoop that the @hijaab infeluencers that remooved their hijaab watch this and ..wears their hijaabs again.
ОтветитьSubhanallah..... Never mind the evil people around us
ОтветитьAre your environment cultivating your imaan?
Big question ❤
Subhan Allah
ОтветитьU hide being religion stop hiding . It’s ridiculous
ОтветитьOk but when your thumbnail said "please keep it on" you don't tell people what they do, its their body and they make the choice that feels right for them, you don't control people
ОтветитьBut is very hot outside and without a hijab i can have fresh air going near mt neck and skin that help me to cool down
ОтветитьIt is not an obligation. Being modest doesn't mean putting a bag over your head.
ОтветитьVerse in suratul ahzab
ОтветитьThe memes in between are funny I must admit.😝🤷🏿♀️
Ответить...ONLY GOD WILL JUDGE YOU - on the Day of Judgment!
but you are wearing a whole burkha 🤣
ОтветитьNaam AsalamAleikum warwahmatulahi wabarakatuh ‘Jazaka Alahu kairu sister’am by the names Afuwah Muhammad,can I have a word with you ‘or onepath network please’i won’t take much of your time please,the account is showing Abdul the phone is not mine it’s a long story and I need some advise please’if u can’t grant me some of your time inn shaa Allah will be grateful shukran sister and onepath network
ОтветитьWhy the niqab why not just the hair
ОтветитьMasha allaah I love 🌱 Hijab and quran
ОтветитьThis video gave me the confidence I needed to ditch my hijab. Thank you!
ОтветитьAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh sister,
I’m a revert and it’s hard not only dealing with the outside world but with your own family and friends. Thank you for this video.
Wow your voice is very tempting.
I mean I totally think if you are going to completely cover your body then you should also might as well cover your eyes.
You better distort your voice too.
Or wait why don't you use a more camouflage color? I mean yeah you kind of disappeared into nowhere in black but what if you made your hajab into a disappearing Vail? So then you don't have to worry anymore and you won't be a bother for men!
If she wants to wear it I respect her right to choose if she forced I do not condone being forced but I also would never incourage her to remove it if it puts her in danger. I see alot of America teens who pressure them to remove it or bully in mak fun of Muslim teenager online trying to get them to take it off. American kids for get teens in other counties don't have the freedom in right they do nor do they understand the repercussions it can cause them. I know this cuz when son was 14 he came to me and said he meet a teenage girl online his age in a group chat in they started talking more then they decided to video chat but he said she had a "blanket "around her face in she wouldn't tk it off she got upset like he asked her to take her clothes off he was I just wanted to see her face mom. I was did she say no im Muslim..he said ya i sat him down I had to explain to him Muslim religion in garments in that it's the samething for them it's rude n disrespectful for u to ask her to take any clothes off it's a garment for modestity showing u any part of her body bf she's married takes away her virtue ur not her husband an in its against the law in some countries for women to take it off even if she does want to. Few hrs later I heard him telling her he was sorry he didn't understand but I explained to him. So ya not a conversation I thought I'd ever have to have with my child but because of the internet making the world more connect we need to hav these conversation with children about boundaries in respect for each others culture in beliefs n peer pressure may lead to a dangerous out come in certain situations .
Ответитьyour approach about the hijab may seemed noble at first but it completely disregards the feelings of the community and people that surrounds you ,also your contradicted yourself. you said that modern civilization only focus about them self's and put them self's first ,which is what you are doing by punting your veil on , ignoring modern standard norms of clothing that allows you to blend in with the society that you live in .in other words accepting of being part of western society.which at the long run only creates distrust and prejudice .and Muslims already have bad rep .and your only taking advantage of western secular laws and using it against us . respectfully speaking of course .
ОтветитьSalaam my sister may allah bless you
ОтветитьTake it off, it’s the 21st century ffs
ОтветитьYes, put yourself first. Not societal expectations for being “modest”