What is dyslexia? - Kelli Sandman-Hurley

What is dyslexia? - Kelli Sandman-Hurley


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@hexagon27 - 02.08.2024 07:55

As a dyslexic (thank God for autocorrect) I wanna share my experience when I read, shorter texts, like most comments on a video or single sentences, I can read those just fine, but as soon as I go to read a book. The white spaces inbetween almost feel as though they fill in with other symbols, making it hard for me to concentrate without think that there are so many words. I hear other dyslexic people say that the words almost float around, which is partially true for my experience as well. I only ever first discovered I had dyslexia about a year or two ago in highschool. I was handwriting an essay in English and I noticed that nearly all my life I've been making a mistake 8 year old make, and that's mistaking a b for a d and vice versa. So I decided to look up some only dyslexia tests and I got a 8/9, I went and did several more and I could confidently say I was dyslexic. Never actually got it properly diagnosed though

@larimno2475 - 09.08.2024 17:52

Dyslexia is a lazy and spoiled students fake disease 😂😂😂

@jiminfairy-g4z - 21.08.2024 18:12

I got his it annoying

@dscourrejou - 25.08.2024 04:41

Very helpbul, thank you!!!

@leowalcott277 - 14.09.2024 09:34

dyslexia means I type so slowly read slowly and learn slowly it's Labourous

@Rs-2003 - 17.09.2024 00:08

Dyslexia is about text

@CroninBob - 21.09.2024 15:43

354 Howe Circles

@michaelcallahan6166 - 25.09.2024 21:51

So, as usual, I'm the weirdo. Although I do often misplace letters and read things wrong, my spelling skills were excellent in school, and I was so fast in reading, and my comprehension was so good that the gifted class teacher used me for a college project, trying to figure out how I could do it in 5th grade. Mine is dyscalculia. I know how to do math, I know how it works, but I can transpose and scramble numbers and even operations with infuriating ease. I had no idea what was wrong until I stumbled onto the term dyslexia at age 30. Once I realized it, I overcame it almost instantly.

@AkiWasHere - 04.10.2024 16:10

Dyslexia is so weird, one moment I’m reading something, the next moment the letters on the page begin running around and start to fight back against me

@ThoreauHorace - 05.10.2024 17:10

817 Monahan Roads

@mady1370 - 10.10.2024 01:28

I have dyslexia( btw why does our condition have a x y like?) Anyway i have it and am 16 now, and i feel as i have grown out of it, but some words get me. Its just how u take it and how u learn to have it.

@halimekaymaz7469 - 15.10.2024 17:07

i would spelld catch like cach

@_merrluna_3075 - 20.10.2024 18:35

This makes more sense

@EurhondaMorgan - 30.10.2024 22:10

I did not have the right definition of dyslexia. My take away is that instead of seeing the world their lens, see the world through their brain. This was eye opening for me ---that is more decoding and processing through phonic or phonetics.

@XxDarkThoughts96xX - 15.11.2024 22:51

Me at Hogwarts with my dyslexia 😭

@arunkrishna36108 - 18.11.2024 14:25

Me who rites front for friends and grate for great

@rongablue - 19.11.2024 19:45

Dyslexia is a blessing, not a curse. Just look at all the famous dyslexics worldwide!

@KielerCoburn - 25.11.2024 07:25

I have all of it spels it words

@12Saqlain - 30.11.2024 13:34

Taare Zameen par
Ishaan awasthi

@Lusia_00321 - 30.11.2024 19:48

as a person with dyslexia I can studie leanguages much faster that others, but when i study language with much of grama its almost inposible to do it, for example I studie english for almost 9 years now and the grama for me is really hard (also writing too Im sure Im making mistake here as well) . When I talk or sing in english its almost perfect, same with spanish (studie a 6 months now). But when I was learn german for 2 years I cant even say how old i am
I have mathematic problem since primary school, even simple thinks like addition or subtraction. For me 98-62 is that hard to do and i have to calculate it with my hands or do it other way like calculation in a bar (idk if you know what is this but you have to write number under number and calculate dozens with dozens etc.) i know that video was done 11 years ago but i wanted to know you that youre not alone with that

@suzannedevreugd - 09.12.2024 23:04

4 jaar later dit klopt nogsteets

@themasonator531 - 10.12.2024 06:39

No it is like seeing a new word every time but not knowing the way to decide it

@Myfoodandlife2024 - 10.12.2024 06:47

I forget word & I do spelling mistakes even I know spelling but sometimes it’s not work for me

@lollloyd11 - 11.12.2024 03:11

thnak yuo evry moch, tihs vedio curd may dystopia

@Bnnnbb-wv9wj - 15.12.2024 10:49

I hate my dyslexia. I hate when people think I can’t think for my self. it’s humility when people separate me from others because they think I can’t read correctly. they think I’m not self aware and think I don’t notice that they treat me differently.

@eugeniaustinova3888 - 16.12.2024 20:26

I really want to share my expenrience with everyone whose kids struggle with dyslexia!
I am a mom of an 8 years old boy, he has got dyslexia, as we recently got to know.
Of course, I started to research all over the internet, the communities, the programs which might help to overcome the issue so he doesn’t struggle in school and we tried this program called Grafari (by Constructor Tech).
They are’t very popular, as the app is designed specifically for dyslexia kids, the app isn’t colorful like many other applications hence it doesnt irriate the adhd or dyslexia struggling kids.
Long story short, I have been seeing a huge progress lately, and can’t be happier, as I thought dyslexia is gonna affect my kid and he will be lauph at but things look much brighter now

@jinli4079 - 22.12.2024 02:42

阅读障碍最好的解决方案是 学习中文,因为他是象形文字,表意不表音。表音通过拼音字母

@RickAshley111 - 22.12.2024 04:25

I think im dislesyic when u said remove the c form cat i said ct

@Kyler-eu6dv - 27.12.2024 19:23

Hmm looks like dead is still the same good for saying it in funerals

@Vutu_IDI - 29.12.2024 11:06

im so dyslexic that i used to read it as dylexia 😭😭

@Cap_6064 - 10.01.2025 10:27

I have dyslexia and I learned how to read the first and last letter in the word and then check two or three of the middle ones and just recognize what that is true so I can actually read quite fast but that’s only on specific words

@Lexi_Roze - 17.01.2025 07:09

Ummmmm that was really easy...

@ChuckLewis-u3r - 19.01.2025 04:30

Thank you for the video. God Bless you!

@ChuckLewis-u3r - 19.01.2025 04:46

What are some examples of intensive sensory intervention? thanks

@Random2006-nh5bn - 19.01.2025 22:28

i have dyslexic;(

@nicolasmotte2427 - 25.01.2025 13:19

For those of you who have dyslexia, I had a treatment that very, very significantly improved the condition.
Dyslexia for me was caused by bruxism and bad up/down teeth alignment. For what I understand it might be the root cause for many people (the root of this probably being some genetic condition with food since I also had a very severe sort of IBS).
Fixed this with orthodontics / orthoprothesis, wore some weird glasses (prisms that deviate a little bit the light; don't ask me why it works but it does) and boom, dyslexia is fixed within 6 months, mostly.
I had significant improvements in my IQ tests (gained 10 points in one year; I think I have gained 25 points overall, most of them in the non verbal tests of course).
This was life changing. I'm much more self confident right now, I used to be so shy.

Never had been diagnosed with any clear form of autism though.

@josh-le2nm - 05.02.2025 20:33

I'm dyslexic, but I could read that perfectly.

@KingMacduce - 10.02.2025 03:32

I am experiencing my female companion has dyslexia. She will misspell street names type messages and words misspelled she would hear words differently. I could tell she interpreted them another way , I’ve been in the past inpatient and second-guessing until today I needed to be patient and educated about dyslexia.

@BrandonFisher-z4d - 10.02.2025 05:47

I have mild dyslexia but I have never really looked into it so seeing videos that go into detail about it is cool because I can see what other parts of daily life are a part of the dyslexia

@HunterCoaster - 15.02.2025 01:24

I looked this up because my friend has dyslexia and I wanna help her the best I can

@Gulsumibryam - 17.02.2025 07:59

Taare zameen par

@Milliedoodles - 19.02.2025 07:26

I think I have a different type of dyslexia I see wounds glow is this normal

@ATHLETICAOFFICIAL - 27.02.2025 01:44

As a person that has dyslexia,I have token and still am taking therapy for this for 7yrs and reading is very easy for me

@Proudtherian-j7d - 28.02.2025 23:22

My boyfriend has dyslexia and he can't read but I am autistic and spell friends frens ect

@yavarjn2055 - 11.03.2025 01:23

Should people with dyslexia go to special schools?

@ziblaz - 16.03.2025 02:51

My dyslexia is so bad I read this really bad😭
