Sapphire Nitro + Overclock Radeon RX 470 running @ 1520 MHZ ON AIR!!!

Sapphire Nitro + Overclock Radeon RX 470 running @ 1520 MHZ ON AIR!!!

Jonathan Holland

7 лет назад

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@whatwhite9550 - 14.03.2017 17:35

wow very good oc !!
can u make a video with msi after burner to see fps 11nd Temp in game?

@Terrevientox - 22.03.2017 03:12

hi,i have my rx 470 sapphire nitro + 8g my oc is1430MHz core and 2100 MHz memory,what do you think is better ,more core or more memory for more fps?

@clintwilliams8026 - 13.04.2017 18:11

Great video mate, question tho, do you think the rx 470 is a better value card over the older 970gtx? I have someone willing to sell me their 970gtx cheap and not sure what to buy. Thanks

@savoirfaire8979 - 14.07.2018 07:05

But can it run Crys....oh, shit. It can.

@mirola73 - 03.12.2018 23:52

The fan noise of your PC is horrible....
