The Strange Disappearance Of Ready Player One

The Strange Disappearance Of Ready Player One


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@justfor8550 - 22.07.2024 15:19


@Sorvea - 23.07.2024 04:00

This is my “comfort movie”. I will put this movie on, and let it play when I feel my anxiety getting high

@Deankenny21 - 03.08.2024 09:46

hmmm, not entirely convinced, since the Oasis is a player driven world, using humans, so if I was in control of the iron giant in such a situation damn sure I'll be using it for power vs bad.

@DaleTheBoulder - 14.08.2024 19:57

The movie is just a bad adaptation. How To Train Your Dragon is how Ready Player One should’ve done the books. The books are far more mature, and the books would be hated by general audiences because it is so brutally realistic. Ready Player One should’ve created a new story, instead of trying to adapt it but forgetting the entire plot and purpose. The books are far better, and while Ready Player Two isn’t as great as the first, they are both still great books with a bullshit adaptation.

@porter0138 - 20.08.2024 05:14

If anyone is upset about the differences of media, I recommend you blame the ones that wrote the screenplay.

@ninjapenguin1284 - 26.08.2024 00:44

I’m a long time fan of the franchise, I’ve read both books and have seen the movie countless times. I do think that Spielberg did a great job adapting the book,it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. the only problem is that I feel like it’s hard to make a very complex book fit into 2 hours, just get why they changed many of the challenges for the keys. They wanted them to look better, but I think the movie misses a lot of key points of the book, like how wade is incredibly poor but manages to use his knowledge to find the key at his school. I just want to state again that the movie is incredible and a lot of fun

@TonyStark-yl9wv - 29.08.2024 04:06

Ready player one still left me with a smile on my face after watching the movie. Alita Battle Angel, also by Steven Spielberg was painful to watch

@Draken428 - 29.08.2024 11:03

Quick thought: maybe a devil's advocate argument for the way iconic characters were used is that in VR it's fully believable that some user would see the iron giant as an upgrade to use in a battle, even if they understand and revere the character. This argument doesn't hold so well in the Kong example though. I agree with most of this video yet still I can't help but love this movie. I see the oasis as pretty much what social VR is striving to get to.

@wccross4147 - 01.09.2024 09:55

As a 71 year old flower child of the 60s, I was able to "buckle up " and just enjoy the ride and take the references I knew about in stride. Never having been a gamer I could just go with it and not have to fret over the cultural references I've missed. I enjoyed it immensely

@YeahYeahYeah-w1w - 03.09.2024 20:50

important dystopia movie and book

@TheNukaColaMan10 - 07.09.2024 10:58

I want to go to bat for the overlook scene a bit more, at least in a meta perspective, because The Shining, and more importantly, its Director, Stanley Kubrick, was a well known friend to Steven Spielberg, and I feel like this change was brought about personally by Spielberg, who has always wanted to do something akin to his work. I can see him requesting this as a chance to do that, and also as a tribute to his friend long past. I don’t know that last part as fact, take that as my armchair psychiatry, but there is a love you can feel in that scene, and when you bring it up to people, a lot of time people will bring up THAT scenez

@rb188 - 08.09.2024 10:33

Come into Bigscreen VR this movie is played atleast once a day by someone. It’s already a virtual reality gem 💎

@jacksquat4140 - 12.09.2024 03:32

All things aside, I found this movie entertaining and enjoyable.

@mpgef - 13.09.2024 21:56

This video's analysis is obviously from a movie buff and not from a gamer perspective. A lot of "oh no! the references used in game don't reflect the deep analysis of the property being referenced". I understand attempting to stick to the lore of a given story if you are going to try and continue that property's story but this video is the equivalent of saying, "oh no! the references to characters in Fortnite don't respect the characters lore or deconstruct them. oh no! they are simply used as props in a video game. oh no!"
This is how you can tell the creator of this video is not a gamer and doesn't understand gamer culture.

@michaelmoser4537 - 14.09.2024 20:13

I don't know why MIB 2 is getting this bad press. I really liked the aliens in the locker, cute aliens they were.

@abhisheksinghsoam6014 - 29.09.2024 02:02

because its a game

@_multiverse_ - 03.10.2024 04:30

A 1 to 1 adaptation of the book would have been so much better and probably cheaper to produce aswell.

@legenjerry96 - 03.10.2024 06:45

if you loved the movie, do yourself a favor and read the book!

@frenchcoupon3391 - 04.10.2024 11:45

After Matrix, Ready Player One is too Little too Late. The VR part of it was the best and most unexploited one.

@Clara_Page - 05.10.2024 20:02

I loved the book, Hated the movie.
I get that stuff had to be changed to make it paletable in a more visual based format and that ip licenceing issues proably also played a big part but I feel like the movie lost to much in translation,
that said if they made a Ready Player Two movie I would probably watch it, I'm only halfway through the book but I feel like it might translate better to screen

@3182john - 06.10.2024 06:44

Reading the book before watching the movie… I knew the directors couldn’t follow all the keys and portals.

@daghost36 - 07.10.2024 23:02

Sorry but for Home Theater Headz (HTH), this movie is the gold standard for visual effects and audio. I believe you guys are looking to the movie to do something it was never meant to do. Yes it is an Homage to the time references. And please don't try to give me the originality argument, there is literally nothing and i mean nothing original out today. At least this movie --- and yes just like MMO, admits it and rolls with it. In fact after a while I stopped seeing Parzivel car as a DeLorean or Kong or The Glaive from Krull (yall missed that one) and I just saw the basic "down with big brother" storyline. And I Am Good with It. In my opinion some of the movies are trying to get too cute with their plotlines,jussayin'. Steven Spielberg and all the RPO creators did an awesome job. Lastly remember movies like this are set to be considered cult/cinematic classics in there second life (Scarface sucked when it first came out--and then in late 90's early 2000's explosion. Now the movie defines badass).

@MadMax-cw3pn - 30.10.2024 15:17

Good movie and very well put together!

@5Minuteman - 02.11.2024 16:07

These properties are handled exactly the way they really are in vr and mmorpgs. As essentially tools or skins to do whatever you want with and this use is very accurate to the book

@ccsllcrickatg8062 - 07.11.2024 04:55

A fan boy knows a hater...
and I know you've got a whole department of ovologist in your ear.
So do you wanna know what I really think?
I think you're full of sh*t.

@Dj.MODÆO - 10.11.2024 18:47

The prize wasn’t worth a half a trillion when wade won it, the company shares had been worth half a trillion over 15 years prior to wade winning. In ready player two we find out that in the 15 years since Halliday made that recording the shares had grown in such value that when the hi 5 team splits the prize, they were individually worth trillions of dollars each.

@syarizansulaiman6554 - 16.11.2024 15:45

As i believe is rhe end, no need continue, just make side story other players, with exception cameo

@Creaturiz3 - 21.11.2024 01:23

Damn, you guys get paid to look incompetent? You just said Lego Batman was something RP1 needed to learn from.. BAHHAAHAHAH

Clearly, not a gamer and looking at fortnite, COD, etc. Spielberg was on point.

@ulmo1737 - 21.11.2024 07:20

The moral of the story was to connect with REAL people. That's why at the end they shut down the OASIS on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So a couple could makeout and watch the sunset. Forget about the 80's references.

@usrIO30581l - 04.12.2024 21:58

Incredible movie can’t wait for Secret Level, What If s3, and Invincible next season.

@usrIO30581l - 04.12.2024 22:01

Stanley Kubrick fake the Moon landings 😂 🤣 😆 it’s a metaphor that you are all living in a Truman Show .

@usrIO30581l - 04.12.2024 22:03

Modern version of 1984! 👍🏽

@AntonisExplores - 12.12.2024 02:18

I wanted to see wade spend 8 months in the appartment stuggiling with dipression. while getting addicted to video games. while suprisingly finds friends, love and gets stegth to go out get into Ioi headquarters and brings evil company down. IoI killed his japanese friend and this was inportant arkvin the book. the games and quest to ve honest was like filling not as inportant to overall ark. to sum up movie is shallow. Action and visual indeed where spectacular.

@mattsully2238 - 14.12.2024 07:05

The h is silent in homage. It's pronounced omaajuh

@dylansimon6243 - 15.12.2024 02:40

I loved this movie

@vergelsevilla3594 - 27.12.2024 01:40

How can they include everything into 2-hr movie?

Just enjoy the movie!

@joehfletcher - 07.01.2025 22:44

I just finished watching it again snd I think it will eventually become a classic. While I enjoyed the plot the 1st time, in some ways it was a distraction. I was able to enjoy the many nostalgic references more the second time because I wasn't as focused on the plot during my more recent viewing. The story also continues to become more relevant, while VR has fizzled some, the reality is, an increasing section of society continues to escape reality online through their phones, computers, game consoles, etc.., which was a central theme of the movie.

@zinzincoetzee1934 - 14.01.2025 12:25

You sound like a tool

@Azhureus - 21.01.2025 19:57

Brilliant movie. 10/10

@AB-zl4nh - 29.01.2025 03:56

A wealthy global media company produces a film about a wealthy global media trying to exploit pop culture for profit. Peak irony.

@gfdia35 - 29.01.2025 08:29

The Highschool in the book absolutely needs a to be a real thing today without question

@gfdia35 - 29.01.2025 08:31

And dude homage is a silent H🤦‍♂️

@perfectionbox - 06.02.2025 17:08

A prequel would be cool, seeing Halliday build the Oasis. But otoh, the Oasis' computational and bandwidth demands are totally unrealistic.

@igk1099 - 07.02.2025 08:33

1. the problem is, why did that guy wanted everybody to know what he knew? theres a subtext and meaning there that was not used
2. is going to be fun for people in the future to see this movie not knowing most or all references

@iankclark - 14.02.2025 23:06

Here's a review that has to bury the lead: that Spielberg et al are actually equal to IOI. Why? Because the audience is a bunch of emasculated males who just want to be force-fed popcorn, preferably for the rest of their lives.

@inVINSONable1 - 16.02.2025 15:02

This is SUUUUUUCCCCHHHHH a stretch bro. Remember that everything you are claiming is inside the OASIS AKA "Where anything goes" . You forget that and sound very ultra complasive liberal goon looking hard for something to be offended by.

@Nat_20_boblin - 22.02.2025 12:12

I loved this movie!!!

@Kryoic - 24.02.2025 03:47

I think based on how you can look at current VR platforms like VRchat, this movie is way more realistic than you give it credit for.

@LoreanGlaymore - 04.03.2025 02:02

I love the film. As a MMO Player, Nerd and so on...i am loving it. And the film didnt dissapear, it was a success, thats why we get an 2nd movie. Its allready in the making.
