SHELTERED 2 - Post Apocalyptic Tactical Survival RPG

SHELTERED 2 - Post Apocalyptic Tactical Survival RPG


3 года назад

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@YoloHoboGaming - 22.09.2021 06:10

You start with so many campbells soup!

@iainansell5930 - 22.09.2021 06:15

cut your broccoli up, put it on an oven tray, drizzle some sesame oil on it, and bake it until its starts going crispy...much better than boiled broccoli lol

@Reksal - 22.09.2021 08:44

ya man, what's up with the green beans that squeaks?!

@TheTardisDreamer - 22.09.2021 09:08

No wonder you hate broccoli. You need to steam it, my dude! Boiled broccoli sounds horrific. It isn't supposed to be really mushy! If it's on its own you can put a little cheese on top. If you have some broccolini it's perfect for stir frys. Or you can cook it in a bit of butter/ garlic/ onion. And that's a bit fancier.

@amonkira993 - 22.09.2021 09:23

+ 10 days without rain in my game... too many bugs ftm.

@Miss_Distress - 22.09.2021 09:36

I LOVED Sheltered. Can’t wait to play this!

@badgercdlyons - 22.09.2021 10:20

I dunno why it sounds so OP, but having an aura where people don't have to shit so often in your presence seems like a low-key superpower to me.

@ndewingful - 22.09.2021 10:28

You gotta try Szechuan green beans my dude! Absolutely delicious

@mikerochburns4104 - 22.09.2021 10:46

Oooo, this game is tanking on Steam.

@meh.7640 - 22.09.2021 13:48

i found a great broccoli recipe: get some onion ready in the pan with olive oil, put your broccoli in there, pre-boiled is a good option, bit of salt, load of crème fraiche and a load of cheese. voila!

@MrGeyt2006 - 22.09.2021 18:32

Splat Imma keep sayin it 'cause I think you'll really like it. you should play "Survivalist: invisible strain". if there's a way I can buy it for you let me know but it's got a lot of the same mechanics as this, it's a colony and relationship management simulator amidst the zombie apocalypse. it's a solo developer with an awesome community.

@hammincheese1310 - 22.09.2021 18:41

"That was a lot of Bs for one sentence"... spit up my coffee on that one. :-)

@Cydonius1 - 22.09.2021 19:28

looks great, though steam reviews are a bit on the negative side .. maybe i'll wait for a couple of hotfixes and patches before getting it

@PigeonSlayer - 22.09.2021 20:20

lol, fart fartlords

@martinaasandersen3775 - 22.09.2021 21:02

If there's no radiation why do they live underground still.

@mbielcik - 22.09.2021 21:12


@021liman - 23.09.2021 00:55

so basicly this is same game with a little better graphics ?

@smokeage - 23.09.2021 03:09

I bought this game because it reminded me of Fallout: Shelter in all the right ways but it is basically unplayable. I do not recommend buying and im actually requesting a refund because there's no way that I can possibly complete a playthrough without getting arbitrarily fucked by the AI.

1. You cannot stop people who break into your house to rob you. They use a cutting torch to cut through your door, thus locking your people on whatever side of the door they get stuck on, then when they finally get through your people don't do anything about it. I had all three of my people in the same room as the thief while he rummaged through my storage and could do nothing to stop him.

2. When you stumble across an NPC faction in the wild you have to pass a roll or you start a war with them for no reason because it literally forces you to attack them. I feel like your people watched a knock off version of Idle Hands and just randomly slap people for no reason. I cannot stress enough how shitty it is to be forced to start a war within 5min of starting the game.

@drdre9306 - 23.09.2021 03:30

Got this game after your video, and I absolutely love it. Thank you for the great video!!

@Senior666 - 23.09.2021 04:17

I like mini tree's 🥦, makes me feel like a giant.

@matthinves4615 - 23.09.2021 07:07

HEY SPLAT! ive been with you since probably around 50k, but haven’t checked in in a while. just wanted to say i appreciate you, and keep up the good work. Long live the nerdcastle!!!

@Chloe_557 - 23.09.2021 11:12

The first one is free on epic for the next few hours, at least, I tried it but was kind of over it when I had the kid put on a hazmat suit 3 times bc he kept taking it off only to have him die going up to the surface (I thought maybe he'd don it on his own since he was adamant about not just wearing it).. no clue what I did wrong, and everything was just a tad too overly micromanagey.. but the foundation was really solid looking, gonna have to check out the sequal, if that issue's not as bad :o

@erdincylmaz7180 - 23.09.2021 17:15

Anıther shitty indie game.

@Aaron_Scissorhands - 23.09.2021 22:34

Is sheltered 2 on Android?

@wisnoskij - 24.09.2021 04:32

Talks for 3 minutes about how we are going to skip over character creation to save 5 minutes
Skips character creation
Spends 3 minutes explaining the characters perks.

@MrMaskYT - 24.09.2021 10:58

is it worth it to buy?

@prawojazdy858 - 25.09.2021 00:03

lol okama gamesphere, been a while since i played some thirst for blood

@NooneWillKnowExeptMe - 25.09.2021 21:15

Be careful if you want to buy this game. It is horribly buggy and literally unplayable for now. It's a great game but it needs a few months of patches!

@poil - 26.09.2021 00:31

How to get leather rabbit dont give how to get

@vulcan2519 - 26.09.2021 05:50

They totally went for the "This War Of Mine" kind of ambient music, both games even look very smiliar, only This War Of Mine combat is real time.

@rincondelchavo - 26.09.2021 18:10

Great gameplay, please play Underground Life when it comes out in December on Steam is also a post apocalyptic game of shelters and survival.

@sword3197 - 27.09.2021 00:58

Love this game so far, years ago you got me into the original as well :)

@rpscorp9457 - 27.09.2021 02:20

Not really an RPG

@jaradax2454 - 27.09.2021 16:40

Green beans don't squeak, you need to actually cook them properly. Apparently Americans tend to not undercook them which I wouldn't like much either.

@Outlawthis - 28.09.2021 05:12

i feel like this game was made by a lefty

@sleepyoldtiger372 - 29.09.2021 01:49

Was hoping Splattercat would play this one!! I liked his play through of the first Sheltered.

@serkan978 - 30.09.2021 02:00

Damn didnt knoe there was gonna be a 2cnd game looks very very different

@aaronnewman5549 - 01.10.2021 01:14

Those are canned green beans. Actual (fresh) green beans are edible and delicious!

@mainbreaker1246 - 02.10.2021 05:51

I love how this game almost has fallouts SPECIAL stats but with a few changes, it’s a nice inspiration

@vitsavicky - 02.10.2021 12:14

Am I the only one who prays for a similar game but in a fantasy setting? It would be a perfect fit. You build your base and send scouting parties to bring back resources to further improve your base and get access to better equipment to venture even further into the wilderness. The perfect game.

@Chibeagle - 20.10.2021 07:13

This is Fallout Shelter, lul

@M4ssive-4ttack - 22.10.2021 21:37

Im very disapointed with this sheltered 2 in some ways that sheltered 1 was better.. 1st and specially the way the charcter spend so fast the resources like water and food, they need be eating 24/7 its incredibly bad, to mark one expedition I almost need wait 1-2 days to make sure my charcters are not tired or have food or water on green. very very bad, 2nd and very critical the Bugs of this game.. first time I found a bug was in combat, my charcter had a pistol on hands, bullets on bag and couldnt shoot the weapon didnt even had the option to shoot the weapon that had on hands. the second bug I found I got one recruit on my bunker that got stuck forever in one part of the bunker and he died cause I cant control anymore and hes body is still moving in the same place stuck on the bunker. perhaps the game is new but its not a beta version and it looks very bad optimized its my opinion.

@manofaction1807 - 26.10.2021 05:18

Unleash the Rick-tatorship!!!

@manofaction1807 - 26.10.2021 05:18


@tonycallme3667 - 17.03.2022 18:24

honestly, i sorta enjoy previous artstyle more than this 3D one...
It felt unique for me.

@ToxicDouble - 29.12.2022 20:24

I’m sorry nobody has made good broccoli or green beans for you yet, such good food

@ImpeccablePony - 24.04.2024 23:04

Hey Splat. I remember not picking up Sheltered 1 because it didn't have a smart pause. I see the PAUSE button here but does the game allow you to do things while paused?

@Thedevilhealer - 19.06.2024 01:49

There is no episode 2?
