Classic Fresh LAUNCH!? Overhyped or Ready to Pump? | WoW Classic

Classic Fresh LAUNCH!? Overhyped or Ready to Pump? | WoW Classic


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@XBezerkerX - 22.11.2024 11:11

I dont know a single person from my huge guild in cata or retail who is even remotely interested in this relaunch. I'm both suprised and not suprised at Blizzards lack of creativity once again. It'll be empty servers within weeks.

@Lorn058 - 22.11.2024 08:00

Bro people want to play TBC and this is the best option they gave us

@FriendlieGhost - 22.11.2024 07:48

Used your code for my guide 😎

@adamnay7730 - 22.11.2024 07:38

Have no desire to play vanilla again. I don't get people's fascination.

@adamparker1504 - 22.11.2024 06:47

Playing Horde with my alliance retail guild in Classic. Weve never played Horde in Classic before. We cba doing elwynn and Westfall again.

@AlternateKek - 22.11.2024 06:22

Im super bummed they are rushing the phases

@bogdanhristea4346 - 22.11.2024 02:30

Overhyped trash

@tokopaaisen2927 - 22.11.2024 02:21

Playing turtle wow now😂

@naughtiusmaximus1231 - 22.11.2024 02:08

Dual-spec at 1000g in Vanilla? I won't have 1000g to spare til BC drops, if then.

@lawless7859 - 22.11.2024 02:07

We really going to play this again? I just can;t..

@BlindGuardian050 - 22.11.2024 01:38

Clearly overhyped

@dumplingshakes22 - 22.11.2024 01:22

I’m happy it’s a thing but I can’t do it again haha. Cata has killed off a ton of the population including my guild and I’m just screwing around till my sub runs out.

@jgdrumer - 22.11.2024 00:56

Buzz kill ah video

@ronaldfutcher7239 - 22.11.2024 00:49

My main dislike is how retail has gotten so many activities and specials for teh 30th anniversary and it comes to classic and they expect us to be excited because they toss us 4 fressh classic servers with some changes they tried to force into other servers.

@NickPlays95 - 21.11.2024 23:32

Leveling every class to prepare for tbc. Do not care about vanilla at all

@gwallace5403 - 21.11.2024 23:19

I hope people enjoy this, because I for one refuse to partake. It's already bad enough with how few people are in cata classic and now even more traitors are jumping ship.

@markshepherd4791 - 21.11.2024 23:04

wish the group finder was a proper dungeon finder

@patrickmurray3846 - 21.11.2024 22:59

bliz is not going to be able to control wether or not people do gdkp's, or even know who is doing them, unless people use "public wow chat channels".

@TexasLotteryPlayer - 21.11.2024 22:57

If you happen to level a paladin I feel for you , couldn’t handle 10 minutes of how slow it is, Let’s be real 60 & of people are rolling warriors

@derekburt3880 - 21.11.2024 22:45

Now my kids will get to see me how my parents once saw me.

@cyanophage4351 - 21.11.2024 22:44

Yup. Totally agree with you. Mostly I'm excited for lots of death clips in hardcore

@ahetzel9054 - 21.11.2024 22:44

Yea I've moved onto turtle wows quality V+ server

@mason894 - 21.11.2024 22:33

Quit cata a few weeks ago and considered quitting wow entirely. Welp blizzard got me hooked again with another classic -> tbc cycle. Big pass on mop aswell. Didn't like that expansion back then so it won't change now either.

@hvdiv17 - 21.11.2024 22:33

over hyped but hyped for tbc fresh the only reason im playing 1 year is pretty short for vanilla wow.

@jaxzor - 21.11.2024 22:32

will Classic Fresh have a new launcher? or how will the realms work?

@vonarkesh2361 - 21.11.2024 22:23

I'm hyped for fresh HC!

@jasperbio8915 - 21.11.2024 22:23

Honestly I think the new severs will die down fairly quickly, seriously think about it SOM was dead and SOD has been for the last couple phases and both had way more content than classic. I think people forget how kinda miserable classic can be and how if your not into pvp how little there is to do at 60

@gamingedition5165 - 21.11.2024 22:15

I mean i did tbc and upto phase two wotlk they should have left tbc era and wotlk era servers. Cannot be fucked grinding everything again currently enjoying cata as much as i can while waiting on mop.

@frannkyjf4017 - 21.11.2024 22:10

I’m excited to play. Just want to relax and chill. I don’t care if it’s the classic classic classic classic etc. all the others classics had tons of weird things or they were temporary. This has reasonable changes.

@Shiirow - 21.11.2024 22:08

Ill play this for about a month then once the fresh mop server Im waiting on drops, Im going over there to play that. Maybe ill come back to do TBC, maybe not. Though will probably come back for MoP classic, unless the playerbase becomes a warm fart again. Honestly, the one thing that keeps me from playing on blizz servers is the community. They are experts at being posteriorhelmets and making people want to leave.

@MikeyJ232 - 21.11.2024 21:51

Wake me up when MoP launches. I’d rather take a nap that play boring * Classic

@jallop7918 - 21.11.2024 21:45

I love the small changes and the lack of GDKP. However, I have zero interest in raiding. Between the crap class balancing (PvE), world buffs, getting 40 people online, etc. Just plan to slowly grind to 60 on a few, BG a bit, and wait for TBC.

As for Rested XP...really? People actually need a leveling guide for Classic? LOL

@vitorfernnandes - 21.11.2024 21:36


@narthvader6298 - 21.11.2024 21:24

I’m a retail player now, it’s by far the best version of the game. That being said, ofc I’m playing fresh vanilla. I know fresh vanilla is amazing and if I wanna play a version of classic, I’m going to play vanilla over fucking classic MoP (lawl) or SoD (bigger lawl)

@nolmil1 - 21.11.2024 21:23

We will see you on classic servers soon

@stephenmccollum1218 - 21.11.2024 21:22

I will level a character more in preparation for TBC. Continue doing PVP on Cata when I need a break.

@trashew - 21.11.2024 21:20

Fresh = always play

@conormaher2283 - 21.11.2024 21:19

Your point on actually being glad that theres so many options out there for all types of players is spot on - the more wow people play, the more wow we get

@t-money8572 - 21.11.2024 21:19

Classic is bound to die. It's just plain boring. Stevie Wonder could parse in MC. It'll be fun to level and get prebis and rank in pvp but there's no way that 3 months of BWL will keep the player count high.

@AegeanGaming - 21.11.2024 21:16

Totally agree with you on this one. Unless everyone I play with goes fresh, then meh 😂

@apj8474 - 21.11.2024 21:04

Waiting for the lvl 58 boost before tbc 😅

@cdude665 - 21.11.2024 21:04

Lol imagine choosing cata over classic fresh.

@seanpaterson6592 - 21.11.2024 20:58

Rested xp is only quick when everyone isn't using it, at launch your better off going off the beaten path because there is so many people following the exact same path

@Sjitlowd - 21.11.2024 20:55

played classic, som, hardcore, sod,... why not tbc or wotlk something...

@mellowsohype - 21.11.2024 20:54

Rather play vanilla for the 8th time than anything else blizzard is releasing

@stickyone11 - 21.11.2024 20:53

I legit just dont have time to even care about classic 1-60 anymore, the lady mad I raid once a week on cata classic more are the days of being a grown man gaming for 16hrs a day for me....grew up whether I wanted to or not lol.

@meta1152 - 21.11.2024 20:47

Gonna slowly level for the year just waiting on TBC.

@yonkonomi5706 - 21.11.2024 20:46

Probably going to level a horde warlock JUST so I can he a shadowbolt turret one button specifically in TBC. YES I FIND IT FUN. Hell in Wotlk I preferred assassination rogues over combat foe the same reason lol
